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論文名稱: 莊子〈消遙遊〉篇中的寓言本旨和現代意義治便秘什么药最好
指導教授姓名: 楊祖漢 `
系所 : 中國文學 所 博士班 碩士班
乾隆母亲日期:民國 96 年 7 月 20 日
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Disrtation Digest
12月21日什么星座<<Zhuang-Zi>> is a book of deep literature. Whoever reads this book will be attracted by its vivid content. <<Zhuang-Zi>> is a book of profound conception, abundant literature portray and whim. In this book, the writer described object what the writer wants to express by using lots of fables. The way that the writer us fables integrates profound and abstru philosophies with lively image and analogy so that the abstract logics and philosophies and concrete images and analogy can be combined. The <<Fables>> in the Miscellaneous Chapters mentioned that among the theories of <<Zhong-Zi>>, fables compri 9 out of 10. Understanding the esnce of <<Zhuang-Zi>> shall start from analyzing the fables in the <<Zhuang-Zi>>. <Realizing the meaning of Zhuan-Zi’s free and easy wandering by reading the fables of a legendary and a roc>, <Two citations of Hui-Zi and Zhuang-Zi and the meaning of uless ufulness of Zhuang-Zi> and <The fable of Jian-Wu requested Lian-Shu and Solstice Person, Deity Person, Sacred Person and Reality Person> are three important questions which are depicted in three chapters of this disrtation containing thoroug
h and meaningful discussion. The aim is to express the object of <Free and Easy Wandering> so that the frame of Zhuang-Zi’s life meaning can be addresd. The reasons for analyzing tho topics are that the Inner Chapters of <<Zhuang-Zi>> is recognized to own the most of Zhuang-Zi’s philosophies and spirits. <Free and Easy Wandering is the first chapter among the Inner Chapters which can attract the readers’ attention the most. Becau Zhuang-Zi’s philosophies are both nsation and nsible with a concrete entity surpassing intrinsic, whoever attempts to realize Zhuang-Zi’s philosophies shall achieve the goal by not only using the method of recognizance. Zhuang-Zi assumes that the in the society in which he lived in, the political was chaotic, and people were greedy. Becau his philosophies and spirits could be hardly accepted by the public, he thus ud “citation”, “criticism” and “fable” as the methods for expressing his philosophies and spirits. “Tao (or cult)” is thus expresd vividly, instead of using direct description to express his own views. That is reason the book of Zhuang-Zi is so unique and difficult to be grasped its book esnce. Realizing the esnces of this book can be done by using full attention to understand the fables in this book. The wisdom of this book can be then discovered and some philosophies can be then realized to give modern people some inspiration and to provide methods for thinking and getting freedom to reach the highest state of the human life—free and easy wandering!
Keywords: Zhuang-Zi, Free and Easy Wandering, Fable, Argument concerning big and small, Uless ufulness, Solstice Person, Deity Person, Sacred Person and Reality Person.