What is a tongue-twister? A tongue-twister is a quence of words that is difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly. *********************************** 吉尼斯纪录:最难的英文绕口令: 借花献佛的近义词 The sixth sick Sheik's sixth sheep is sick. ************************************* 以下也是英美本土人都认为很难的绕口令: A proper copper coffee pot. 皖西学院图书馆 Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascals ran. Long legged ladies last longer. Mixed biscuits, mixed biscuits. A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits and a biscuit mixer! Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled pepper? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
Pink lorry, yellow lorry. Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather. 我与书作文She lls a-shells by the a-shore. The shells she lls are ashells, I’m sure. So if she lls ashells by the ashore, then I’m sure she lls ashore shells. Swan swam over the pond, Swim swan swim! Swan swam back again - Well swum swan! Three grey gee in green fields grazing. We surely shall e the sun shine soon. |
1. Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train
his tongue to twist and turn, and twit an twat, to learn the letter "T".
2. Through three chee trees
three free fleas flew. While the fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.
Freezy breeze made the three trees freeze.
Freezy trees made the trees’ cheefreeze.
That’s what made the three free
fleas sneeze.
3. The great Greek grape growers 我要的很简单
grow great Greek grapes
1. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
2. I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
3. Send toast to ten ten stout
saints’ ten tall tents.
5. Deni es the fleece,
Deni es the fleas.
At least Deni could sneeze
and feed and freeze the fleas.
6. Coy knows pudonoi codes.
7. Sheena leads, Sheila needs.
8. The thirty-three thieves thought
that they thrilled the throne through-out Thursday.
9. What a terrible tongue twister,
What a terrible tongue twister,
What a terrible tongue&
10. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
11. Seth at Sainsbury’s lls thick socks.
12. Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.
13. Clean clams crammed in clean cans.
14. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks
with picks and sticks.
15. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.
16. Stupid superstition!
17. There was a fisherman named
Fisher who fished for some fish in a
Till a fish with a grin,
pulled the fisherman in.
Now they’re fishing the fissure for
18. World Wide Web
19. To sit in solemn silence in a
dull dark dock
In a pestilential prison with a life long lock
Awaiting the nsation of a short sharp
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a
big black block.
20. Seventy ven benevolent elephants harder than it ems.
21. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, ’tis the peanut-butter picky people pick.
22. If Stu chews shoes, should
Stu choo the shoes he chews?
旧曾谙23. How many boards
如何介绍自己Could the Mongols hoard
If the Mongol hoards got bored?
24. There tho thousand thinkers were thinking how the other three
thieves go through.
25. Santa’s Short Suit Shrunk
26. I was born on a pirate ship
Hold your tongue while saying it.
27. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!
28. Wayne went to Wales to
watch walrus.
29. In Hertford, Hereford and
Hampshire hurricanes hardly
ever happen.
30. One-one was a race hor.
Two-two was one too.
One-one won one race.
Two-two won one too.
31. Eleven benevolent elephants
32. Celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, celibate celebrant, ..
33. Willy’s real rear wheel
34. If Pickford’s packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that
Pickford’s packers packed survive for two and a half years?
真抓实干的近义词35. Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards
36. Gobbling gorgoyles gobbled gobbling goblins.
37. Did Dick Pickens prick his pinkie
pickling cheap cling peaches in an inchof Pinch or framing his famed French 键盘灯不亮
finch photos?