一、办理《外国人就业许可证书》程序流程图 广州市劳动和社会保障局
(网页:/ 所需表格和其他程序可到网页浏览和下载)
1. 领取表格或自行上网下载业务表格和浏览程序
备注:申请单位凭签发的《外国人就业许可证书》申办通知电函,获准来中国就业的外国人,应凭劳动保障部门签发的就业许可证书、 被授权单位的通知函电及本国有效护照或能代替护照的证件,到中国驻外使、领馆、处申请职业签证,用人单位应在被聘用的外国人入境后十五日内,持许可证书、与被聘用的外国人签订的劳动合同及其有效护照或能代替护照的证件等其他所需资料到原发证机关为外国人办理就业证社保卡图片。(详见《外国人在中国就业管理规定》)
Flow Chart For Applying Alien Employment Licen Guangzhou Labor & Social Security
(Internet:/ download the forms and other information from our leaflets hereinbefore)
4. apply for the letter or telex of visa notification
1. Register and take forms or download the forms and other information from our leaflets hereinbefore
Submit and apply for Alien Employment Licen
Remarks:The employer,朋克音乐bringing with the Employment Licen issued by the Ministry
of Labor and Social Security, should apply for the letter or telex of visa notification issued by the authorized unit,Foreigner with permission to work in China should apply for Employment Visas at the Chine embassies, consulates and visa offices, bringing with them the Employment Licen issued by the Ministry of Labor, the letter or telex of visa notification nt by the authorized unit and the valid passport or Travel Document. The employer should, within fifteen days after the entry of the employed foreigner, take to the original Certificate Office the Employment Licen, the labour contract with the said foreigner and his passport or Travel Document and other document as required to receive his Employment Permit while filling out the Foreigner Employment Registration Form,
2. Submit
and apply for approval
二、办理《外国人就业证》程序流程图 广州市劳动和社会保障局
(网页:/ 所需表格和其他程序可到网页浏览和下载)
Flow Chart For Applying Alien Employment Permit 李国喜Guangzhou Labor & Social Security Bureau
(Internet:/ 礼仪的作用download the forms and other information from our leafl
ets hereinbefore)
Remarks:The employer,bringing with the Employment Licen issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, should apply for the letter or telex of visa notification issued by the authorized unit,Foreigner with permission to work in China should apply for Employment Visas at the Chine embassies, consulates and visa offices, bringing with them the Employment Licen issued by the Ministry of Labor, the letter or telex of visa notification nt by the authorized unit and the valid passport or Travel Document. The employer should, within fifteen days after the entry of the employed foreigner, take to the original Certificate Office the Employment Licen, the labour contract with the said foreigner and his passport or Travel Document and other document as required to receive his Employment Permit while filling out the Foreigner Employment Registration Form,Foreigners who received their Employment Permit should, within thirty days after their entry, apply for the residence certificate with the public curity organs bringing with them their Employment Permit and other document as required.
4. Applying for residence permit
1、Register and take form or download the forms and other information from our leaflets hereinbefore
(after the entry of the employed foreigner with Employment Visas)
3.Submit and apply for Alien Employment Permit