Translocalization and Social Rescaling: Ca Studies of Linguistic Landscapes in Guangzhou 期刊名称: Chine Journal of Applied Linguistics家常鱼汤的做法
电商运营计划作者: Yanmei Han,Xiaodan Wu
作者机构: Guangdong University of Foreign StudiesGuangzhouChina,Luocun
Second High School, Nanhai FoshanChina
年份: 2020年
期号: 第1期
关键词: linguistic landscape;translocalization;social
摘要:Languages and linguistic resources transport from one locality to another, adapting to the norms, customs, and regulations of a new locality. This process involves translocalization. Translocaliz雪的诗句有哪些
ation emphasizes the movement of linguistic resources against the backdrop of globalization and the combination or reframing
of resources from different localities. This rearch explores the extent to which translocalization is reflected by the linguistic landscapes of three distinct commercial areas in Guangzhou, China. It goes on to discuss how translocalization works together with social rescaling to incur the movement of linguistic resources and to result in distinct linguistic landscapes of the three commercial areas. It concludes that some languages or linguistic resources, such as English, pinyin and traditional Chine writing, 心沉大海>aotucad