Unit2 Michelangelo教案
一. 单元分析(Unit Analysis)
(一)单元地位(Unit Position)
1.本课讲述了Michelangelo 和Franz Schubert 的成功故事,谈及了成功所需的个人素质和必要条件。教师可围绕“成功人士”这一主题,设计活动让学生参与讨论,通过了解他人的成功经历,从中获取经验。
(二)单元目标(Unit Target)
1. 进一步学习定语从句。
2. 能对名人的成功进行简单描述。(名字,国籍,职业,杰出贡献…)
3. 能谈论个人成功所需的必要素质。
4. 学会在阅读中使用跳读的方式。
(三)单元重点(Unit Points)
1 关键词:
◆ 语言知识类
belong to, master, by the time + 时间状语从句, turn down, alone, lonely, endure, lie on his back, ever since, fascination, attraction, can’t help but do , admire…
◆ 交际功能类
1) 名人:Martin Lurther King, Lei Feng, Lincoln, Einstein, Armstrong, Charles Chaplin…
2) 对成功者的描述:A winner is not afraid of his own thinking and to u his own knowledge. He can parate facts from opinions and doesn’t pretend to have all the answers. He listens to others, evaluates what they say, but comes to his own conclusions. While he can admire and respect other people, he is not totally defined, bound, or awed by them.
3) 有关于成功的谚语:
The cret of success is constancy of purpo.
Confidence in yourlf is the first step on the road to success.
Diligence is the mother of success.
The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
2 功能: 教材第29页
成功所需的素质:ambitious, optimistic, heroic, upright, lfish, creative, wi, diligent, modest, pervering, brave, efficient, devotion, constancy, punctual, …
3 语法点:
本课出现了定语从句介词加关系代词 who/which,应作为本课的教学重点。
一、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)
教学内容 | 教学实施建议 | 教学资源参考 |
1 Reading | 作为“成功故事”这一主题的引入,教师可让学生先将教材第20页上的人物图片和图下所列的名字连接起来。描述他们的国籍,职业,有什么成就。 以小组活动的形式讨论并填写教材第21页A2的表格,分别写出Michelangelo, Beethoven, Mandela, Zhang Haidi, Hellen Keller这几位名人的性别,职业,国籍以及杰出之处。 快速阅读课文每一段的首句和末句,将教材第21页A3部分所列出的段落大意和每一段连接起来。 在此基础上,阅读并讲解课文,使学生对Michelangelo能有更深刻、全面地了解。 | 课本第20~21页——Highlights 部分。 |
2 Listening | 教材第27页的听力可让学生了解音乐家Beethoven 的生平。同时建议教师可利用上海外语教育出版社出版的《英语(新世纪版)听力》第34~42页 Growing towards success,开展相关主题的听力活动作为对教材的补充。 | 课文第27页桂花泡水喝有什么作用与功效——Listening Practice 补充听力—— Growing towards success |
3 Speaking | 以“成功人士的成功故事”为主题设计口语活动。 活动一:学生列举他们心目中的成功人士,并说出为什么觉得这写人是成功的。可采取“头脑风暴”的方式。 [链接1] 头脑风暴法的操作建议。 活动二:学生根据教材第20页的图片进行小组讨论,将自己所知道的这些名人的故事与同组的同学交流。每一组挑选一名组员,将组内的信息汇合,具体描述一位名人。 活动二:情景对话。两位同学相互交流自己所喜欢的明星,并说出自己为什么喜欢他们。 活动三:猜猜他/她是谁?描述一位名人但不提起他的名字,让同学们猜这个人是谁。 [链接2] 名人材料链接 活动四:上述材料还可采取另一种活动方式“ Running Dictation” [链接3] Running Dictation的操作建议。 | 课文第27页——Speaking Practice |
4 Writing | 复习第一课所学知识点,练习用连词写复合句 | 课文第13页——Writing部分 |
5 Structure | 介词加关系代词引导的定语从句是本课的语法教学内容。教师可通过练习与游戏相结合,加强学生在定语从句中适当运用介词的能力 工作纪实[链接4] 定语从句操练的教学建议。 | 课文第25页——Structure 部分 |
6 Additional Reading | 本部分讲述Franz Shubert 的成功故事。 本文出现的重要词汇与词组:lead a normal life, have a hard time doing, support, be short of money, be dedicated to, deliver … to, remain unknown, remain unfinished, It is believed that…, intend to do, the rest of, sketch out, prevent …from…, unusual beauty. 教师可补充Franz Shubert的故事并让学生欣赏他所创作的音乐。 [链接5] Franz Shubert补充材料 | 课文第30页——Additional Reading |
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1. 教师在黑板中央写 “successful people” , 允许学生思考一段时间后自由发言。
Liu Xiang Bill Clinton
David Beckham
Jay Zhou
Zhang Haidi
Bill Gates
2. 在黑板上留出一定空白, 让学生思考并说出这些人为什么是成功的。
3. 小组讨论,想要成为成功的人,个人需要具备什么素质。参考教材第29页。
4. 教师总结,罗马不是一日造就的,成功也不是随便可以获得的。必须要有内因外因相结合,才有可能成功。
1. He was a great musician.
2. He was deaf when he was composing his best.
3. He was suffering from other dias and trouble, but from his music you can be sure that nothing could bend his will.
4. It is cruel to say that his suffering makes his music more beautiful but it tells some truth.
Helen Keller
1. She was both blind and deaf.
2. With unusual will-power, she learned her ABC and completed her advanced education and became writer.
3. Her confidence courage and concern for others make her a great example for all the disabled people.
Steven Hawking
1. He is a sufferer of a terrible dia.
2. He is unable to speak, breathe or move about without the help of a machine.
3. But he is now internationally famous for his scientific work not for his illness.
4. He studied physics at Oxford University and University at Cambridge.
5. He has been to China to give lectures.
Lei Feng
1. He was an ordinary Chine soldier, died young.
2. He saw himlf as a screw in a giant machine.
3. He didn’t mind being usual and common.
4. All he wanted was to be of u to the public.
5. To rve the people with unlfishness is his catch-words.
Bill Gates
1. The man didn’t finish his education in Harvard.
2. He dropped out of Harvard. He and his Windows have changed the way humans u technology.
3. His book The Road Ahead is still a best ller.
4. He is among the richest individual in the world.
三个好朋友Charles Chaplin
1. The man grew famous by making silent movies.
2. He didn’t want to be an American citizen though he became an international star there.
3. His MODERNTIMES and DICTATOR remain great movies up till today.
4. His image as a tramp makes numerous people laugh heartily.
5. But after laughs audience often feel bitter.
Running Dictation 是集听,说,读,写于一体的游戏方式,并强调小组合作,能够充分调动学生的积极性。同时因为大量的跑动,课堂气氛活跃起来,学生的记忆力得到锻炼,同时培养了小组协作精神,让学生学到一些关于人物的描述方式。
1. 教师将几位人物的描述按照顺序写在几张纸上,在纸上编上序号,分别贴在教室墙上。
2. 教师将班级同学分成6到8组,编好序号,每组负责记录符合自己组号的纸上的内容。
3. 组内一名同学担任书记员,组内其余同学在教室内跑动,负责轮流将纸上的句子按照顺序背下,然后回到组内将所记句子转述给书记员。
4. 待纸上的句子被转述完毕后,可以猜出描写的人物。
5. 根据各组完成的时间决定哪组为优胜组。
1. 练习一:填入适当的介词 + 关系代词