外出旅游声源定位技术是利用麦克风拾取语音信号,并用数字信号处理技 术对其进行分析和处理,继而确定和跟踪声源的空间位置。声源定位 技术在视频会议、语音识别和说话人识别、目标定位和助听装置等领 域有着重要的应用。 传统的单个麦克风的拾音范围很有限,拾取信 号的质量不高,继而提出了用麦克风阵列进行语音处理的方法,它可 以以电子瞄准的方式对准声源而不需要人为的移动麦克风,弥补单个 麦克风在噪声处理和声源定位等方面的不足,麦克风阵列还具有去噪、 声源定位和跟踪等功能,从而大大提高语音信号处理质量。
本文主要对基于多麦克风阵列的声源定位技术领域屮的基于时延 的定位理论进行了研究,在此基础上研究了四元阵列、五元阵列以及 多元阵列的定位算法,并且分别对其定位精度进行了分析,推导出了 影响四元、五元阵列目标方位角、俯仰角及目标距离的定位精度的一 些因素及相关定位方程,并通过四年级语文书上册matbb仿真软件对其定位精度进行了 仿真;最后在四元、五元阵列的基础上,采用最小二乘法对多元阵列 定位进行了计算;通过目标计算值和设定值对比,对多元阵列的定位 精度进行了分析,并得出了多元阵列的目标定位的均方根误差。
Bad on Microphone Array for Sound Source Localization Rearch
Sound source positioning technology is to u the microphone to pick up voice signals, and digital signal processing technology ud for their analysis and processing , Then identify and track the spatial location of sound source・青山不老教学设计 Acoustic source localization techniques have a variety of important us in videoconferencing, speech recognition and speaker identification, targets' direction finding, and biomedical devices for the hearing impaired・ The pick up range of traditional single microphone is limited, the signal quality picked up is not high, t hen a voice processing met hods with the microphone array has been propod . It may be electronically aimed to provide a high-quality signal from desired source localization and does not require physical movement to alter the microphones' direction of reception. Microphone array has the functions of de-noising, sound source localization and tracking functions, which greatly improved the quality of voice signal processing.
The article discuss some issues of sound source localization bad on microphone array, Ont he basis , it stu dies a four element array, five element array and an multipie array positioning algorithm, t hen the positioning precision is analyzed. Derived some factors of the azimuth and elevation angle targets the target range of the estimation precision affected and positioning equation. And through MATLAB simulation software for its positioning accuracy of Simulation. finally , bad on four yuan, five yuan of array, using the least square met hod , the multiple array localiza tion were calcula ted. Through the cont ras t of the t arge t value and t value, multi pie array positioning accuracy is analyzed, and the of diver array target positioning・
qq游戏双开Keywords: Microphone Array, Sound Source Localization, Time Delay, Positioning precision , root mean square error