My master's tutor My master's tutor was the director of Department of anesthesiology in the hospital, and he was highly skilled in academic and clinical skills.He has made great contributions to the hospital and department, and has gained many recognition by others.The teacher has published many papers, which has been affirmed by the academic circles.Once a press invited him to publish a book, he refud.He was the member of many professional associations.As far as I am concerned, he was a rious people.What impresd me most was his rious face with black skin.Ten years past, the teacher still gave me deep impression.The teacher was always confident and cautious, and it has always affected my work and learning attitude.Especially in academic and clinical technology, For example, he was meticulous in the rearch of the subject, the direction of the topic, the analysis of the data and so on.He will never allow the counterfeiting and carelessness.He told us that it‘s better not to do the rearch than faked, and do meaningfu
l rearch.At the same time, he was very concerned about the progress of the student’s rearch and the obstacles encountered in the process of rearch, and he was careful and innovative, which was the main factor that he can have the achievements.Apart from the study and work, the teacher was concerned with the students in life, he was willing to help the students, he was often able to make jokes with the latest buzzwords on the Internet.In the eyes of colleagues, the teacher in the work was very competent people, he managed the department in effective order, was good at accepting new things, led the department to develop steadily, and he was good at training abled people, introduced new technology, and promoted the continuous progress of the department.His theoretical foundation was solid, not only for professional problems, but also for related majors.The clinical skills were excellent, and the clinical problems of colleagues’ in the department could be solved smoothly by him.In private life, the teacher treated people very sincerely!Whoever have problems, he must be the first one to give a hand.At the same time, he ud his optimistic attitude towards life to infect everyone around and constantly transmitted positive energy to others.This is my master's tutor, who has retired, but I always consider he is a great person when I recall him.
1)快活的微笑 a bright smile 2)开朗的微笑 a broad smile 3)迷人的微笑 a charming smile 4)奸笑 a cunning smile 5)幸福的微笑 a happy smile 6)令人神往的微笑 an engaging smile 7)一丝的微笑 a faint smile 8)愉快的微笑 a pleasant smile 9)满意的微笑 a plead smile 10)不自然的微笑 a strained smile 11)甜蜜的微笑 a sweet smile.12)苦笑 a wry smile 13)狞笑 a grim smile 14)天真的微笑 an innocent smile 15)和蔼的微笑 a kindly smile 16)轻蔑的微笑 a contemptuous smile
全家盒市场1)清晰的嗓音 a clear(ringing)voice 2)低沉的嗓音 a deep voice 3)响亮的嗓音 a loud voice 4)低嗓音 a low voice 5)悦耳动听的嗓音 a pleasant voice 6)尖利刺耳的嗓音 a shrill voice 7)温柔的嗓音 a soft voice 8)甜美的嗓音 a sweet voice 9)尖细的嗓音 a thin voice 10)喑哑的嗓音 a toneless voice 11)微弱的嗓音 a weak(feeble)voice 12)高嗓音 a high voice 13)假嗓音 a faltto voice 14)美妙的嗓音 a fine voice
1)轻盈的步伐 a light gait 2)沉重的步伐 a heavy gait 3)昂首阔步的步伐 a swaggering gait.4)驼背弯腰的步态 a stooping gait 5)摇摇摆摆的步态a swaying gait 6)一瘸一拐的步态 a limping gait 7)缓慢的步态 a shuffling gait 8)微跛的步态 a halting gait 9)文雅的步态 a mincing gait.各种“身材”的常见英语表达法
想入飞飞1)优美的身材 graceful figure 2)瘦削的身材 lean figure 3)匀称的身材 neat figure 4)丰满的身材 plump figure 5)大腹便便的身材 paunchy figure 6)细长的身材 slender figure 7)苗条的身材slim figure 8)瘦小的身材 slight figure 9)矮壮的身材 stocky figure 10)高大的身材 stout figure 11)优美健壮的身材 superb figure 12)又胖又圆的身材 full figure 13)笨拙的身材 ungainly figure
1)圆圆的脸 round face 2)椭圆的脸 oval face 3)方脸 square face 4)长脸 long face 5)瘦削的脸 thin(lean)face 6)胖脸 fleshy face 7)浮肿的脸 puffy face 8)憔悴的面容 haggard face 9)
布满皱纹的脸 wrinkled(lined)face 10)长满粉刺的脸 pimpled face 11)泪珠布满的脸 tear-stained face 12)长满雀斑的脸 freckled face 13)麻脸 pock-marked face 14)眉清目秀的脸蛋 finely-cut face 15)面目端正的脸 regular face 16)丑脸 disfigured face 17)媚人的脸 charming face 18)刮得精光的脸 clean-shaved face 19)黝黑的面孔 swarthy face 20)晒黑的脸 sunburned face 21)秀丽的脸 sweet face 22)铁板的面孔 a stern face
1)乌黑的眼睛 dark eyes 2)灰色的眼睛 gray eyes 3)绿色的眼睛 green eyes 4)蔚蓝色的眼睛 blue eyes 5)深蓝色的眼睛 violet eyes 6)深棕色的眼睛 brown eyes 7)淡褐色的眼睛 hazel eyes 8)睁得圆圆的眼睛 wide-open eyes 9)鼓起来的眼睛 bulging eyes 10)深陷的眼睛 deep-t eyes 11)凹陷的眼睛 sunken eyes 12)斜眼 cross-eyes 13)分开性斜视眼 slant eyes 14)独眼龙 one-eyed 15)充满血丝的眼睛 bloodshot eyes
1)细细的睫毛 thin eyelashes 2)浓密的睫毛 thick eyelashes 3)笔直的睫毛 strait eyelashes 4)短睫毛 short eyelashes 5)弯睫毛 curving eyelashes 各种“眉毛”的常见英语表达法
1)浓眉 bushy eyebrows 2)粗眉 shaggy eyebrows 3)弓形眉毛 arched eyebrows 4)描画过的眉毛 pencilled eyebrows
双七1)鹰钩鼻子 an aquiline(hooked)no 2)扁鼻子 flat no 3)翘鼻子 snub no 4)笔直的鼻子 straight no
如果风不再吹1)宽大的额头 a broad forehead 2)突起的额头 a domed forehead 3)高高的额头 a high forehead 4)宽阔的额头 an open forehead 5)窄小的额头 a narrow forehead 6)后塌的额头 a retreating forehead
1)红润的双颊 rosy cheeks 2)丰满的双颊 chubby cheeks 3)苍白的双颊 pale cheeks 4)粉红的双颊 pink cheeks 5)红光满面的双颊 ruddy cheeks 6)深陷的双颊 hollow(sunken)cheeks
电脑怎么制作表格7)刮得精光的脸颊 clean-shaven cheeks 8)涂脂抹粉的脸颊 rouged cheeks 9)胡须满面的双颊 stubbly cheeks 10)布满皱纹的双颊 wrinkled cheeks
如何倒车1)(胖人的)重下巴 a double chin 2)尖尖的下巴 a pointed chin 3)圆圆的下巴 a round chin 4)翘起的下巴 a protruding chin