霸王龙的故事1.Get in the habit of using pre-departure check lists– All pilots should u a simple checklist to ensure that they and their helicopters are ready to operate properly. The checklist should include complete weather and fuel information, details about the helicopter equipment, helicopter performance and the task at hand, and a list of required documents for the operation.
2.U the IMSAFE checklist to ensure you are fit to fly – Ask yourlf about any illness (however slight), medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue, hydration and recent diet.
唱字组词使⽤IMSAFE检查单,确保⾃⾝适合飞⾏ - 了解⾃我⾝体状况(不管多轻微)有⽆任何不适,服⽤药物,精神紧张,饮酒,疲劳,脱⽔和饮⾷不正常。
给爱人的新年祝福语3.Conduct a personal risk analysis before each flight – Before each mission, every pilot should ask: “Does the propod task prent safety risks? What is the probability of a mishap? Are the risks worth t
aking?” Sometimes the wist choice is to just turn around or land, even in a field or an open parking lot. (Land and Live!) Being asked questions by federal authorities such as the FAA or NTSB is better than having family members answers tho questions on your behalf.
每次飞⾏前进⾏个⼈风险分析评估 - 每次任务前,每个飞⾏员应该询问:“飞⾏任务是否存在安全风险?事故的概率是多少?是否值得冒此风险? “有时候,最明智的选择就是返航或者着陆,即使是在机场或者露天停车场。(着陆并且活着!),此类问题由联邦局⽐如FAA或者NTSB持续发问,不要等到意外发⽣由家庭成员替你回答。
4.Don’t take risks in questionable weather – Attention pilots: Avoid flying into fog or stormy weather. Of cour, this is common n that every pilot knows. However, every year, federal investigators deal with scores of helicopter accidents (often fatal) caud by pilots who took risks in bad weather. Pressing onward into a storm is never a good idea.
不要在天⽓条件不好的情形下冒险飞⾏ - 飞⾏员应该注意:避免飞⼊雾或暴风⾬等天⽓⾥,这对于飞⾏员⽽⾔已算是常识,然⽽,每年联邦调查员都会受理很多起因为飞⾏员冒险进⼊恶劣天⽓⽽导致的事故(通常后果很严重)。进⼊暴风⾬永远都不是⼀个好主意。
5.Don’t fly lower than 1,000 feet above ground level – To avoid wires, trees and other obstacles, fly n
o lower than
1,000 feet above ground level (AGL) whenever possible. Even the most experienced helicopter pilots need to be vigilant about this risk and limit their exposure to it.
飞⾏⾼度不能低于1000英尺 - 避免电线,树⽊以及其他障碍物,尽可能保证飞⾏离地⾼度(真⾼)不低于1000英尺。即使是最有经验的直升机飞⾏员也需要警惕这种风险,对此做必要的限制。
6.If your mission includes flying low, operate with wire strike protection systems – Some helicopter pilots (such as aerial applicators) must fly low as part of their operation. In the cas, the aircraft should be equipped with a wire strike protection system to prevent emergency situations from occurring.
如果有低空飞⾏任务,需使⽤电线防刮系统 - 其中⼀些直升机飞⾏员( 例如航拍器)必须要完成低空飞⾏,这属于其⼯作的⼀部分。在这些情况下,航空器应配备电线防刮系统,防⽌紧急情况的发⽣。
7.At all cost, avoid complacency - Dust off your emergency procedures manual and read it again. Follow the rotorcraft flight manual’s normal procedures. File a flight plan. Conduct a thorough preflight briefing among all flight participants. Follow standard operating procedures and your personal minimums.
清新小美女⽆论如何,杜绝⾃骄⾃傲 - 反复阅读紧急程序⼿册。按照旋翼机飞⾏⼿册正常程序操作。将飞⾏计划⼊档。向所有飞⾏旅客进⾏飞⾏前简令。按照标准操作程序和个⼈最低标准进⾏操作。