1.AA制 Dutchtreatm ent; go Dutch
2.A股市场 A sharemarket
3.爱尔兰共和军 IrishRepubl ic Army (IRA)
4.爱国民主人士 patrio tic democr aticperson ages
5.爱国统一战线 patrio tic united front
6.爱国卫生运动 patrio tic sanita tioncampai gn
7.―爱国者‖导弹 Patrio t missil e
8.爱丽舍宫 Elysée Palace
9.爱鸟周 Bird-Loving Week
10."爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog."
11.爱心工程 Loving Care Projec t
12.艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合征) AIDS (Acquir ed Immune Defici encySyndro me)
13.矮子里拔将军 choose a genera l from amongthe dwarfs--pick the best out of a medioc re bunch
14.安家费 ttli ng-in allowa nce
15.按键式电话push-botton phone; Touch-Tone; keypho ne
16."安静地铁low-noisubway(The vibrat ion contro l techni que will be applie d to Subway Line 4, making for a low-noicommut e in Beijin g. 减振技术将用于地铁4号线,打造北京安静地铁。)"
17.安乐死 euthan asia
18.安理会 Securi ty Counci l
19.安全岛 safety strip
20."安全第一,预防为主 Safety first, precau tioncrucia l."
21.安全专项整治 carryout more specia l progra ms to addres s saftyproble ms
22.按时足额发放基本养老金 pay the pensio ns of retire es on time and in full
23.安慰奖 consol ation prize
24.暗箱操作 blackca work
25.按资排辈 to assign priori ty accord ing to nior ity
26.按成本要素计算的国民经济总值 GNP at factor cost
27.安第斯集团峰会(拉美国家) Andean Summit
28.(手机)按键 keypad
29.按键音 keypad tone
30.按揭贷款 mortga ge loan
31.按揭购房 to buy a houon mortga ge; to mortga ge a hou
32."有计划按比例发展planne d, propor tiona te develo pment; develo p propor tiona tely;develo p in a planne d, propor tiona te way"
33.安居工程 Comfor table Housin g Projec t
34.按距离计费vary the charge accord ing to how far away the destin ation is
35.按劳分配 distri butio n accord ing to one's perfor mance
36.暗恋 unrequ itedlove; fall in love with someon e cret ly
37.安全行车safe drivin g
38.奥林匹克精神 the Olympi c ideals; the Olympi c spirit
39.澳门特别行政区 the MacaoSpecia l Admini strat ive Region
40.奥委会 Olympi c Commit tee
41.澳门大三巴牌坊 Ruinsof St. Paul
42.奥姆真理教Japane Aum Doomsd ay Cult
43.奥运火炬护跑手 escort runner
44.奥运人家Olympi c homest ays (The―Olympi c homest ays‖progra m offers foreig n visito rs a chance to experi enceBeijin g citize ns’reallives.―奥运人家‖项目为外国游客提供机会,让他们充分体验地道的北京市民生活。)西游记原文>血怎么洗掉
45.奥运圣火采集仪式 Olympi c flamelighti ng ceremo ny
46.奥运特许商品 Olympi c mercha ndise; franch idgoodsfor Olympi c Game
47."奥运中心区Olympi c Common Domain (The Olympi c Common Domain is t to open to the public free of charge Friday, the Beijin g Timesreport ed Wednes day. But ticket s are needed to visitthe Olympi c venues, such as the Bird's Nest, the WaterCube and the Nation al Indoor Stadiu m. Priorto the reopen ing, the OCD return such facili tiesas curi ty checkroofsto the nation al Olympi c commit tee. 《京华时报》8日报道,奥林匹克公园中心区拟于周五向游客免费开放,但鸟巢、水立方、国家体育馆等奥运场馆仍需购票游览,票价尚未确定。据悉,此次开放前中心区将向奥组委归还安检棚等临时物资。)"
48."奥运专用车道 olympi c drivew ay, specia l drivew ay for Beijin g Olympi c vehicl es (Worker s beg
anto mark the specia l drivew ays for Beijin g Olympi c vehicl es with five Olympi c ringsSaturd ay night.周六晚,北京奥运专用车道施划工作正式展开,地面标识为奥运五环图案。)"
49.《阿Q正传》 The True Storyof Ah Q
50.立法委员会Legisl ative Counci l
51.B超 type-B ultras onic
52."八宝饭 eight-treasu re rice puddin g(steame d glutin ous rice with bean paste, lotuseds, prer ved fruit, etc.)"
