经济学人官方译文 | 工业脱碳:钢厂和水泥厂的寿命很长,变革需要立即开始
2019年11月27日 admin
设计说明模板Decarbonising industry
Coke fiends
Steel and cement plants have long lifespans. Change needs to start now
On the swedish shore of the Baltic Sea near the Arctic Circle, work has started on a SKr1.4bn ($150m) pilot project aiming to help Sweden become the first country in the world to produce fossil-free steel. Martin Pei, the engineer behind the project, promis that by 20
20, pasngers flying to the nearby Luleå airport will be able to look down on a 50-metre-high test plant. “We need to hurry up, becau ‘Winter is coming’,” quips the Chine-born engineer. Or should that be global warming?
在瑞典波罗的海沿岸靠近北极圈的地方,一个耗资14 亿瑞典克朗(1.5 亿美元)的试点项目已经启动,目的是帮助瑞典成为世界上第一个不用化石燃料炼钢的国家。该项目的总工程师裴文国承诺,到2020 年,飞往附近吕勒奥机场的乘客将能从空中俯瞰一座50 米高的测试工厂。“我们得赶紧了,因为‘寒冬将至’,”这位中国出生的工程师打趣道。或者应该说全球变暖?附庸什么意思
In fact, he says, it was not so much the threat of climate change that led Mr Pei to the idea of making Sweden a pioneer of “green steel”. It is the risk that ssab, the steel company where he is head of technical development, could face public humiliation and a collap in its business model if it were to stop Sweden from achieving its ambition to become carbon neutral by 2045. ssab’s existing blast furnace and steel plant in Luleå emits 1.6 tonnes of CO2 for every tonne of steel. Though low by global standards, the ind
ustry as a whole belches out one-tenth of Sweden’s total emissions.
事实上,他说,他之所以会想到让瑞典成为“绿色钢铁”先驱,并不那么关乎气候变化的威胁,而是因为他担任技术开发主管的瑞典钢铁集团(SSAB)所面临的风险:如果妨碍了瑞典实现2045 年达到碳平衡的雄心壮志,这家公司可能会蒙羞并面临商业模式崩溃。SSAB 现有的位于吕勒奥的高炉和钢铁厂每生产一吨钢就排放1.6 吨二氧化碳。尽管按全球标准来看很低,但整个炼钢业的排放量占到了瑞典总排放量的十分之一。负数的历史
hybrit Development, the zero-carbon-steel joint venture between ssab, lkab, a state iron-ore producer, and Vattenfall, a state-owned power company, aims to eliminate almost all of the emissions by curbing the u of coking coal. Instead, it will take advantage of Sweden’s abundant renewable energy to generate hydrogen via electrolysis, and u this to produce a product called “direct-reduced iron” (dri). It hopes to complete the experimental pha by 2024, moving on to a full-scale trial in the decade up to 2035.
西红柿有什么营养由SSAB、瑞典国有铁矿石生产商LKAB、国有大瀑布电力公司(Vattenfall)建立的零碳钢合资企业HYBRIT Development 旨在通过抑制焦炭的使用来消除该行业的几乎所有排放。
它将利用瑞典丰富的可再生能源,通过电解产生氢气,用氢来生产一种名为“直接还原铁”(DRI)的产品。该公司希望到2024 年完成实验阶段,并在截至2035 年的十年里进入全面试产。
This is not the only example of fossil-fuel-dependent companies trying to reinvent themlves for a post-carbon future. According to McKiny, almost half of the CO2 emitted by the entire industrial ctor comes from four industries; cement, steel, ammonia and ethylene. Unless consumption patterns change, all of them will have to cut emissions while meeting rising demand for cars, buildings, plastics and infrastructure. And becau most of their products are commoditid, higher costs impod by decarbonisation risk “carbon leakage”—the possibility that places with laxer climate policies will produce the commodities more cheaply.
In many countries the first priority for reducing industrial emissions will be to encourage recycling. But that will not be nearly enough, and the way the materials are made will also need to change. hybrit’s experience may provide a model. Its technological challenge starts with the fact that 75% of the world’s steel, including ssab’s, is made using a blast furnace into which carbon, in the form of coke, is added to “reduce” the iron ore. In this “basic oxygen furnace” system, the iron oxide and the carbon react to form molten iron, carbon monoxide and CO2 (e chart). In the alternative dri process, natural gas instead of coke is ud as the reductant, producing sponge iron that is then converted to steel via an electric arc furnace.
在许多国家,减少工业排放的首要任务将是鼓励回收利用。但这还远远不够,制作材料的方式也需要改变。HYBRIT 的经验可能会提供一个范本。其技术挑战始于这样一个事实:
世界上75%的钢,包括SSAB 的,都是在高炉中添加焦炭形式的碳以“还原”铁矿石来炼制的。在这种“碱性氧气转炉”系统中,氧化铁和碳反应生成熔铁、一氧化碳和二氧化碳(见图表)。在替代它的DRI 工艺中,使用天然气代替焦炭作为还原剂,来生成海绵铁,然后通过电弧炉将其转化为钢。买教辅
The reduction process generates as much as 90% of the CO2 emissions in steelmaking, so hybrit wants to stop relying on blast furnaces, introduce dri instead and u hydrogen rather than natural gas as the reducing agent. The hydrogen will react with iron oxides to form water rather than CO2. The hydrogen will be produced using fossil-free electricity, which is abundant in Sweden. The arc furnace, into which scrap steel will be added, will also be powered by clean energy.西湖小学
还原过程产生了占整个炼钢过程高达 90%的碳排放量,因此 HYBRIT 希望停止依赖高炉而改用DRI,并使用氢气而非天然气作为还原剂。氢气将与氧化铁反应生成水而不是二氧化碳。氢气将使用无化石燃料的电力生产,而这种电力在瑞典产量丰富。电弧炉(将向其中投入碎钢)也将由清洁能源提供动力。