拼音hào hàn 注音ㄏㄠˋ ㄏㄢˋ
◎ 浩瀚 hàohàn
(1) [very great]∶水势广阔的样子
(2) [vast]∶广阔的
(3) ;大量的
同“ 浩汗 ”。1.水盛大貌。 清 叶名澧 《桥西杂记·湖广省分闱乡试》:“ 湖南 士子赴 湖北 乡试,必经由 洞庭湖 。湖水浩瀚无涯,波涛不测。” 周恩来 《别李愚如并示述弟》诗:“出guo去,走 东海 、 南海 、 红海 、 地中海 ,一处处的浪卷涛涌,奔腾浩瀚,送你到那自由故土的 法兰西 海岸。” 峻青 《秋色赋·火光》:“无边无垠的大海,它是那样的辽阔浩瀚,雄伟庄严。”
2. 形容广阔繁多;广博。 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·事类》:“经典沉深,载籍浩瀚。” 宋 范仲淹 《答手诏条陈十事》:“至假设在京百司,金穀浩瀚,权势子弟,长为占据。” 明 胡应麟 《诗薮·元》:“ 宋 人调甚驳,而材具纵横,浩瀚过於 元 。” 林伯渠 《答横槊将军》诗:“浩瀚襟怀 扬子水 ,光芒旗帜 井冈山 。”
1. Vast:很难想象这就是天空,因为浩瀚(vast)而复杂,因为部分而简单,因为晴朗而不可信,因为单纯而疑问,但这是真实的天空;很难想象一线划分了东西南北,天空如此均匀(equal)的直线不可思议,时间、速度、滞留、凝结,一切都可以复杂化, 初秋唐孟浩然
2. expansion n:解析:evolve | expansion n.扩展,开展,膨胀,开阔,浩瀚 | 解析:expand
3. voluminousness:voluminously 庞大地 | voluminousness 浩瀚 | voluntarily 自动地
4. Grand Large:125.Legend Of Ture Love真爱传奇 | 126.Grand Large浩瀚 | 127.Raindrops On Your Face 小雨落在你脸上
1. 用William Blake的话说,它让我们丈浩瀚宇宙,知茫茫乾坤。
It allowed people, in William Blake's phra, to hold infinity in the palm of a hand, and eternity in an hour. 蜂蜜蛋糕
2. 几十年过去了,我没有流进浩瀚无垠的大海。
Several dozens years have pasd by, I have not flowed in the vast boundless a.
3. 她是我在浩瀚都高中的同年级同学。
The class of'97; she was in my year at Hoehandle High. 香港旅游景点
4. 我心中的伤痕也慢慢抚平,你把你浩瀚无际展示给了我,你无尽的微笑在闪耀。你像一个冲破黑暗的礼物,又像一支鸽子栖息在我的心房,你内心的感受和无形的引导给我指明了生存的方向,夜色迷离,夜色迷离,那是你吗?你在日复一日的生活中伴着我,和我一起穿越了无数痛苦和快乐的时光
John- A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes The folds that lay over me no longer lie Your infinity is revealed to me It shines in your infinite smile It was like a gift floating down through the dark A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart A feeling inside, an invisible guide Had shown me a way to survive Indescribable night Indescribable night Indescribable night Is it you? 解除协议范本
5. 在他的卷帙浩瀚的著作中,要选出真正有代表性的片段相当困难。
It is difficult to lect from his voluminous works short passages that are really reprentative.
6. 让我们记住这一点吧,对许多人来说,一部卷帙浩瀚的百科全书是不可能实现的梦想,不是因为,或者不仅仅是因为买这些书的开销,还有装它们的书架占去的墙壁空间。
Let us remember that for a lot of people a multivolume encyclopaedia is an impossible dream, not, or not only, becau of the cost of the volumes, but becau of the cost of the wall where the volumes are shelved.
7. 瓦努阿图人民是非常特殊的。2000多年前,在游历过浩瀚的太平洋后,瓦努阿图人民在这片土地上定居下来。
The people of Vanuatu are very special.
8. 一文中的组图有与曲同工之妙,面目浩瀚的宇宙,类似太阳的恒星在银河系中有1300亿颗,类似银河系的星系在宇宙中有500亿个,太阳也不过是宇宙中的一粒尘埃,人又算得了什么呢?
Facing such a extensive cosmos, the sun is just a dust in the cosmos, becau stellars like the sun have 130, 000, 000, 000 in Milky Way Galaxy and galaxy like Milky Way has 50, 000, 000, 000, and so what about us humans?
9. 假设从市区远眺,远远便可望见这对情人以其迷人的仙姿,满面笑容地欢送四方来客,
If looks out into the distance from the urban district, then may e this by far to the sweetheart by its enchanting celestial or angelic appearance, all smiles wele four side guests, but if in immortal deer likely place, but the bird's eye view vast a, looks out into the distance the fluctuation mountain range, the Sanya panoram gets a panoramic view.
10. 它使你像一条平静的小溪,缓缓蜿蜒,绿树荫翳,流过青翠的草原,直到最后注入浩瀚的汪洋;但是大海是如此静寂,如此的无声,如此的与世无争,你突然会被一种难以名状的不安所困扰。
It remains you of a placid rivulet, meandering smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees, till at last it falls into the vasty a; but the a is so calm, so silent, so indifferent, that you are troubled suddenly by a vague uneasiness.
11. 在很久之前,在最近所收集的记录中,有一个播种在地球上的、带有大头颅及浩瀚灵性知识的大师族类。
Long ago and in recent records gathered, there was a race of Grand Masters eded upon earth with large craniums and vast spiritual knowledge.
12. 抬起头来,我泪眼朦胧地看到了浩瀚的银河。
I said my evening prayers at its conclusion, and then cho my couch.