
更新时间:2023-05-27 04:09:50 阅读: 评论:0

- The Flow Sheet of Coke Oven Plant -- 煉焦生產流程
- 煉焦作業是將焦煤經混合,破碎後加入煉焦爐內經乾餾後產生熱焦碳及粗焦爐氣之製程.
The coke oven operation is one of the coking process. The mixing and crushing coking coals are charged to the coke oven, and dry distillation in oven produce hot coke and crude COG.
shipping-船运  coal yard-煤场(原料场)MIXING BIN -(混合仓) CRUSHER-(破碎机)MIXER-(混合机)COKE OVEN -炼焦炉  POWER GENERATOR -(发电机)  COG-(COKE OVEN GAS)(焦炉气)
- The Flow Sheet of Sinter Plant -
- 燒結生產流程 -
The sintering process is the combination of the blended ore, flux, coke breeze, after mixing and granulation, then charged into the sintering machine and completed the sintering process by the suction fan, then through cooling and screening process, the product of sinter will be transported to BF as the main source of iron-contained material .
燒結作業係將粉鐵礦,各類助熔劑及細焦炭經由混拌、造粒後,經由佈料系統加入燒結機,由點火爐點燃細焦炭 ,經由抽氣風車抽風完成燒結反應,高熱之燒結礦經破碎冷卻、篩選後,送往高爐作為冶煉鐵水之主要原料。
The sintering process is the combination of the blended ore, flux, coke breeze, after mixing and granulation, then charged into the sintering machine and completed the sinteri
鲈鱼怎么做最好吃ng process by the suction fan, then through cooling and screening process, the product of sinter will be transported to BF as the main source of iron-contained material .
- The Flow Sheet of Blast Furnace Plant -- 铺的组词高爐生產流程 -
The blast furnace operation is one of iron-making process. Iron ores, cokes and fluxes
are charged from furnace top, then to react with the ascending gas which is introduced from tuyeres, as a result to produce the molten hot metal and slag.
高爐作業是將鐵礦石、焦炭及助熔劑由高爐頂部加入爐內,再由爐下部鼓風嘴 鼓入高溫熱風,產生還原氣体,還原鐵礦石,產生熔融鐵水與熔渣之煉鐵製程。
枝接- The Flow Sheet of BOF Plant -- 轉爐生產流程 -雨润红姿娇
Hot metal is treated by de-S or de-P process at pretreatment station first then transported to BOF for oxygen blowing, and after tapping to ladle, liquid steel is further refined at LI (ladle Injection), RH (vacuum treatment) , VOD or STN (stirring station); refined liquid ste
el then nt to SCC or BCC for casting to slab or bloom mi-product, finally this mi-product is inspected or grinded, or scarfed to remove surface defects, then shifted to downstream for rolling. 煉鋼廠先將熔銑送前處理站作脫硫脫磷處理,經轉爐吹煉後,再依訂單鋼種特性及品質需求,送二次精煉處理站(RH真空脫氣處理站、Ladle Injection盛桶吹射處理站、VOD真空吹氧脫碳處理站、STN攪拌站等)進行各種處理,調整鋼液成份,最後送大鋼胚及扁鋼胚連續鑄造機,澆鑄成紅熱鋼胚半成品,經檢驗、研磨或燒除表面缺陷,或直接送下游軋製成條鋼、線材、鋼板、鋼捲及鋼片等成品。
Continuous Casting Flow Chart –- 玄关吊顶連鑄生產流程 -
- Continuous casting is a process which turns liquid steel into slab or bloom. Liquid steel is filled in ladle and transferred to turret from upstream plant by crane, charged to a tundish, then distributed and flew into veral molds which circulated by cooling water. Liquid steel starts cooling down, solidifying and forming a shell outside in, pulled into arc-shape strands, through condary cooling sprays to a complete solidification, then straightened, and cut into pieces according to each order. This mi product called slab (rectangular type) or bloom (square type) is conditioned if necessary then shipped to downstream for further treatment.
- The Flow Sheet of Rolling Mill-- 熱軋工場流程 -
 Production flow chart of Rolling Mill II: 軋鋼二廠生產流程圖:
- No.2 Tandem Cold Mill with Pickling Line (TCM) -- 第二酸洗冷軋線 -
Hot rolled coils are charged into two pay off reels on the entry side of pickling line. They are welded, tension levelled, pickled, side trimmed, cold rolled and recoiled, and become cold rolled coils.
Features of this line are shallow type hydrochloric acid pickling, tension levelling and scale breaking before pickling, 6-hi 4-stand cold rolling and auto shape control. 第二酸洗冷軋線是利用張力整平機及酸洗去除熱軋鋼捲鏽皮,清洗、烘乾去除鋼帶表面殘酸,由裁邊機將鋼帶裁至下游產線所需寬度及經四站六重式軋延機將熱軋鋼捲軋至客戶所需厚度,並藉自動板形控制器來改善鋼帶板形,是一連續式酸洗冷軋製程產線。
- No.1 Tandem Cold Mill with Pickling Line (TCM) -- 第一酸洗冷軋線 -
By linking the existing No.1 pickling line and No.1 cold rolling mill together, this two lines had been modified to become a continuous operation pickling and cold rolling mill in 1998.
Hot rolled coils are charged into two pay off reels on the entry side of pickling area. They are welded, levelled, pickled, cold rolled and become cold rolled coils.
Features are tension levelling and scale breaking before pickling, hydrochloric acid pickling, three turning devices, work roll shift, and shape control. 第一酸洗冷軋線接收熱軋鋼捲,經過解捲、焊接、整平、鹽酸酸洗、裁邊之後,再經由串列式冷軋機軋延成厚度
- Reversing Cold Rolling Mill (RCM) - - 往復式冷軋機 -
Hot rolled & pickled coils are charged into pay off reel on the entry and threaded to reversing reel #2, through subquent cold rolling process in 6-Hi stand then become cold rolled coils. 往復式冷軋機接收熱軋酸洗鋼捲(未退火與預退火),經過解捲、穿引之後,再經由六重式冷軋機軋延成厚度較薄之冷軋鋼捲。

本文发布于:2023-05-27 04:09:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:處理   流程   鋼液   生產   高爐   產生
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