Ready to begin using the JELQ Device?
The most important part of a good penis enlargement
workout is to start slow, build up intensity slowly, and to
achieve your gains slowly. Penile exercis should never
The idea is to give the organ a good workout, let it recover,
and then repeat. Many beginners get so excited about
enlarging their penis that they jump right in to a routine that is to stressful, painful and possibly dangerous. It is always better to do the exercis slowly and with precision.
Concentrate on your form at first, learn the routines, and then increa the intensity as your body allows you to do so.
Plea remember that there is a learning curve here. It takes a few times to get ud to using the JELQ (or any other exerci equipment), so don't expect a really effective workout until the 3rd or 4th try.
Additionally, it is always better to start off slow and light at first and then increa the intensity as your body adjusts and you become more comfortable with the equipment.
The key to achieving real gains is to consistently fatigue the penis with a thorough workout - and then allow full recovery. By simply repeating this process over time you will e truly remarkable gains. This concept is familiar to anyone who lifts weights or trains at a competitive level. Exerci is always a cumulative process. That said, if you never allow for recovery you won't e any gains and could risk injury. So, start slow. After a while you will begin to recover fully after only 8-12 hours. However, at first it may take as long as 2 days.
After your workout you may e tiny red and possibly blue dots along the penile shaft and on the glans. This is completely normal. Additionally, the penis should be completely fatigued directly after a workout, and it is recommended that you avoid intercour for at least a few hours.
The following exerci routines are merely examples of what other JELQ urs are doing with the device. You may decide to emulate the, or you may come up with your own exercis. The choice and the responsibility is yours. The makers of the JELQ device accept no responsibility, make no warranties (expresd or implied), and will not be held liable for the safety or the efficacy of this product - whether or not it is ud in accordance with its intended function. The JELQ device purchar and/or ur takes absolute responsibility for the u of the JELQ device, and for any effects from using the JELQ device.
Get ready,
Before you begin penile exerci, there are a few things you should consider doing.
For tho of you who are experienced, you already know this, but it is important to shave around the ba of the penis before beginning any type of jelqing or milking routine. This will prevent chafing and uncomfortable hair pulling during the exerci.
Hot Wrap:
It is very important before beginning that you maximize circulation to the penis. There is a lot of information on the web with regard to using a "hot wrap" to prepare the penis for enlargement exerci.
The basic hot wrap technique is to soak a washcloth in hot water and wrap it around the penis for a few minutes, massage, and then repeat. This should be done until the penis is thoroughly engorged with blood and all surrounding muscles and ligaments are completely relaxed.
It is important to u lubrication, but using too much will cau slipping and sliding, and will not allow for a good workout. The best way to overcome this is to lube up using baby oil or simply pure vitamin E oil, then to wash it off with water only. The small amount of remaining lubrication will provide the best results with the JELQ device.
Additionally, you can u any type of water or petroleum bad lubricant if you prefer. The foam covering the rollers is made of tough clod-cell polyethylene and won't absorb water or lubricant.
Warming Up:
Always start by warming up the penile tissue. The easiest way to do this is to get into a hot shower and allow the water to spray directly on the genitals for veral minutes. Alternatively, if you are not doing the exercis in the shower, you can u a hot wrap for warming up.
To make the hot wrap, fill the sink basin with extremely hot water. Take a clean washcloth and soak it in the hot water. Remove the washcloth from the water, and wring out the excess. Next, wrap the hot washcloth completely around the penis covering from the ba all the way to the tip of the glans. Allow this to sit until it becomes cool, and then repeat 2-3 times.
After the hot wrap has warmed the penile tissue completely (the penis should feel heavy from the incread circulation), begin stretching and massaging the penis with your hand. This can be done in or out of the shower, depending on whichever is most convenient for you.
Begin by grasping the penis just below the glans (head or tip). Gently pull the penis to the right, try to relax completely, you should feel a slight stretch in the ligaments directly below the ba of the penis. Hold this stretch for 10-30 conds, and then relax. Next, grasp the penis looly at the ba and shake it back and forth allowing it to regain good circulation. Finally, repeat the above stretch to the left, up, down, and straight out from the body.
Many urs typically start while waiting for the water to warm up. Additionally, you
can do a few hand jelqing exercis at first to get the penis engorged and ready for a good workout. The hand jelqing exercis are done by forming the "OK" grip with
your hand. Begin at the ba of the penis, tighten the grip, and pull outward toward the glans (head or tip) of the penis. For obvious reasons, this is also referred to as "milking" the penis.
The Basic Exerci:
Before you can begin you must achieve a mi-erection. One
of the quickest ways to do this is to work the penis to full
erection and then allow the erection to subside. If you regain
the erection during the workout, stop and allow the erection
to subside before beginning again.
Begin by holding the JELQ device with one hand on the
two handles (palm facing the body) and the other grasping
the foam rollers.
Next, open the JELQ handles and allow the rollers to slide
onto the penis. Push the device all the way to the pubic bone
and then push a little farther as you lightly squeeze the
handles. This will pull the penis out of the body slightly and
begin to force blood into the penis. When done correctly, the
first squeeze should cau the penis to "jump" up slightly
like a balloon being filled with air.
