1. Epic: A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down.
1.Epic(史诗) An epic is a long oral narrative poem that operates on a grand scale and deals with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance .Most epics deal with the exploits of a single individual and also interlace the main narrative with myths, legends, folk tales and past events; there is a composite effect, the entire culture of a country cohering in the overall experience of the poem . Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical heroes; they summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial period of its history. 史诗是长篇口头叙事诗,内容广泛,通常以重要传说或者重大历史事件为题材。大部分的史诗歌颂个人的英雄事迹,同
2. Realism: The attempt in literature and art to reprent life as it really is, without ntimentalizing or idealizing it. Realistic writing often depicts the everyday life and speech of ordinary people. This has led, sometimes, to an emphasis on sordid details.
3.. Soliloquy: In drama, an extended speech delivered by a character alone on stage. The character reveals his or her inner most thoughts and feelings directly to the audience, as if thinking aloud.
随笔画4. Modernism: The years from 1910 to 1930 are often called the Era of Modernism, for there ems to have been in both Europe and America a strong awareness of some sort of “break” with the past. The new artists shared a desire to capture the complexity of modern life, to focus on the variety and confusion of the 20th century by reshaping and sometimes discarding the ideas and habits of the 19th century. The Era of Modernism was indeed the era of the New.
9. Stream of consciousness: “Stream-of-Consciousness” or “interior monologue”, is one of the modern literary techniques. It is the style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character’s thoughts, feelings, reflections, memories, and mental images as the character experiences them. It was first ud in 1922 by the Irish novelist James Joyce. Tho novels broke through the bounds of time and space, and depicted vividly and skillfully the unconscious activity of the mind f
ast changing and flowing incessantly, particularly the hesitant, misted, distracted and illusory psychology people had when they faced reality. The modern American writer William Faulkner successfully advanced this technique. In his stories, action and plots were less important than the reactions and inner musings of the narrators. Time quences were often dislocated. The reader feels himlf to be a participant in the stories, rather than an obrver. A high degree of emotion can be achieved by this technique.
2.Humanism(人文主义) Broadly, this term suggests any attitude which tends to exalt the human element or stress the importance of human interests, as oppod to the supernatural , divine elements ---or as oppod to the grosr, animal elements. In a more specific n, humanism suggests a devotion to tho studies suppod to promote human culture most effectively----in particular, tho dealing with the life,thought, language, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. It proclaimed that man is the most important noble creature in the world; the goal of life is to enjoy onelf in this prent world instead of afterlife. According to the humanists ; both man and world are hindered by external checks from infinite improvement. Man could mould the world according to his desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exerci of reason. In literary history the most important u of the term is to designate the revival of classical culture which accompanied the Renaissance. 这个术语广义上是指一切提升人类因素或重视人类利益,反对超自然的、超人的因素或反对粗野的、动物的因素的态度。更确切地来讲,人文主义意味着投身到最有效地促进人类文化的研究当中——特别涉及到古希腊和罗
3.Renaissance(文艺复兴) The word “renaissance” means rebirth or revival. It is commonly applied to the movement or period in western civilization , which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world . It sprang up first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe, the date differing for different countries. The Renaissance indicates a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism. The study and propagation of classical learning and art was carried on by the progressive thinkers of the humanists. They held their chief interest not in ecclesiastical knowledge, but in man, his environment and doings and his brave fight for the emancipation of man from the tyranny of the church and religious dogmas. Becau in the ancient Greek and Roman mythology were found the id
鲜辣椒酱eas of universal love, respect to human beings and approval of man’s power, ability and knowledge. And at the same time worldly enjoyment on the earth was affirmed. In short, man became the center of the world instead of God as upheld in the Middle Ages. The Renaissance Movement is a great revolution carried out in the fourteenth to the mid-venteenth century Europe. It broke the chain and bondage of feudal and theological ties and brought human wisdom and capacity into full play. Renaissance这个词意思是“复活”或“复兴”。文艺复兴通常指的是西方文明中的一场运动或一个时期,标志着中世纪向现代社会的过渡。这场运动14世纪始发于意大利,后逐渐传遍欧洲各国,其具体时间因国而异。文艺复兴是指从中世纪蒙昧主义的黑暗中解脱出来后对古典(希腊和罗马)艺术和科学的复兴。对古典学问和艺术的研究和普及工作是由人文主义者中的进步思想家进行的。他们把主要的兴趣不是放在教会知识上,而是放在人类、人的生存环境与活动以及人类为了从教堂和宗教教条的桎梏中解放出来的斗争上。他们在古希腊和罗马神话中找到了博爱的思想、对人类的尊重以及对人类的力量、能力和知识的承认,同时,也肯定了现世的享乐。简言之,世界的中心是人类自身,再也不是中世纪时期的上帝。文艺复兴运动是欧洲从十四世纪到十七世纪中期期间的一场伟大的运动。这场运动打破了封建枷锁和神学束缚,充分发挥了人类的智慧和能力。