一 新闻来源(Source of News)
西方的报刊惯于以“客观、公正”标榜自己,如路透社的办报格言就是“以维护新闻报道的独立性和正直性为己任”(to safeguard the independence and integrity of the news rvice)。因而英文新闻报道,无论是记者采写的稿子还是电讯稿,习惯上都标明信息的出处,对有关的新闻事实、言论、意见交代来历,以示报道的真实性、客观性和可信性,说明记者没有掺进个人主观的态度。其交代手法有两种。
LONDON(Reuters) 地磁场President Bush said on Tuesday he would not back down(屈服,让步)over his plans for a national missile defen system or his opposition to the Kyoto Global Warming Pact(防止全球变暖京都议定书).例如:
WASHINGTON(CNN) Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Massachutts, on Monday launched a withering election-year attack on President Bush’s domestic agenda and again blasted him over his handling of Iraq. “Iraq is George Bush’s Vietnam,”Kennedy declared in a speech at the Brookings Institution, a think tank.
HONG KONG(AP) Beijing refud permission for a U. S. warship to make a routine port call in Hong Kong-turning down the first such American request since the spy plane crisis last month, a U. S. official said Tuesday.
In a study commissioned y the White Hou, the National Academy of Sciences said Wednesday that global warming“is real and particularly strong within the past 20 years” and said a leading cau is emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels.
SHANGHAI(Reuters) The United States and China on Saturday said they had reached connsus on issues holding up Beijing’s entry to the World Trade Organization and would work toward bringing China into the global trade body by year-end.
GENEVA(AP) The Earth’s temperature in the year 2001 is expected to be the cond highest since global records began 140 years ago, the U.N. weather agency said Tuesday, more proof of global warming caud by humans.
鼻子结构By DANIEL Q. HANEY, AP Medical Editor ORLANDO, Fla. Getting plenty of vitamin E by eating foods like nuts and olive oil appears to cut in half people’s risk of bladder cancer, the fourth leading cancer killer among men, 佛理a new study suggests.
WASHINGTON(CNN) The final report from the 9\11 commissions will recommend creating a Cabinet-level post to overe intelligence responsibilities that are spread across the government, according to a source familiar with the document.
An unidentified source 不愿透露姓名的人士
Authoritative source 权威人士
A风景图片nalysts 分析家
D初一上册数学知识点iplomatic sources 外交人士
Sources clo to…接近……方面的人士
梦庄周Military experts 军事专家
Defen analysts防务分析家
Financial quarters 金融界
Industrial quarters 工业界
Military sources 军方人士
Diplomatic obrvers 外交观察家
Official sources 官方人士
Reliable sources 消息可靠人士
Well-informed sources 消息灵通人士
The sources clo to the authorities said…接近官方人士说
According to unconfirmed reports…根据未证实的报道
Foreign radios announced… 据外电报道
Foreign wire rvices were quoted as saying 缓引外国通讯社的消息说
According to commercial quarters 据商业界
According to the data made available here据此间获得的资料
According to witness 据目击者
A military spokesman said…军事发言人说
Rearchers reported…调查报道
According to the official… 据官方
Spokesman / spokesperson for …发言人
BAGHDAD, Iraq(CNN) A U.S. soldier has died of wounds he suffered in fighting in Baghdad late Thursday, a U.S. military spokesman said.
WASHINGTON(Reuters) Most people would trade a few months of life if it meant a more comfortable death, U.S. rearchers reported.