聆听天籁之音 Reaching new peaks of popularity in North Americais Iceberg Water, whichis harvested from icebergs offthe coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
男人都会出轨吗 Arthur von Wienberger, who carries the title Wa-ter Master, is one ofthe few water critics in North America.
As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France andSwitzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.
Even then, he kept a water journal, noting the brands heliked best. "Mydog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water," he says.
But is plain tap water all that had? Not at all. In fact,New York'smunicipal water for more than a century wascalled the champagne of tap waterand until recently con-sidered among the best in the world in terms of bothtasteand purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found thattap water from theThames River tasted better than v-eral leading brands of bottled w
ater thatwere 400 timesmore expensive.
Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottledwater as the next battle-ground for market share despitethe fact that over 25 percent of bottled watercomes fromtap water: PepsiCo's Aquafina and Coca-Cola's Dasaniare bothpurified tap water rather than spring water.
As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and res-taurateurs salivateover the profits. A restaurant's typicalmark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent,whereas on bottledwater it's often 300 to 500 percent. But since water is muchcheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brands aren'tavailable in stores,most diners don't notice or care:
吉他变调夹怎么用 As a result, some restaurants are turning up the presssure to ll bottledwater. According to an article in the wall street journal, some or the moresnamcicss tacties include placing attractive bottles on the table for avisualll, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouringbottledwater without even asking the diners if they want it.
Regardless of how it's sold, the popularity of bottledwater taps into ourdesire for better health, our wishes toappear cultivated, and even a longingfor lost purity.