The first students to study alternative medicine at university level in Australia began their four-year, full-time cour at the University of Technology, Sydney, in early 1994.
Their cour covered, among other therapies, acupuncture.
做真实的自己The theory they learnt is bad on the traditional Chine explanation of this ancient healing art: that it can regulate the flow of "Qi" or energy through pathways in the body.
This cour reflects how far some alternative therapies have come in their struggle for acceptance by the medical establishment.
Australia has been unusual in the Western world in having a very conrvative attitude to natural or alternative therapies,
油漆调色According to Dr Paul Laver, a lecturer in Public Health at the University of Sydney. ' We've had a tradition of doctors being fairly powerful and I guess they are pretty loath to allow any pretenders to their position to come into it.'
悉尼大学公共健康系博士Paul Laver评价道:“我们有个传统,医生是相当权威的,我猜他们很不愿意让那些觊觎他们位置的冒牌货得逞。”
In many other industrialid countries, orthodox and alternative medicine have worked 'hand in glove' for years.
离职情况说明In Europe, only orthodox doctors can prescribe herbal medicine.
In Germany, plant remedies account for 10% of the national turnover of pharmaceuticals.
Americans made more visits to alternative therapists than to orthodox doctors in 1990, and each year they spend about $US12 billion on therapies that have not been scientifically tested.大河上下顿失滔滔
Dinchantment with orthodox medicine has en the popularity of alternative therapies in Australia climb steadily during the past 20 years.
平菇炒肉的做法In a 1983 national health survey, 1.9% of people said they had contacted a chiropractor,
naturopath, osteopath, acupuncturist or herbalist in the two weeks prior to the survey.
By 1990, this figure had rin to 2.6% of the population.
The 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists reported in the 1990 survey reprented about an eighth of the total number of consultations with medically qualified personnel covered by
the survey, according to Dr Laver and colleagues writing in the Australian Journal of Public Health in 1993.
' A better educated and less accepting public has become disillusioned with the experts in general, and increasingly sceptical about science and empirically bad knowledge,' they said.
' The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a conquence.'
Rather than resisting or criticising this trend, increasing numbers of Australian doctors, particularly younger ones, are forming group practices with alternative therapists or taking cours themlves, particularly in acupuncture and herbalism.
Part of the incentive was financial, Dr Laver said. 'The bottom line is that most general practitioners are business people.
If they e potential clientele going elwhere, they might want to be able to offer a similar rvice.'
In 1993, Dr Laver and his colleagues published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended eight alternative therapists' practices in Sydney.
The practices offered a wide range of alternative therapies from 25 therapists.
Tho surveyed had experienced chronic illness, for which orthodox medicine had been able to provide little relief.
They commented that they liked the holistic名片英语 approach of their alternative therapists and the friendly, concerned and detailed attention they had received.