Main ingredients: 4 eggs, 100g granulated sugar, 70g low-gluten milk, 45ml oil, 1g baking powder, 350ml light cream, 10 strawberries.
李晓桐1,Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites and place them in two parate basins.
2,Divide the oil and milk into egg yolks.
3,Mix the low-gluten flour, baking powder and salt together. Sift and pour into the yolk mixture.
未来的书包作文4,squeeze a little lemon juice in the egg whites three times to add 80 grams of granulated sugar, beat until stiff foam.
先进集体事迹材料(在蛋白里面挤一点柠檬汁,用电动打蛋器打出大泡后,分三次加入80克砂糖,打至硬性发泡。) 国庆节的图画
5,Preheat oven to 175℃. Mix 1/2 egg white with egg yolk.
6,Add the beaten egg yolks into the remaining 1/2 egg white paste. Place in the lower middle of the oven and bake for about 40 minutes.
(把搅匀的蛋黄加入剩下的1/2蛋白糊里,同样的方式拌匀,倒入蛋糕模。 放进烤箱中下层,烤40分钟左右。)