53.罢工 down tools(Worker s are t to down toolsin protes t agains t employ er's refusa l to budgeon wage demand s. 由于雇主在工资问题上拒不让步,工人们准备进行罢工。)
54."八卦gossip, gossip y.Origin allythe name of an eight-side diagra m derive d from the famous Chines e classi c ―Ching‖(Book of Change s), it is now oftenud to descri be gossip or gossip y people."
55."八卦网站 gossip site (""Everyt hingthat I type, everyt hingthat I do, some gossip site makesit new
s,"" she added.她补充说:―我写的一切,我所做的一切,一些八卦网站都把它们编成了新闻。‖)"
56.把关 guarda pass; checkon; mainta in a strict standa rd
57.拔尖人才 tip-top (or top-notch) talent
58.巴解 the Palest inian Libera tionOrgani zatio n(PLO)
59.《巴黎航空公约》(1919) The ParisAviati on Covena nt
60.巴黎证券交易所 ParisBourse
61.八面玲珑 be slick(in social interc ourse); try to please everyb ody or offend nobody
62.霸权主义 hegemo nism
63.吧台 bar counte r
64.把握大局 graspthe overal l situat ion
65.八字没一撇Not even the firststroke of the charac ter is in sight; Nothin g tangib le is yet in sight.
66.八卦 EightDiagra ms; bagua
67.八卦(娱乐) gossip
68.拔河(游戏) tug-of-war
西瓜的作文69."摆花架子 a metaph or for pren tingan attrac tivefacade but in realit y lackin g substa nce, do for show"
70.白金汉宫Buckin ghamPalace
71."拜金女 materi al girl (Ma Nuo, 22, a modelfrom Beijin g, has won plaudi ts for her stylis h appear ance, but is equall y deride d for her materi al girl image.来自北京的模特马诺只有22岁,却因其时尚的外表赚足了众人的眼球。但同时她也成为人们所嘲笑的―拜金女郎‖。)"
72.拜金主义 moneyworshi p
73.白领犯罪 white-collar crime
74.白领工人 white-collar worker
75.白领工人 Whitecollar (早在1928年,人们开始用w hite-collar来形容非体力劳动者,如老师、公务员等。―白领‖顾名思义,表示其职业要求着装整齐、清洁。)
76.百慕大三角Burmud a Triang le
77.百年老店 centur y-old shop
78.白皮书 whitepaper
79.白热化 whiteheat
80.白色农业 whiteagricu lture
81.白色污染 whitepollut ion
82.摆脱贫困 shakeoff povert y; lift onel f from povert y
罗红霉素吃几粒83.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believ ing.
84.百般拖延 do everyt hingto postpo ne
85.拜把兄弟 swornbrothe rs
86.白炽灯 incand escen t bulb
87.摆架子put on airs
88.白马王子 Prince Charmi ng
89.拜年 pay a New Year's visit
90.摆平 straig htensth out; sort out
91.摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appear ances
92."白人至上主义者whitesuprem acist (Two US men have been arrest ed and charge d for plotti ng a ""killin g spree"" agains t Africa n-Americ ans and ultima telytarget ing Democr aticpresid entia l candid ate Barack Obama,the US attorn ey's office in Tennes e said Monday. Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schles lma n, 18, were lf-descri bed whitesuprem acist s. They planne d to kill 88 people, includ ing 14 who wouldbe behead ed. 美国田纳西州联邦检察官27日说,他们破获了一起谋杀民主党总统候选人奥巴马和袭击更多非洲裔人的阴谋,并逮捕和起诉了两名行凶未遂者。据称,这两人分别是现年20岁的考瓦特和18岁的舍莱索曼。他们自称""白人至上主义者"",原计划打死88名黑人,并斩首其中14人,将刺杀奥巴马作为""最后行动""。)"
94."白色农业 ""whiteagricu lture (also called """"whiteengine ering agricu lture""""; It refers to microb iolog icalagricu lture and biolog icalcell agricu lture.)"""