At this point, grip down firmly and begin to pull out and away
from the body up the penile shaft and toward the glans. It is
helpful, at first, to keep one hand on the rollers while doing
this, so as to steady the device as you complete each
repetition. After veral ssions, you won't have to do this,
but it is helpful at first.
Each repetition should take approximately 4 conds. When beginning, count the conds for each rep, after a while you will achieve a slow and steady rhythm. Your grip should be tight enough that the rollers lock up, and only turn very slightly as you pull toward the glans. Once you reach the glans it should be so engorged that there is no way that you could pull the device off without looning your grip. To focus the exercis on the glans, you can hold this for an additional 3 conds each rep.
构树的功效与作用If you are exercising in the shower, you can allow the water in the shower to spray directly on the device and your penis as you do the exercis. The water will provide additional lubrication and the heat will keep up good circulation.
After you have finished the outward motion loon the grip on the handles. The
rollers should then slide freely to the ba of the penis, and you are ready to begin
another repetition.
Repeat the above process for 100, or so, repetitions. Then stop, massage the penis
and do some manual jelq and stretching while the hot water runs directly on the penis. If you are doing the exercis out of the shower, you may wish to perform a hot wrap in between ts. At this point you should be hanging very large.
Note: You should begin by doing only 100 repetitions, or so, per ssion. After a few
ssions you will want to increa both the reps and the intensity of the workout. Many urs now do 200-250 repetitions every to every other day. Even tho who
感谢信英语作文模板have reached their goals continue to u the device, the workouts continue to help achieve massively firm erections and to generally hang better during the day. Ready to move to the advanced routines?
There are two basic advanced routines that you can perform with your JELQ
device: a stretching routine and the power squeeze. Each should be performed only as a supplement to the basic routine.
Stretching Routine:
To begin the stretching routine, start with a loo grip on the handles of the JELQ
device. Allow the rollers to slide to just below the glans (head or tip) of the penis. With your free hand, pull back on the foreskin, allowing the rollers to rest just below the ridge of the glans.
Next gently squeeze on the handles. Pull outward (straight away from the body) and
hold for about 30-45 conds. Try to relax completely while performing the stretch. You should feel a light pull in the ligaments that attach the ba of the penis to the pubic bone. After a 30-45 cond stretch, grasp the penis at the ba and shake it back and forth allowing it to regain circulation. Repeat the above, only now go to the left, right, up and down. This exerci is similar to the warm-up stretch, but is done with more intensity and for a longer duration.
Power Squeeze:
The power squeeze is simply a modification of the basic
routine. Once you reach the point in the basic routine where
the rollers are slightly below the glans, and the glans is
completely engorged with blood, squeeze slightly harder on
the handles and thrust the pelvis outward while tightening
the anus. This is basically a modified kegel exerci, and will
give you added gains in the glans. Some urs call the
effects of this exerci: achieving a mushroom tip, becau the head or tip of the penis becomes slightly larger than the rest of the penile shaft.小石潭记多少字
发型短发女图片 Time to cool down.
After an inten workout with the JELQ device, make sure that you take the time to cool down. Mainly this involves moisturizing and restoring your circulation. However, you may desire a nice shower or bath as well after your workout.
After finishing a workout you should apply lotion to the penis. Some urs actually like to u triple antibiotic ointment, but any product that promotes healthy skin growth will be uful in achieving your gains more quickly. Gently massage the lotion into the penis and allow it to absorb before washing off any excess. Circulation:
At no point during the exercis should your penis feel completely numb. If this happens, then you are not getting adequate circulation. Always stop the exercis and regain circulation before beginning again.
There are veral ways to regain circulation. You may wish to simply wait it out, or to expedite the process, you may want to gently slap your penis against your leg a few times. This will typically get the blood flowing again.
Keep the JELQ in good shape.
Many urs have posted questions in the past about how to maintain the device. Here are some suggestions:
Cleaning the Device:
If you do your workout in the shower, you will want to take a washcloth and wipe down the device before putting it away. Some urs have been using the same device for over a year now - and have only en a small amount of oxidation around the hinges on the handles, which can even be avoided using a small amount of lubricant directly on the hinges.
After a while you may get some lubricant build-up on the inside of the rollers. The can be popped off and washed with soap in the sink. However, you must u a dishwashing type soap only. Never u any powerful chemicals when cleaning the rollers.
Re-forming the Handles:
Over time the handles will naturally spread out. About once every three weeks you will want to pop the rollers off (simply pull the handles apart lightly and the rollers will pop off) and then reposition the handles.
To do this simply grasp the JELQ device handles between your thumb and forefinger (one on each hinge) and push the hinges together. The axel prongs will touch in the middle. At this point allow the axel prongs to slide off of each other and push the hinges together a little bit farther. After repeating this a few times the prongs will be repositioned clor to each other. They should now fit tightly on the rollers. Re-forming the handles regularly will prevent the rollers from popping off mid-workout!