——改编自The Guardian view on teacher shortages: signs of a profession in crisis
In the past decade, public ctor employees in education have been expected to "do more with less." This has led to stagnant wages and increasing workloads, compounded by the punitive Ofsted inspection process. The result is a potential deprofessionalisation of the education ctor that will negatively impact learning. This crisis has been years in the making as a result of austerity, fewer support staff, and below-inflation pay ris. Overall, teacher earnings have fallen by 13% since 2010, with the growing gap between teacher pay and other graduate professions putting particular pressure on condary schools struggling to recruit maths and science graduates.
To make the teaching profession more attractive, the obvious solution is to rai pay. While the government has targeted incentives towards early-career teachers, experienced teachers are still being offered only a meager 3% increa to be taken out of existing school budgets. A bad Ofsted inspection can further exacerbate the problem by making it e
ven harder for schools to recruit, leading to high teacher turnover and making it tougher for school leaders to maintain and improve standards. Disadvantaged schools suffer the most, leaving remaining teachers to take on class outside their specialism. Teachers live in fear of a bad Ofsted inspection, and replacing the current rating system with a range of indicators could provide parents with information without penalising schools.
Burnout is widespread across the ctor, and unless salaries are improved, schools will continue to struggle. Ministers should listen to teachers' warnings about the problems caud by Ofsted inspections and take steps to address them.
1. public ctor 公共领域
2. education 教育
3. do more with less 尽量用更少的资源做更多事情
4. stagnant 停滞不前的
钻石珠宝5. workload 工作量
6. punitive 惩罚性的
7. Ofsted 英国政府教育部门下属的学校和儿童机构质量检查机构
8. inspection 检查
9. deprofessionalisation 职业化程度降低
10. potential 潜在的
11. impact 影响锁骨放硬币
12. crisis 危机
13. austerity 紧缩政策
14. support staff 支持员工
15. pay ris 加薪
16. graduate professions 研究生职业
17. condary schools 中等教育
18. maths 数学远高
19. science 科学
20. attractive 有吸引力的
21. incentives 激励措施
组织机构框图22. early-career 初期职业生涯
23. experienced 经验丰富的
24. meager 微薄的
25. school budgets 学校预算
26. recruitment 招聘
27. turnover 流失率
28. maintain 维持
29. standards 标准
30. disadvantaged 弱势群体
人胞31. specialism 特长
32. fear 害怕
33. rating system 评级系统
34. indicators 指标
35. provide 提供
36. information 信息北京的城市职能
37. penalising 处罚
38. widespread 广泛的
39. address 应对
40. warnings 警告
41. caud 引起
42. steps 措施
43. potential impact 潜在影响
44. rising tide 增长趋势
45. mental health 心理健康
46. social issues 社会问题
47. negative 消极的
48. earnings 收入
49. below-inflation 低于通货膨胀
50. pressure 压力
1. What is the main cau of stagnant wages and workloads for public ctor employees in education?
A. Insufficient support staff.
B. Declining enrollment in schools.
C. Punitive inspections by Ofsted.
D. Below-inflation pay ris.
Answer: D
2. What problem do condary schools face in recruiting math and science graduates?
A. A lack of government incentives.
B. A dwindling population of potential teachers.
C. Limited budgets for teacher salaries.
D. A growing pay gap between teaching and other professions.
Answer: D
3. What solution does the author suggest to make teaching a more attractive profession?
A. Increa experienced teacher salaries.
什么叫革命B. Replace the Ofsted rating system.
C. Hire more support staff.
D. Provide incentives only for early-career teachers.
Answer: A
4. How can a bad Ofsted inspection affect a school?
A. It leads to job cuts for teachers.
B. It caus an increa in enrollment.
C. It makes it harder to recruit new teachers.
D. It leads to an increa in funding from the government.
Answer: C