95.白手起家 starti ng from scratc h
96.白雪公主 Snow White
97.半边天half the sky
98.班车 shuttl e bus
99.半成品 mi-manufa cture d goods; mi-finish ed produc ts
100.板儿寸crew cut
101."办公室恋情office romanc e (31% worker s in the US said they marrie d the person they datedat work, accord ing to a survey of 8,038 worker s releas ed by Career Buil The office romanc e survey also said more men (14%) than women(5%) report ed they wouldlike to date a collea gue.
美国Care erBui lder.com网站公布的调查结果显示,31%的人和同事约会并喜结连理,调查对象为8038名成年全职职员。这项关于办公室恋情的调查还显示,14%的男性乐意与同事约会,但仅有5%的女性持相同态度。)"
102.办公室设备office equipm ent
103.办公自动化OA (Office Automa tion)
104.半官方贸易mi-offici al trade
105.颁奖大会 awardpren tatio n ceremo ny
106.半决赛 mifi nal
107.半决赛四强four mifi nalis ts
108.半拉子工程uncomp leted projec t
109.板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartm ent buildi ng
110.斑马线 zebracrossi ng
111.班门弄斧 teachone's grandm a to suck eggs
112.办年货 do New Year's shoppi ng
113.搬迁户 a reloca ted unit or houh old
114.版权法 copyri ght law
115.版权贸易 copyri ght busine ss
116.版权所有 copyri ght rerv ed; copyri ghted
117.伴生矿 associ atedminera ls
118.版税率 royalt y rate
119.半托day care (for kids)
120.半脱产 partly releas ed from produc tivelabor; partly releas ed from one's regula r work
121.伴宴人员 escort
122.搬运工人 transp ort worker
123."伴飞卫星accomp anyin g satell ite (Chines e scient istsSunday succes sfull y direct ed the accomp anyin g satell ite BX-1 to begincircli ng the Shenzh ou-7 spaces hip, on an ellipt icaltrackof 4km multip lying 8km. 5日,在中国科学家监控下,神舟七号伴飞卫星顺利实现了在4×8公里椭圆轨道上环绕神七飞行的目标。)"
124.帮倒忙 trying to help but causin g more troubl e in the proces s; kiss of death
125."老板bossna pping, lockin g up the boss.(Staffat French plants run by Sony, 3M and Caterp illar have held manage rs inside the factor ies overni ght to demand better layoff terms, a new form of laboraction dubbed ""bossna pping"" by the media.索尼、3M、卡特彼勒公司法国分厂的工人为争取更好的解聘条件,曾分别将公司经理锁在厂里过夜,这被媒体称为""老板""。)"
126.傍大款(of a girl) find a sugardaddy; be a mistre ss for a rich man; lean on a moneyb ag
阪上走丸的意思127.办公室里闲聊 chat around the watercooler; watercooler chat
128.棒球运动记者 scribe
129.办丧事 conduc t a funera l
130."版税收入 royalt y income (Guo Jingmi ng topped the list of China's millio naire author s of 2008 releas ed Monday for the 2nd year with a RMB13m royalt y income, follow ed by ZhengYuanji e with RMB11m and Yang Hongyi ng with RMB9.8m. 2008中国作家富豪榜周一新鲜出炉,郭敬明以1300万元的版税收入蝉联冠军,郑渊洁以1100万、杨红樱以980万的身家分列富豪榜第二、三位。)"
131."包车 to charte r a vehicl e (bus, traincar, etc.); a charte red vehicl e"
132.保持国民经济发展的良好势头 mainta in a good moment um of growth in the nation al econom y
133."保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感 remain sober-minded, become more awareof potent ial proble ms and enhanc e our nof histor icalrespon sibil ity"
134.保兑银行 confir mingbank
135.暴发户new rich; upstar t (person s or houh oldswho sudden ly became rich throug h unscru pulou s meansor unexpe ctedopport uniti es)
136.包房 to rerv e roomsin a hotelor guesthou(for exclus ive u)
137.报复性关税retali atory duty
138.包干到户 work contra ctedto houh old
139.包干制 overal l ration ing system; scheme of paymen t partly in kind and partly in cash
140.包购包销 exclus ive rightto purcha and ll
141.曝光 make public; expose
142.保护关税 protec tiveduty/tariff
143.保护价格 protec tiveprice
144.保护伞 protec tiveumbrel la
145.保护生态环境 prer ve the ecolog icalenviro nment
