
更新时间:2023-05-27 12:01:23 阅读: 评论:0

货币  moneycurrency
外汇  foreign exchangeexchange
铸币  coin
银行券  banknote
纸币  paper moneypaper currency
存款货币  deposit money
购买力  purchasing power
购买力平价 purchasing power parity(PPP)
价值尺度  measure of values
货币单位  money unit currency unit
流通手段  measure of circulation
购买手段  measure of purcha
交易媒介  media of exchange
支付手段  measure of payment
货币需求  demand of money
汇率  exchange rate
高一英语必修三一般等价物  universal equivalent
流动性  liquidity
准货币  quasi money
货币制度  monetary system
金本位  gold standard
造币  coinage
铸币税  igniorage
本位币,主币  standard money
辅币  fractional money
法定偿付能力  legal tender powers
布雷德森林体系  Bretton Woods Monetary System
浮动汇率制  floating exchange rate regime
欧元  EURO
欧洲货币联盟  Europe Monetary UnionEMU
最适货币区理论  theory of optimum currency area
信用  credit
利息  interest
汉谟拉比法典  Hammurabi’s Code
高利贷  usury
利率  interest rate
债权  claim
债务  debtdebt obligation indebtedness
借入  borrowing(借入者 borrower
贷出  lending(贷出者 lender
盈余  surplus
赤字  deficit
可支配货币收入  disposable monetary income
资金流量  flow of funds
商业信用  commercial credit
银行信用  bank credit
商业票据  commercial paperbill
本票  promissory note
汇票  bill of exchange
商业本票  commercial paper
商业汇票  commercial bill
承兑  acceptance
国债  national debts
公债  public debts
短期国库券  treasury bill
中期国库券  treasury note
长期国库券  treasury bond
消费信用  consumer credit
国外商业性贷款  foreign commercial loan
国外直接投资  foreign direct investmentFDI
合伙企业  partnership
股份公司  stock company, joint-stock company
股票  stock certificate, stocks, shares
股东  stock holder
所有权  ownership
金融  finance
财政  public finance
公司理财  corporate finance
个人收支  personal budget
投资  investment
保险  insurance
财产保险  property insurance
人生保险  life and health insurance
相互人寿保险  mutual life insurance
信托  trust
租赁  leasing
收益,收益率  yield
利息率  interest rate
回报率,报酬率  return
资本化  capitalization
本金  principle
基准利率  benchmark interest rate
补偿  compensation
无风险利率  risk free interest rate
名义利率  nominal interest rate
实际利率  real interest rate
年利率  annual interest rate
月利率  monthly interest rate
日利率  daily interest rate
拆息,日拆  call money interest
单利  simple interest
复利  compound interest
终值  future value
现值  prent value
贴现值  prent discounted value
竞价拍卖  open outcry auction
利率期限结构  term structure of interest rates
即期利率  spot rate of interest
远期利率  forward rate of interest
到期收益率  yield of maturity
外汇  foreign exchangeforeign currency
外汇管理  exchange regulation/management
外汇管制  exchange control
可兑换  convertibility
经常项目  current account
资本项目  capital account
不可兑换  inconvertibility
牌价  posted price
直接标价法  direct quotation
间接标价法  indirect quotation
市场汇率  market exchange rate
官方汇率  official exchange rate
黑市  black market
固定汇率  fixed exchange rate两个属虎的人结婚婚姻怎样
浮动汇率  floating exchange rate
管理浮动  managed float
钉住汇率制度  pegged exchange rate regime
名义汇率  nominal exchange rate
实际汇率  real exchange rate
大度的意思外汇指定银行  designated foreign exchange bank
中国外汇交易中心  China Foreign Exchange Trading Center
对内价值  internal value of exchange
货币对外价值  external value of exchange
铸币平价  mint parity
金评价  gold parity
国际借贷说  theory of international indebtedness
国际收支说  theory of balance payment
流动债权  current claim
流动负债  current liability
汇兑心理说  psychology theory of exchange rate
货币分析说  monetary approach
外汇风险  exchange risk
金融市场  financial market
证券化  curitization
金融工具  financial instruments
金融产品  financial products
变现  encashment
名义收益率  nominal yield
现实收益率  current yield
平均收益率  average yield
直接融资月亮代表我的心钢琴谱  direct finance
间接融资  indirect finance
货币市场  money market
资本市场  capital market
现货市场  spot market
期货市场  futures market
内在价值  intrinsic values
资信度  credit standing
融通票据  financial paper
真实票据  real bill
银行承兑票据  bank acceptance
贴现  discount
贴现率 discount rate
短期国库券  treasury bill
大额存单  certificates of depositCDs
回购  counter purcha
回购协议  repurcha agreement
隔夜  overnight
银行同业拆借市场  inter-bank market
权益  equity
剩余要求权  residual claims
证券交易所  stock exchange
交割  delivery
过户  transfer ownership
场外交易市场  over the counterOTC
金融债券  financial bond
初级市场班干部总结  primary market
二级市场  condary market
衍生金融产品  derivative financial products
原生金融产品  underlying financial products
合同  contract
远期  forwards
期货  futures
期权  options
期权费  option premium
看涨期权  call option
看跌期权  put option
熊猫的英语互换,掉期,调期  swaps
投资基金  investment funds
封闭式基金  clo end fund
开放式基金  open end fund
共同基金  mutual fund
增长基金  growth funds
对冲基金  hedge fund

本文发布于:2023-05-27 12:01:23,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:货币   基金   银行   市场   汇率   外汇   商业   利率
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