英语新闻稿范文:央行设金融科技委员会 谨防金融科技风险
The People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country'scentral bank, announced last Monday that it has tup a fintech committee to enhance rearch,planning and coordination of work on financialtechnology.
In order to make strategic plans and provide policyguidance on fintech development, the PBOC said itwill further study its influence on monetary policy,financial markets, financial stability, payment andclearing.
"Fintech, or technology-driven financial innovation, has both injected vitality into financialdevelopment and brought new challenges to financial curity," said the bank in a statementon its website.
The central bank will devi a management mechanism for fintech innovation to handlerelations between curity and development and guide the proper u of new technology in thefinancial field.
The central bank will also increa the u of regulatory technology, or "regtech," to boos
t itscapabilities in identifying, preventing and dissolving financial risks, including both cross-ctorand cross-market risks, with technology such as big data, artificial intelligence and cloudcomputing, it said.
More than ven percent of university studentssurveyed said that they have experiencedharassment from unidentified people on theircollege campus.
The survey, which polled 601 students from over100 Chine universities, revealed that 7.58 percentof the respondents had experienced harassment,according to an article in last Monday's edition ofChina Youth Daily.
Moreover, about 65.24 percent said they had heard of similar situations experienced by theirclassmates.
However, the article quoted some students as saying that in many cas victims dare not todirectly confront their harasrs and many felt ashamed to tell their families or teachers.
Students surveyed also said that enhanced curity is required on university campus.
A total of 58.81 percent of the students said their campus allow members of the public t
oenter freely, while 81.38 percent said universities should take measures to control entry.
英语新闻稿范文:三旬老汉詹皇 宝刀依旧未老
"I know what I bring to the table. This league knowswhat I bring to the table." —LeBron James on notbeing named an MVP finalist
We can make up for some deficiencies that we mayhave becau we communicate, we fly around andwe sacrifice for one another. —King James
"We got We can get better." —LeBron James after 44-point win VS Cletics
"I look at him like a regular guy. I have no fear of LeBron." —Jaylen Brown on Leborn James
sweetnight"He's better than (he was) when I got into the league. A I don't think he could getany better." —Brad Stevens
"For the Lakers, they are pretty confident and have a great deal of belief that they're inposition to get Paul George in 2018 whether he stays in Indiana or he's traded elwhere." —Wojnarowski
With Paul George, Gordon Hayward left off All-NBA teams, Pacers and Jazz lo chance to re-sign them to 5-year, 207M dollars super-max contracts.
Klay Thompson did't make a ALL NBA TEAM, are you kidding me right now, I'm with youDraymond Green, this is some Bs klay had 60 with 11 dribbles.
Klay on not being on the All NBA team: "I didn't even know that, It's all right. No big deal." Keepon Keep in on Klay.