【 导语】人际关系处理的好的话,不论是对于我们的身心健康还是英语学习都有很大的益处。下面是由给大家带来怎样处理人际关系英语作文,供大家参阅!
Classmate conflicts among nior middle school students are often heard on campus over recent years. The conflicts make the excitement of campus life grow grey and have bad effects on both their living and learning.
Classmate conflicts often ri from daily tiny things such as space where to store books or notes. When personalities don’t mix, the specifics can tear classmates apart and sometimes even lead to rious conflicts. Besides, the fact that classmates hold different attitudes towards certain issues is another factor causing the conflicts.
Classmate conflicts are harmful and need to be ttled. Though many people think that school discipline can soften the conflicts, I believe learning to be tolerant with each other can play a more constructive role becau it teaches students flexibility and the art of comp
romi. Meanwhile, communication contributes to the solution to this problem since many of the conflicts result from misunderstanding.
Communication is just as basic as food and drink.
While some people sail ahead using their impeccable(完美的) communication skills, others struggle to be understood. Here’s how you can improve your communication skills
1. Understand the Nuances of Communication
Communication has long transcended(超出) verbal(口头的) exchanges to become an effective way of connecting with people. Communication leaves ample(广大的) scope(范围) for misinterpretation(曲解), leaving greater chunks of the intended meaning lost in translation. Understanding such subtle(精妙的) nuances brings about greater awareness in lf-improvement.
2. Say what’s On Your Mind
When it comes to conveying the desired message, most people shy away from speaking their mind mostly becau they are bogged down by social expectations. They keep personal opinions withdrawn from the ensuing conversation. The prime purpo of being able to communicate effectively is to be able to express your personal opinions in the given matter
3. Retain Eye Contact(接触,交流)
Every conversationalist believes that the perfect way to engage audiences is to maintain eye contact with them. Looking at people in the eye tends to draw their wavering attentions to the conversation at hand. If you want to improve your communication skills remember to engage your audiences by directly looking at them. Eye contact ties the speaker to the mass with an invisible tether(范围,限度) and forces them to pay attention. Without eye contact verbal communication is rendered completely futile
4. Mind Your Body Language
我的大英雄The body does not need a verbal language to express itlf. It can communicate via(道路) mannerisms, expressions and physical conduct. When it comes to effective communication skills, excellent verbal content is coupled with sound physical expression to render an engaging effect on the audiences. Animated gestures, lively expressions and physical mannerisms are excellent ways of conveying a given idea. A deadpan expression only conveys a lacklustre attitude and boredom, whereas(却,反而) an animated(精力旺盛的) front is more engaging to witness. If you want to improve your communication skills, you should start obrving others while they speak. Talk to yourlf and check your body language in the mirror to ascertain(查明,弄清) your flaws and improve upon them.
浙江精神5. Be A Good Listener
Communication is hardly a one-way process(经历,过程). Listening is as important as speaking. In fact, most communication experts believe that an ideal communicator tends to listen more than speak. While it is heartening to be able to alleviate interpersonal troubl
盘五笔怎么打字es by talking it out, sometimes listening alone does the trick. Not only does it make the communicating experience richer but also makes you more sympathetic(有同情心的) to the other person
6. Clear Enunciation(阐明,发表)
Some people tend to draw their syllables(音节) out making their speech complete incomprehensible(费解的) to the listener. While the idea of communication is extremely important, one shouldn’t treat the medium of communication lightly Crisp enunciation adds to effective delivery 。Not only do the require a thorough understanding of the spoken word, but also require much work on improving speech defects.
7. Crisp Pronunciation
When it comes to addressing an audience, a communicator must have an impeccable
描写场面的句子pronunciation to have the desired effect. Very often, bad pronunciation has made laughing stocks out of the most able speakers. The method by which the medium carries
the message tends to shape the overall meaning accordingly .If your pronunciation needs improvement, don’t be shy asking for help. One should correct their pronunciation in order to maintain their effectiveness as good communicators
8. Enhance (增长)Your Vocabulary
Thorough knowledge of the medium involves equipping your vocabulary with new words. Many-a-times people have ended up using high-sounding words inappropriately(不适当的) only to face public embarrassment. Building a fortress without a strong foundation will only result in eventual failure. Learning new words is an invaluable addition to your communication skills. Not only does it increa your verbal prowess(威力,本事), it also helps you communicate better. Coherent language is an assured winner in registering the intended meaning and engaging audiences effectively.