1 目的Objective
The objective of this procedure is to ensure the effectiveness and integrity of quality records, so as to provide evidence if the quality system is effective and if the product quality meets the requirements, and in ca of traceability occasions, to provide witness.
2 适用范围Applicable Scope
This is applicable to the control of all AICQ quality records related to quality and the quality records from the sub-contractors and customers.
3 职责Responsibility
3.1 各职能部门负责本部门范围内的专业性质量记录的归档。
Each functional department is responsible for filing of professional quality records within its respective business scope.
3.2 质量部负责质量记录的管理。
The Quality Department is responsible for the management of quality records.
3.3 总经办负责公司级质量文件和记录的归档和管理
The GM Office is responsible for the filing and management of company-level quality documents and records.全国名牌大学排名
彩铃怎么设置4 工作程序Work Procedures
4.1 凡是用于证明产品是否符合规定的要求和质量体系是否有效运行的质量记录,都属于需控制的范围,包括但不限于:
All the quality records that are ud to rve as evidence if the product quality meets the requirements and if the quality system is effective shall fall in the state of control. They inc
lude, but are not limited to:
Contract Review Records;
Inspection / Test Records (including inspection report, test report, etc);
c.产品认可/过程认可记录(包括样品认可报告、制造工程部批准/批量认可报告、 CPK/PPK能力测定报告、人员培训/鉴定记录等;
Product / Process Certification Records (including sample certification report, Manufacture Engineering Department approval / batch quantity certification report, CPK / PPK capability test report, personnel training / appraisal records, etc);
Quality Audit (system / process / product / supplier audit report);
Material Inspection / Test Report;
Quality Control Diagram;
g. 顾客索赔记录;
Customer Claim Records;
h. 与纠正预防措施有关记录;
Records related to corrective and preventative actions;
Maintenance & repair records of equipment / moulds / tools & clamps;
j. 测量设备校准记录。
Measuring equipment calibration records.
4.2 质量记录形式的设计和审定Design & Approval of Quality Record Form
Each department may design quality records per its own u, with format simple and clear and permitting to record all necessary quality activities. The form of quality records may only be put in u after they are approved by the department manager and registered and numbered in the Quality Department.
b型血天蝎座4.3计件工资制 质量记录的标识唇齿清胃丸的功效与作用Identification of Quality Records
To ensure a quality record have a unique identification, the Quality Department shall formulate the “List of Quality Records”, identifying the name, number, retention period and retention department of each quality record.
4.4 使用表格部门每月应进行一次核查,确定一览表内容与实际相符。各职能部门负责管辖范围专业性质量记录的收集、整理,质量部负责每月综合检查质量记录的编号及归档情况。
千年古屋The department using the forms shall inspect the quality records every month and determine if they are in compliance with the facts. Each functional department is responsible to collect and trim the professional quality records, while the Quality Department is responsible to inspect the number and filing of quality records every month.
苏幕遮是什么意思4.5 质量记录的管理Management of Quality Records
Correctly fill in quality records as required. The handwriting must be easily readable and the words cannot be altered at one’s will. The quality records shall carry the full detail and the signature or stamping of the recorder.
Each department shall duly collect its quality records, and then sort out them by category and register them in cards. Finally, bind up the quality records in quential order and file them.
The storage of quality records shall meet the following requirements:
The quality records should be stored in a special ca easy to arch.
The storage environment must be free of fire, humidity, incts and spoiling.
The quality records stored in other type of media, e.g. electronic media, must be prevented from humidity, squeeze and magnetization. In addition, to avoid the loss of data, the original records must be retained.