146.保护消费者合法权益 protec t the legiti materights and intere sts of consum ers
147.保护主义 protec tioni sm
148.包机 charte r a plane; a charte red plane
149.报价单 quotat ion of prices
150.保健按摩 therap eutic massag e
151.保健操 health exerci s
152.保监会 the ChinaInsura nce Regula toryCommis sion
153.保健品 health care produc ts
154.保健食品 health-care food
155.报界 the press
156.包揽 cleansweep(Japane athlet es took the chance to perfor m in frontof theirhome crowddazzli ng specta torswith a cleansweepof the 70m ski-jumpin g event.日本运动员包揽了70米跳台滑雪比赛的所有奖牌,令国人一饱眼福。) 157.爆冷门 produc e an unexpe ctedwinner; a dark horbobbin g up
158."暴力拆迁 forced reloca tion(But forced reloca tionwill be ud if necess ary so that the lf-inter
e sts of a handfu l of people will not hurt the intere sts of the majori ty, said ZhangQiong,deputy direct or of the StateCounci l Legisl ative Affair s Office. 国务院法制办副主任张穹说,如果必要的话还是会采取强制拆迁的方式,这样才不会因为少数人的利益而
159.暴力片 splatt er film
160.保龄球 bowlin g
161.保龄球馆 bowlin g alley
162.保释on bail
163.保税仓库 bonded wareho u
164."保税区 the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area; tax-protec ted zone"
165.保外帮教 remain out of custod y by receiv ing help from the family or work unit
166.报喜不报忧report only the good but not the bad
167.保息股票 guaran teedstock
168.报销 applyfor reimbu rme nt
169.包销人 underw riter
170."包修、包换、包赔制度 system of thee guaran teesfor repair, replac ement or compen satio n of faulty produc ts" 171.保障措施 suppor tingmeasur es
172."保障性住房indemn ifica toryhousin g (Chinahas alloca ted more than 60 billio n yuan ($8.85 billio n) to build5.8 millio n indemn ifica toryapartm entsto curb the skyroc ketin g housin g prices, said JiangWeixin, minist er of housin g and urban-ruraldevelo pment, at the 2010 ChinaMayors Forumon Saturd ay. 住房和城乡建设部部长姜伟新周六在2010中国市长论坛上表示,中央已下拨600多亿元(88.5亿美元)建造580万套保障性住房,以遏制飞涨的房价。)"
173.保证金账户margin accoun t
174.保证物流畅通 ensure unimpe ded flow of goodsand materi als
175.保值利率 index-linked intere st rate; inflat ion-proofintere st rate
176."保质期,保修期 shelf(storag e) life; guaran tee period"
177.包装精美 delica telypacked
178.包装业 packag e indust ry
179.保安员 curi ty staff
180.包产到户 contra ct produc tionquotas to indivi dualhouh olds
181."保持共产党员先进性 keep CPC member s progre ssive, innova tiveand forwar d-thinki ng"
26个声母182.保持国有股keep the State-held shares
183.保持资本金充足 cure capita l funds
184.包二奶 have a concub ine (origin allya Canton e expres sion)
185.包干到户 work contra ctedto houh olds
186.包干制 overal l ration ing system; scheme of paymen t partly in kind and partly in cash
187.包工包料 contra ct for laborand materi als
188."包工头baogon gtou,laborcontra ctor(HuangJiakun, a ""bao gong tou"" (labour contra ctor), who has been residi ng in Shangh ai for 10 yearsbecame agitat ed when discus singthe unpaid wagesproble m.)"
189.报关员 declar ant
190.报国计划的实施 implem entat ion of Dedica tor's Projec t
191.保健品 health supple ments
192.保健食品 health-care food
193.暴利 excess ive profit; windfa ll profit
195.保留为自然耕地 rerv e as natura l farmla nd
196.保理业务 factor ing busine ss
197.保税港区bonded port area (The StateCounci l has offici allyapprov ed the Qianha i Bay Bonded Port Area in Shenzh en recent ly. 日前,国务院正式批复同意设立深圳前海湾保税港区。)
198.保险费 insura nce premiu m
199.保险赔付金额 compen satio n pay-outs
200.保险索赔 insura nce claim
201.保障合同和交易安全 guaran tee contra cts and safe dealin gs
202.保障民众和社会免受安全威胁 protec t the citize ns and societ ies agains t curi ty threat s