Rearch and Implementation of Vibration Source Localization Bad on TDOA
At prent, the application of vibration source localization is very extensive, involving the microismic monitoring, rock rupture, blasting position determination, pipeline crack localization and coal mine safety and other fields, if you can get the location information in advance, you may avoid the unexpected disasters, and reducing loss. Time difference of arrival method is a localization model bad on time delay estimation, which is often ud to determine the position of the target. The model has the characteristics of accurate positioning, and have a large number of applications in any engineering fields.
In this paper, ismic signal as the object of study, to explore the problem of vibration source. This paper studies the characteristics of ismic signal, the preprocessing of signal and the estimation of time delay, the vibration source localization and its correction. The details are as follows:
Due to the complex composition of the earth medium, we first process the ismic signals by empirical modal decomposition and Hilbert transform, and obtain different Hilbert spectra. Bad on the Hilbert spectrum, the time-frequency and energy characteristics of the ismic signals are analyzed. The waveform and the spectrum of the signal, and then discuss the attenuation of the ismic signal. Some common wavelet basis functions and threshold estimation methods are compared, and then the background noi of the vibration signal is denoid by the wavelet threshol
d method. For the low SNR, the cross correlation method is difficult to extract the exact time delay estimation problem. The generalized cross correlation method of the maximum likelihood estimation window function is ud to estimate the delay and verify the effectiveness of the method.
For the classical Chan localization algorithm has poor results orientation, Newton optimization method of divergence leading to this algorithm failure, the paper prents a method of modifying the characteristic values of the ill conditioned matrix II
过春节的习俗is positive definite, to improve the speed of iteration by introducing the step factor, so that each iteration along the descent direction and convergence as soon as possible. The experimental results show that the improved method can avoid the problem of the divergence of the initial value, and the performance of the algorithm is compared with the Chan algorithm and the method in this paper by RMSE.
Completed the design of multi-nsor data acquisition system, including hardware acquisition and PC software design in two parts. The wave velocity of the test site is calculated, and veral ts of source localization experiments are designed. The results of the positioning are discusd. Finally, the reason of the positioning deviation may be analyzed.
Time delay estimation, time-frequency analysis, Newton iteration, data acquisition, vibration source localization
第1章绪论 (1)
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 (1)
1.2 课题的国内外研究概况 (2)
烟花女儿翻身记1.2.1 地震动信号分析及定位理论研究现状 (2)
陕西博物院1.2.2 源定位技术的国内外现状 (5)
1.3 本论文的主要工作 (7)
第2章地震动波理论基础及特性分析 (9)
产后病2.1 地震动波类型及特性 (9)
2.2 振动传感器及装置的选择 (10)
2.3 地震动信号特性分析及相关理论 (12)
2.3.1 地震动波的衰减 (12)打嗝不停是什么原因
2.3.2 基于希尔伯特-黄变换的时频分析 (12)
2.3.3 远近距离波形的对比研究 (17)
2.4 本章小结 (19)
第3章地震动信号的预处理与时延估计 (20)
3.1 小波去噪 (20)
3.1.1 小波阈值去噪原理 (20)
3.1.2 小波去噪性能分析 (23)
3.2 广义互相关时延估计 (25)
3.2.1 基于最大似然窗函数的广义互相关方法 (25)
3.2.2 时延估计方法验证 (27)
3.3 本章小结 (28)
第4章基于Chan和牛顿迭代混合的震源定位优化方法 (30)
4.1 基于Chan算法的初始定位 (30)
4.1.1 Chan定位算法 (30)
4.1.2 定位算法的仿真 (32)
刘德华几个孩子4.2 基于牛顿迭代的优化修正方法 (34)
4.2.1 基于TDOA模型的牛顿迭代法 (34)
4.2.2 改进的牛顿迭代方法 (35)
4.2.3 定位算法的仿真 (37)
4.3 定位的结果评价标准 (39)
4.4 本章小结 (41)
第5章多传感器数据采集系统与定位实验 (42)
5.1 基于C ORTEX-M3内核处理器的数据采集 (42)
5.1.1 硬件模块介绍 (42)
5.1.2 数据采集系统硬件部分 (43)
5.1.3 数据采集系统软件设计 (45)
5.2 振动数据采集软件设计 (47)
5.2.1 LabVIEW (47)
5.2.2 数据采集上位机软件设计 (47)
5.3 实验过程及结果 (50)