最新人教版高中英语必修三综合测试题及答案考生注意:两部分,共)非选择题(卷Ⅱ和第)选择题(卷Ⅰ本试卷分第.1 页。8.答卷前,考生务必用蓝、黑色字迹的钢笔或圆珠笔将自己的姓名、班级、学号填写在相应2 位置上。分。150分钟,满分120.本次考试时间3 .请在密封线内作答,保持试卷清洁完整。4Ⅰ第卷 ) 分30共两节,满分(听力第一部分分7.5分,满分1.5小题;每小题5共(第一节) 三个选项中选出最佳选C、B、A段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的5听下面秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读10你都有听完每段对话后,并标在试卷的相应位置。项,下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where are the two speakers? .At home. .A At an airport. .B On a highway. .C What sports event is about to start? .2 The long distance race. .A.BThe high jump. The relay race. .C s answer? ’s attitude towards the man’What is the woman.3 Doubtful. .A Satisfied. .B.CUnderstanding. What is the total cost of the two tickets? .4 . yuan110 .A . yuan135 .B . yuan165 .C s wrong with the man? ’What.5 He has a bad cough. .A He has a headache. .B He feels very tired. .C
) 分22.5分,满分1.5小题;每小题15共(第二节三个选项C、B、A段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所
蒜蓉粉丝回答第6听第Where does the woman probably go for a vacation? .6 London. .A Toronto. .B Paris. .C What does the man suggest the woman do? .7 Go to London. .A Apply for a passport and visa first. .B.CDecide on the route first. 题。9、8段材料,回答第7听第 How much is the shirt on the top shelf? .8 50 dollars. .A 35 dollars. .B.C30 dollars. Which color may the man not like? .9 Blue. .C Black. .B Red. .A至10段材料,回答第8听第题。
12 What are the man and the woman talking about? .10 A coming meeting. .A A famous novel. .B A book club. .C When do the club members get together? .11.A30 in the evening. :The last Saturday of the month at 9 30 in the evening. :The last Sunday of the month at 9.B 30 in the morning. :The last Saturday of the month at 9.C What does the group usually do during the meeting? .12 They discuss writing skills with each other. .ABThey discuss the book chon the month before. . They play games together. .C 题。16至13段材料,回答第9听第
专家型教师What is the most probable relationship between the two
speakers? .13 Brother and sister. .A Colleagues. .B Clerk and customer. .C Which of the following is NOT included in the travel package? .14 Plane tickets. .A T our guides. .B Food. .C s vacation last? ’How long will the woman.15AThree weeks. . One month. .B Two months.
.C Jim? ,Why does the man mention his friend.16 s empty hou. ’Jim might rent the woman.A Jim lives in Hawaii and can work as a guide for the woman. .B Jim is an apartment agent and can help the woman rent out the room. .C20至17段材料,回答第10听第题。What is the woman talking about? .17 The health benefits of rice wine. .A Ways to make rice wine. .B The origins of rice wine. .C How long should the raw rice be steamed? .18 25 minutes. .A 1 hour. .B 2 hours. .C What is the next step after the mixture has been stored for a month? .19AWrap the rice mash in a cloth. . Place it in an airtight container. .B Separate the liquid from the mixture. .C What should one do to keep the wine from turning into vinegar? .20 Cover the container tightly with a lid. .A Put it into the fridge. .B dry place. ,Move it to a warm.C ) 分40共两节,满分(阅读理解第二部分
) 分30分,满分2小题;每小题15共(第一节中,选出最佳选项。D)和C、B、(A阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A(2017·) 重庆南开中学月考 the biggest celebration of its kind —
热情的新郎Munich sincerely invites you to join the 2016 Oktoberfest listen to traditional Bavarian music ,eat traditional Bavarian food,in Europe.Drink beer by the liter and enjoy yourlf with hundreds of other people from all over ,date musicto-as well as more up- dancing and singing the hours away. ,the world Saturday,17th on begins 2016 Oktoberfest Monday,3rd to through runs and September t
午饭英文miss the events during Oktoberfest! ’October 2016.Don Grand entry of the Oktoberfest landlords and breweries Saturday,17th September 2016 :Date about 45 minutes :Duration to prelude official the is This 1,000 about involves and Oktoberfest the of opening the drawn the magnificent hor-,families in decorated carriages’including the landlords,participants waitress on decorated floats and all the beer tent bands. ,drayss Parade’Oktoberfest Costume and Riflemen Sunday,18th September 2016 :Date 7 km distance ,about 8,000 performers,2 1/2 hours-2:Duration marching ,in historical uniforms”troops“,A varied succession of regional costume groups,bandsfloats displaying typical local traditions ,goats,cows,oxen,thoroughbred hors,riflemen long procession through the streets of the city kilometer-and historic carriages all pass by in a 7- center. Air Oktoberfest MusicOpen- Sunday,25th September 2016 :Date:Placeon the steps of the
Bavaria statue the all ,Oktoberfestthe of Sunday cond the on concert air open-traditional the At instruments that make up typical Bavarian wind band music can be heard.The bands from all of the known songs and tents come together at the steps under the Bavaria statue to play the most well- marches of Oktoberfest together while being conducted by distinguished Munich personalities. .21What can we learn from the passage? Oktoberfest 2016 is mainly celebrated in October. .A P
articipants can drink beer for free during Oktoberfest. .B and dance. ,eat,Oktoberfest provides a chance to drink.C ”.Grand Entry“There are usually about 1,000 visitors to .D
丰宁坝上草原When will visitors e costume soldiers marching on the street? .22 17th September 2016. .A 18th September 2016. .B 25th September 2016. .C 3rd October 2016. .D air concert should go to . People who want to participate in the open-.23.Athe streets that the Parade pass by beer tents put up by old breweries .B distinguished Munich music bands .C the steps of the Bavaria statue .D B ) 江西新余一中、宜春一中联考(2017· No one would much like the idea of eating 61 pounds of tomatoes a day.But if their goodness easy-an into put was heart and ) 中风strokes(prevent might told were you that pill swallow to-中医知识讲座