The u of propensity score methods with survival or time‐to‐event outcomes: reporting measures of effect similar to tho ud in randomized
提出质疑期刊名称: Statistics in Medicine
入侵电脑作者: Peter C. Austin
年份: 2014年一到十英语
期号: 第7期
关键词: propensity score;obrvational study;propensity score matching;inver probability of treatment weighting;survival analysis;event history
双胞胎男孩>叶圣陶的简介analysis;confounding;marginal effects
摘要:Propensity score methods are increasingly being ud to estimate causal treatment effects in ob
rvational studies. In medical and epidemiological studies, outcomes are frequently time-to-event in nature. Propensity-score methods are often applied incorrectly when estimating the effect of treatment on time-to-event outcomes. This article describes how two different propensity score methods (matching and inver probability of treatment weighting) can be ud to estimate the measures of effect that are frequently reported in randomized controlled trials: (i) marginal survival curves, which describe survival in the population if all subjects were treated or if all subjects were untreated; and (ii) marginal hazard ratios. The u of the propensity score methods allows one to replicate the measures of effect that are commonly