综合教程4新标准课文翻译been there,done that
凯文·凯利(Kelvin Kelly)在其畅销书《失控》(Out of Control)中强调的“共同成长”(Mutual growth)一词最初是为了解释生物学中的自然依赖性。然而,它也可以应用于社会关系,因为我们是社会动物,我们的幸福来自于我们亲爱的人。鼓励企业让团队更加自信
When the conflagration of tennis from August to October had ultimately died down,the management had declared that everyone take regular shifts to rejuvenate and stay away from the protracted battle.Our efforts were somehow compensated.However,there were clandestine financing rumors spreading around,which tickled our temptation and clouded our judgement.
One week after the crusade,we were called to attend the not-so-often-held meeting where the management highly commended our sacrifice and furthermore,hoped that everyone would return with refreshing spirit for the most crucial due diligence by veral venture capitals.
At that time,I was so dumbfounded as to question the rationale and motive of their investment.We put on a mask,and they fell on prey.That was my logic becau all the messages and strategic planning were at the mercy of the management,and I had to say,without transparent communication and effective institutions,we were like helpless lambs waiting to be salvaged.
Such turmoil had long been growing in my mind.The early confrontation began when our department minced no words in rebuking the management’s decision in independent mobile application only for cajoling less qualified investors in early April.Every move was totally dictatorial and inflexible.To my surpri,they emed to be quite delighted in pursuing their fantasies.
种植什么致富It was extremely inten and something would have exploded if the decision was pushed forward without our connt.One of the impressive remarks the management had disclod was that since they"owned"this company,so it was imperative that proposals be executed without any disnt.From my perspective,it was absolutely nonn and would jeopardize our cau with limited resources.In the end,my friend L,founder of this company,had gone great lengths in persuading both sides to compromi and focus on the bigger picture.Sometimes,compromi was the better choice if you were the underdog.Fortunately,the management continued his developing schedule and we accentuated the prospective returns.
It was the first time that I had rious doubts about the future and what I could do to rever the tide.
The more critical moment came when our ideal business was bad on the traditional marketing and branding esntial to ensure the revenues without perfect products.Never had it crosd my mind that the management was sticking to the orthodox business rathe
r than embracing the innovative industry.Conventional wisdom enlightened me that the fundamental paradox between urs and revenues always stood in the way.As it dawned on me that painstaking struggle would only result in futile endeavor,I could not help asking mylf what on earth I was doing and why I had been blind to all of the tricks.At the same time,other members in the company shared my deepest concerns,but some of them ignored the brutal fact and went on idling away the most precious treasure in life.