Neck Pain
走三关A Patient’s Guide to Neck Pain
What are some of the symptoms of neck problems?
磁盘检查工具Symptoms from neck problems vary. They depend on your condition and which neck structures are affected. Some of the more common symptoms of neck problems are
· neck pain
· headaches
· pain spreading into the upper back or down the arm
· neck stiffness and reduced range of motion
· muscle weakness in the shoulder, arm, or hand
· nsory changes (numbness, prickling, or tingling) in the forearm, hand, or fingers
How will my doctor find out what is causing my problem?
The diagnosis of neck problems begins with a thorough history of your condition. You might be asked to fill out a questionnaire describing your neck problems. Then your doctor will ask you questions to find out when you first started having problems, what makes your symptoms wor or better, and how the symptoms affect your daily activity. Your answers will help guide the physical examination.
Your doctor will then physically examine the muscles and joints of your neck. It is important that your doctor e how your neck is aligned, how it moves, and exactly where it hurts.
Your doctor may do some simple tests to check the function of the nerves. The tests measure your arm and hand strength, check your reflexes, and help determine whether you have numbness in your arms, hands, or fingers.
The information from your medical history and physical examination will help your doctor decide which tests to run. The tests give different types of information.
月嫂面试Radiological Imaging
Radiological imaging tests help your doctor e the anatomy of your spine. There are veral kinds of imaging tests.
X-rays show problems with bones, such as infection, bone tumors, or fractures. X-rays of the spine also can give your doctor information about how much degeneration has occurred in the spine, by showing the amount of space in the neural foramina and between the discs. X-rays are usually the first test ordered before any of the more specialized tests. Special X-rays called flexion andextension X-rays may help to determine if there is instability between vertebrae. The X-rays are taken from the side as you lean as far forward and then as far backward as you can. Comparing the two X-rays allows the doctor to e how much motion occurs between each spinal gment.