The 2nd Kent Ridge International Roundtable Conference on Chine Linguistics
Christine LAMARRE (柯理思)The University of Tokyo, Language & Information Sciences
现代汉语里表示 HABITUAL 一类认识情态的范畴化
本文拟讨论“会”、“要”、“爱”三个形式的一个相似的功能,即表示动作是“经常发生”的 HABITUAL (惯常、习性)这一类语法意义。我们准备从几个不同的角度去探讨这个语义在汉语里的“语法化”(即“范畴化”categorization)现象。Comrie (1985 Ten p. 40)认为,HABITUAL语义位于时ten、体aspect和情态modality三种语法范畴的交界上∶情人节段子
...habitual meaning lies on the boundary of the three systems of ten, aspect and mood. In principle, we could expect habituality to be expresd by means of a ten, since it involves location of a situation across a large slice of time (perhaps across the whole of time) rather than just at some single point.
Habituality can also be aspectual, in that it refers to the internal temporal contour of a situation, in particular in that the situation must occupy a large slice of time. Habituality can also be modal, since it involves induction from limited obrvations about the actual world to a generalisation about possible worlds.[...] grammatical expression of habituality will always integrated into the aspectual or modal system of a language rather than into its ten system.
● 对表示 HABITUAL 范畴的形式有一些争论,比如Givon 1994、Palmer 2001 认为,按语言,既可以用属于现实吹拂拼音Realis情态的形式,也可以用属于非现实irrealis情态的形式来标注。Bybee等1994却主张,HABITUAL这个语义范畴正好证明所谓Realis/Irrealis作为一个语义/语法范畴是不管用的,不然世界诸语言不会表现出那么不一致的标注方式。现代汉语的这三个形式基本上属于irrealis范畴的。我们在第一节里主张,汉语的HABITUAL范畴是与Irrealis有关的。
● 这三个不同的形式怎么会有这么一个相似的义项呢?。我们为了分析这三个形式的语法化路径,在第2、3、4节里分别地考察了“会、要、爱”表示habitual时的语义特点和句法环境。
● 第5节继续讨论有关汉语HABITUAL语义范畴化的一些问题。
1) 我们认为“会、要、爱”的HABITUAL意义并不是其核心意义,是经过一定的语法化过程而产生的。由此我们要讨论的第一个问题是这些标注habitual的形式语法化后是不是表现出更强的“主观性”,即是不是表现出Traugott 1995 所提出来的“主观化”倾向?Habitual能不能看做是一种认识情态?
1 Habitual 蝴蝶手工惯常语义范畴的一些特点
1.1 Habitual 与时体ten/aspect范畴的关系
Habitual 语义范畴在某些语言里作为时体的一个次范畴,标注这个意义的形式就属于ten/aspect语法范畴的,所以有时(比如在《现代语言学词典》,商务印书馆2000里)把 HABITUAL 翻成“惯常体”。以前对这个语义范畴进行过跨语言研究的著作好像也是从这个观点出发∶Bybee 等1994讨论Habitual意义的章节是放在第5章 Progressive,imperfective, prent and related ns。Comrie 1976(Aspect)里也有较为详细的描述。
Comrie (1976:26-32) 讨论惯常HABITUAL和反复iterative的区别时强调,habitual用来标注被认为是某一时期所特有的动作/状态(a characteristic feature of an extended period of time)。Thieroff (2000)考察欧洲语言中各种时体的地理分布时只发现6个语言有语法化程度较高的HABITUAL范畴(fully grammaticalid habitual constructions: Czech, Irish, Lituanian, English, Yiddish, Upper Sorbian)。其余像意大利语,虽然有4种标记形式,但基本上没有脱离词汇手段,语法化程度很低。
Bybee 1994苦瓜凉拌则强调,惯常意义在时ten方面表现出明显的不对称性∶现在惯常体(prent habitual)很少有专用的标记,过去惯常past habitual却往往用更显性的标记。比如英语、法语用现在时 prent ten,过去的惯常体英语用 ud to + infinitive或者 would。法语虽然没有专用的形式,可是可以用imperfective未完成体的过去式(就是说表示动作的背景,或动作在过去的持续的imparfait)表示过去惯常体。不过英语、法语的惯常体另外经常用副词等词汇手段来表达,连具有显性的、专用的过去惯常体 ud to 的英语里,也可以不用它,句子仍然表示惯常意义(Bybee等1994∶157)。这一点(是可有可无的标记)也是不完整的范畴化的一个表现(虽然根据Thieroff灯笼简笔画图片大全的研究,英语算是范畴化较高的欧洲语言之一)。
1.2 惯常意义和情态 modality春节手抄报内容50字
Comrie (1985:40; 1976:28)的两种评述(Habituality can also be modal, since it involves induction from limited obrvations about the actual world to a generalisation ab
out possible worlds. // … once we have decided that something constitutes a characteristic situation, we are free to u an explicitly habitual form to describe it, but the decision that a situation is characteristic is not in itlf linguistic.)中就可以找到很合理的根据来说明为什么汉语的HABITUAL的标记是位于能愿动词(即和情态范畴有关的句法范畴)的句法位置上∶Comrie说,人之所以认为某一个动作或状态是某一个时期所特有的,则源于人们对这个时期的一种认识。这一点可以说明为什么有的语言用属于情态范畴的形式来标注这个语法意义。
Givon1994和Palmer2001详细地讨论过惯常意义和情态范畴的关系。Givon在一篇研究irrealis和subjunctive在不同语言里的句法分布的论文中强调,habitual意义在世界诸语言里表现出有趣的特点∶它有时用属于 realis 范畴的形式来标注,有时用irrealis范畴的形式来标注。他说明这个现象时说∶
The status of the habitual, a swing modal category par excellence, is murky for good reasons. From a communicative perspective, habitual-marked claus tend to be strongly asrted, i.e. pragmatically like realis. Semantically, however, they remble irrealis in so狼狐
五子棋先手必胜me fundamental ways. To begin with, unlike realis, which typically signals that an event has occurred (or state persisted) at some specific time, a habitual-marked asrtion does not refer to any particular event that occurred at any specific time. […] [Givon 1994:270]
Givon 还用一定的篇幅来反驳Bybee等1994(他看的是1992年的初稿)对现实/非现实的对立(realis/irrealis distinction)的看法∶Bybee等1994认为habitual语义在各个语言里的标注缺乏一贯性这一事实,证明了realis/irrealis这个范畴是没有什么大的价值的。他说∶
The past-habitual is cited by Bybee et al. as a prime example of the unprincipled nature of irrealis grammatical grouping. But as we have already noted earlier, the habitual is a hybrid modality, sharing some features of realis (higher asrtive certainty) and some of irrealis (lack of specific temporal reference; lack of specific evidence, non-referring NPs under its scope). The fact that some languages group the habitual with irrealis is not exactly surprising. It is a mixed category and as such is reminiscent of counter-fact claus. The inconsistent grammatical marking of such a category merely underscores the mantic-pragmatic complexity of modality and irrealis. [Givon1994:323]