Thank you. (Applau.) Thank you all so much. Thank you. Well, you guys rest yourlves. Youve been very busy. (Laughter.) Youre being spoken to a lot. I hear my husband was here. (Laughter.) But it is truly a pleasure to be here with all of you today, and I want to thank you so much for joining us for this years College Opportunity Day of Action. You should be proud. Were already proud of you, and this day has just already been a tremendous success.
Of cour I want to start by thanking Homero. I mean, hes just an amazing story, an amazingperson, and Im grateful for that wonderful introduction. We have to give him another round ofapplau. (Applau.) A clear reminder of why were here today and what were working for.
I also want to recognize the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, as well as the Lumina Foundation, forhelping to make this event possible. Lets give them a round of applau as well. (Applau.)
And of cour, as we come together to talk about the importance of college counling, Iespecially want to recognize all of the school counlors here today. Yes! (Applau.) You canrai the roof for yourlves. A little raising the roof. (Laughter.) But I think we can all agreethat all of our counlors, all of you have one of the hardest, but most important jobs in oureducation system, yet too often you dont get the resources, the support or the appreciationthat you need and derve. And that has rious conquences not just for our kids, but forour country.
I mean, lets be honest with ourlves – when it comes to college counling in our nationsschools, there are two worlds. As many of you know, while the American School CounlorAssociation recommends no more than 250 students per counlor, the national average is onecounlor for every 471 students. So too many of our kids go through high school with little, ifany, real guidance on how to get into college.
横琴岛 They dont know what class to take, or how to prepare for the SAT or the ACT. No one helpsthem decide which colleges to apply to. No one reviews their applications. And
plenty of kidshave no idea that theyre eligible for financial aid, so they assume they just cant afford college,and they dont even bother to apply.
17世纪 Now, thats one world. The other world is much smaller – its a world of schools where thequestion isnt where students are going to college, but – or whether theyre going to college,but where. Kids in this world start preparing for college long before they even start high school.And from the first day of freshman year, theyve been shepherded through every step of theprocess. Theyve got SAT and ACT prep cours, they take tho tests again and again toimprove their scores. Counlors have much smaller caloads, and they walk kids throughevery deadline, they edit every draft of their essays. Honestly, when Barack and I talk aboutthis, we look at the kind of college counling many of the kids are getting today and we wonderhow we ever managed to get ourlves into college.
So the fact is that right now, a small number of students are getting every advantage in thecollege admissions race, while millions of other students who are just as talented cant
汤姆索亚历险记内容简介>花落伴君途evenbegin to compete. (Applau.) And as the college presidents here all know, the result is thatcolleges arent always getting all of the very best students. Theyre getting the students whocan best afford to succeed in this system. And we are leaving behind so many bright, hungry,promi-filled kids. We are depriving ourlves of so much human potential in this country –from the scientific discoveries the kids might make, to the business that they might build,to the leadership that they might one day show in our communities.梦见自己结婚了
民族团结主题班会ppt Were missing all of that. Were also losing all of that simply becau we arent making the basicinvestment in their future today, and thats a tragedy. Its a tragedy for our country. Its atragedy for tho kids and for their families, becau we all know – we know – that if you wantto cure a decent-paying job in todays economy, a high school diploma simply isnt enough.
So unlike 40 or 50 years ago, higher education is no longer just for kids in the top quarter orthe top half of the class, it has to be for everyone. So we are going to need a college-counlingsystem that reflects this new reality. (Applau.)
Now, thats easier said than done. We know that this isnt going to happen overnight. We knowthat states and school systems are facing all kinds of budget challenges. But one of my coremessages to students through my Reach Higher initiative is that no matter what is going on attheir school or in their family, Ive been trying to tell kids that no matter what resources theymay have or not have, that they still need to take responsibility for their education. I tell themthat they need to do the work to reach out to teachers who can help them. They need torearch schools in their communities on their own. They need to find that FAFSA form onlineand fill it out.