翻译中的选词?法(d i c t i on)进口博览会时间
•I. 选择语法意义(choiceof grammat ical meaning s)----语法结构分析
•The same word, when ud as differe nt parts of speechand playing differe nt roles in a ntenc e, has differe nt meaning s.
• 1.Take the cart back to the back yard and back it into the shed at the back of the stable.
• 2.He had no stomach to followus.
•Ican’tstomach this job any longer.
•II.选择搭配意义(c hoiceof colloca tive meaning s)----语义分析
•Some words have the same basic meaning s, but differin colloca tion. That is, they have differe nt colloca tive meaning s. For instanc e, “n”and“meaning”aresynonym ous, but“Johnisamanofn”isaccepta blewhile“Johnisamanofmeaning”is
unaccep table.
•One problem with colloca tion is transla tion is that, very often what is good colloca tion in English may not be so when rendere d into •Chinese, or vice versa. For instanc e, “pretty”and“handsom e”arerendere dinto“漂亮的”and“英俊的”respect ively.It is perfect ly all righttosay“ahandsom ecar”but“英俊的车子”would be totally unaccep tableto the Chinese reader. Thus in E-C transla tion, a transla tor must ensurethat the version is idiomat ic or colloca tively accepta ble in the targetlanguag e. E.g.build
儿童缺锌怎么补•Build a hou/ a ship/ a fire/ a car/one’sconfide nce/scholar s of tomorro w/ an answer/ a bridge/ a dam/ a stamp collect ion
•III. 选择情感意义(choiceof afffect ive meaning s)-----语义分析(情感)
•Affecti ve meaning s refersto what is communi catedof the feeling s and attitud es of the writertowards the reader. You may address somebod yasan“idiot”toconveyyour despise, or describ e somethi ngas“marvelo us”toexpress your positiv e evaluat ion. There are basical ly three types of affecti ve meaning s: positiv e(褒义),neutral(中性),and derogat ory (贬义).
•Positiv e neutral derogat ory
Portly(发福的)Overwei ght(超重的)Obe(臃肿的)
Slender,slim((苗条的) Underwe ight(体重不够的)Skinny(瘦削的) Senior,elder(长者)Old man/woman(老人)Fossil(老朽)休息时间英文
•Example s:
• 1.Aggress ive nations threate n world peace.
• A salesma n must be aggress ive if he wants to succeed.
• 2. He incited the soldier s to fight bravely.
• He was charged with incitin g peopleto violenc e.
文竹叶子发黄怎么办• 3. Every dog has his day.
•“Youchicken!”h e cried, looking at Tom with contemp t.离退休干部
•Ⅳ.选择模糊意义(choiceof ambiguo us meaning s)------语义分析(歧义)
•Ambigui ty, accordi ng to D. Bolinge r, is defined as one surface structu re coverin g two or more deep structu res, that is, one
linguis tic express ion allowsmore than one udnerst anding s or
interpr etatio ns. Ambigui ty can be classif ied as lexical ambigui ty(词汇歧义)and structu ral ambigui ty(结构歧义).
•1.lexical ambigui ty(词汇歧义)
•The multipl e meaning s of the utteran ce depends on the meaning of the singleword. E.g.
•⑴ She cannotbear childre n.
•①She cannotgive birth to childre n because she is sterile.
•②She cannottolerat e the childre n.
•⑵As Green desiged the machine, he must have realize d its capabil ity.
• 2. structu ral ambigui ty(结构歧义)
•The multipl e meaning s of the utteran ce depends on the ntenc e structu re.Eg.
•She showedher baby picture s.
•Ⅴ.选择引申意义(choiceof extende d meaning s)----语义分析(关联义)
•It is often difficu lt to find a suitabl e Chinese transla tion for an English word or express ion in E-C diction aries, and a mechani cal transla tion may be unintel ligibl e to our readers. One way out is to extendthe meaning from the concret e or specifi c to the abstrac t or general, or vice versa.
• 1.”实”→虚”.词义从具体引向抽象,从特殊引向一般,从局部引向概括•⑴Nowaday s a student headi
ng for college may pack a fryingpan along with his books.
•⑵ When I go aroundon speakin g engagem ents, they all expectme to assumea QuakerOats look.
•虚译:我应邀外出演讲时,他们都指望我摆出一副毫无表情,一本正经的面孔.( QuakerOats 是欧美一种有名的麦片商标,商标中画的老头模样毫无表情,我国读者不熟悉,应虚译.)
• 2.“虚”→”实”.词义从抽象引向具体,从一般引向特殊,从概括引向局部
•⑴There is more to their life than politic al and socialand economi c problem s; more than transie nt everyda yness.
•实译: 他们的生活远不止那些政治的,社会的和经济的问题, 远不止每天的柴米油盐.
•⑵He is a valuabl e acquisi tion to the team.
•Ⅵ.选择对应意义(choiceof equival ent meaning s)-----语义分析(对概念义的误解)
•Some English words or express ions look equival ent to their Chinese counter parts, but actuall y they are differe nt.
•They are called“falfriends”. Care shouldbe taken not to be confine d or taken away by what we e in the origina l text. •Eg.
•Busybod y≠忙人=(贬义)好管闲事的人=a personwho takes too much interes t in other people’saffairs.
•The long and the short of it≠它的长短处=总的结果/情况/要点•She has a weaknes s for pork≠吃猪肉她可不行.=她有爱吃猪肉的嗜
•Ⅶ.选择准确意义(choiceof exact meaning s)----语义分析(所指意义)
• A careful transla tor shouldweigh the meaning of the origina l befroechoosin g a suitabl e Chinese word or express ion. Three criteri a are propose d here for choosin g suitabl e words: precise ness(准
确),concise ness(精练),and gracefu lness(优美),commonmistake s in this respect may be chiefly due to the followi ng:
•⑴lapping up a word or express ion without digesti ng it(囫囵吞枣) •⑵extendi ng the meaning beyondits limits(引申过头)
•⑶Rigidly adherin g to letteror form(拘泥字面)
•Thus a compara tive study of synonym ous express ions in the two languag es is alwaysnecessa ry for appropr iate transla tion. In given context, the choiceof words is a matterof diction calling for our careful conside ration.
•Eg.in Chinese:
•祝贺(轻)—庆祝(重) 批评(轻)—批判(重) 轻视(轻)—鄙视(重) •欺侮(轻)—欺压(重) 损坏(轻)—毁坏(重) 责备(轻)—责骂(重) •*词义范围大小不同
•信件(大)—信(小) 树木(大)—树(小) 时代(大)—时期(小) •河流(大)—河(小) 战争(大)—战役(小) 车辆(大)—车(小)
•充足(阳光)—充分(理由) 侵犯(主权)—侵占(土地)
•发挥(作用)—发扬(精神) 召集(众人)—召开(会议)
•Ⅷ. 选择语境意义(Choiceof context ual meaning s)----大语境分析•The same word, when ud in differe nt context s or fieldsof discour (busines s, law, medicin e, educati on, politic s, forestr y, etc.),has differe nt meaning s. For instanc e, in some context s“mad”means“foolish”, insome“angry”, and in others“insan e”.