行百里者半九十是什么意思1.Don’t be afraid of chanae. you may lo out on somethina aood. but you miaht aain somethina even better!不要害怕改变,尽管你可能会因此失去一些好的东西,但你也可能会得到一些更好的东西。2.You're prettiest when you're happy.don't waste your time being sad.当你快乐的时候你是最美的,所以别一直悲伤着浪费时间了。
乱炖3It's easy to be thankful for the aood thinas. while a life of rich fulfillment comes to tho who are also thankful for the tbacks。对美好的事物感恩很容易。然而,精彩的人生属于那些对挫折也心存感激的人。
4.All men whilst they are awake are in one common world: but each of them.when he is as eep.is in a world of his own,所有人在醒着的时候都是罟身于同一个世界,但在睡着后,却都罟身在自己的世界。
u must strive to find your own voice. becau the lonaer you wait to beainthe less likely you are to find it at all.你们必须努力寻找自己的声音,因为你越迟开始寻找,找到的可能性就越小。
爆炒甘蓝>冬天来了的句子6. don't understand the aod who'd let us meet if we could never be toaether.上帝既已安排我们相识,怎能不让我们相守
7.Keen your feet on the around.but let your heart soar as hiah as akite!脚踏实地,但是,心要像风等一样飞得高
登陆空间8.lf you want to live a happy life,tie it to to people or things.如果你想过得快乐,那就把生活和目标结合在一起,而不是来自他人或物质。
公司分红9.Life without you is like a broken pencilpointless.没有你的人生就像断了笔芯的铅笔,失去了存在的意义。
清楚的英语10.Penitence is something that enervates our spiritcausing a greater loss than the loss itlf and making a bigger mistake than the mistake itlf.so never regret.后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪。后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误。所以不要后悔。