Authors: Tom Attwater
sources :THE FUTURIST November –December20XX 母亲节的贺卡
What es to your mind when you think about career planning? Many people aren’t sure what career planning means. For our purpos we will define career planning as “A goal that you desire to achieve in a lected field or oupation with a well thought out plan to get you there.”
Why decide on a career goal? A career goal helps you focus and make decisions on what you want to do for a living. It directs you, motivates you and helps you to aomplish what you want. A career goal helps you focus and make decisions on what you want to do for a living. A career goal can be a specific job—such as a clerk or teacher—or a career goal can be a particular field you want to work in, such as transportation or education.
A career goal may help you discover your talent, skills and abilities and possibilities that you wouldn't have thought of. Many possibilities exist with any career you choo. Having a career goal can guide you to doing what you want to do in your life—rather than just aimlessly drifting from job to job. Once you choo a career, it would be to your advantage to think strategically about the steps you need to take to aomplish your goal. The future is unpredictable; however, you should still make career goals and plan the necessary steps to your goal.
With every goal there is an anticipated desired oute. We call this an expectation. Our expectations help keep us 333555
motivated. When we realize our goal, we often feel joy and satisfaction. All of us have expectations and disappointments. In the process in thinking about our goals, we have to be prepared to have disappointments.
Career planning is simply goal planning with the intention of tting goals for jobs and career.The world we live in works in certain ways. The more one knows how it works, the
better one can achieve tho goals by utilizing the process that give you the advantage. Career planning is simply goal planning with the intention of tting goals for jobs and career.
In order to remain petitive you need to be as flexible as you can and continually increa your skills. Some things you can do are: go to school, take workshops or minars, keep up with trade journals and talk to people who are knowledgeable in the field. Today, it’s almost mandatory for us to take some form of training all through our care keep up with the times.
When I talk about training or skill, I’m not just talking about things like organization and time management, although the are important. However, stress management, problem solving, risk taking, and overing procrastination, to name a few, are equally, if not more important, to getting to your goal.
人事局是什么单位Let’s suppo you choo a field. Career planning is not planning for that field on a one-time only basis, but it’s a continuing process; in fact, you can call it a lifetime process. We
are always learning and growing, and as we do, our
中国司法考试interests and needs also change. Career planning is not just making plans to obtain your “perfect” job or career, but to help you make the many adjustments there will be along the way as you learn about you and your world or work.
教育的目的是什么Career planning is estimating, predicting and calculating all the steps necessary to achieving your goals. In the process, you are always making choices. When you choo one alternative over another, this is called an opportunity cost. An opportunity cost is the cost of passing up your next best choice when making a decision. In career planning, we need to always be mindful of our opportunity costs and take into consideration all that will e our way. Tho who have suessful careers understand how the game of work is played. As you can e career planning is more than just looking at jobs and positions and working hard.
Career planning is a process and is always ongoing and often runs in cycles. When you desire change in your career, the process can be repeated many times. In planning your
career, try to find the people who can be mentors for you and assist you along the way. Career planning is no different than any goal tting and planning. The difference is that you are specifically parating your career and job goals from all other goals you may have.
The reason most people do not turn their wishes and dreams into reality is becau they don’t take the wishes and dreams and make them goals. A goal is a dream with a deadline.
There are many reasons why people don’t make goals for themlves. The biggest reason is they don’t understand that the process of goal tting is a skill. All of us have made some goals in our life and achieved them. But most of the were not large or life changing goals like going into business, changing careers, being wealthy, writing a novel, going from office clerk to a top executive or being an expert in your field.