小事不小作文The Time Squeeze: Parental Status and Feelings About Time With Children
归去来兮辞原文及翻译期刊名称: Journal of Marriage and Family
作者: Melissa A. Milkie,Marybeth J. Mattingly,Kei M. Nomaguchi,Suzanne M.
Bianchi,John P. Robinson
晋武帝司马炎作者机构: University of Maryland,Northern Illinois University *
年份: 2004年consin
期号: 第3期三角函数练习题
ufs关键词: gender;paid work;parenting;role strain;time u
摘要:Policy makers, parents, and the public are concerned with perceived declines in parents' time with children. Data from two national surveys (N = 1,159 and N = 821) ud in this study show that nearly half of parents report feeling too little time with children. Work hours are strongly related to the
feelings, even controlling for time spent with children, and explain why fathers more than mothers feel time strain. For fathers, tho who youngest child is an adolescent feel more strain than similarly situated mothers. Controlling for work hours, single parents are not more likely than married parents to feel that they spend insufficient time with children.