编号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
ASME Y10.3M-1984 | 机械和与时间相关的现象用字母符号 | (Letter symbols for mechanics and time-related phenomena) |
ASME Y10.4-1982 | 热学和热力学用字母符号 | (Letter symbols for heat and thermodynamics) |
ASME Y10.5-1968 | 电气科学和电气工程中量的字母符号 | (Letter symbols for quantities ud in electrical science and electrical engineering) |
ASME Y14.1-1995 | 绘图纸尺寸和规格 | (Decimal inch drawing sheet size and format) |
ASME Y14.100-2000 | 工程图实践 | (Engineering drawing practices) |
ASME Y14.100-2004 | 工程图实施规程 | |
ASME Y14.13M-1981 | 机械弹簧图示 | (Mechanical spring reprentation) |
ASME Y14.18M-1986 | 光学零件 | (Optical parts) |
ASME Y14.1M-1995 | 米制绘图纸尺寸和规格 | (Metric drawing sheet size and format) |
ASME Y14.24-1999 | 工程图的类型和应用 | (Types and applications of engineering drawings) |
ASME Y14.26M-1989 | 产品测定数据通讯用数字表示法 | (Digital reprentation for communication of product definition data) |
ASME Y14.2M-1992 | 直线常规画法和字体 鹃组词 | (Line conventions and lettering) |
ASME Y14.3-2003 | 多视图和剖面视图 | |
ASME Y14.32.1M-1994 | 底盘车架.乘用车和轻型卡车.陆上车辆操作规程 | (Chassis frames - Pasnger car and light truck - Ground vehicle practices) |
ASME Y14.34M-1996 | 相关表格 | (Associated lists) |
ASME Y14.35M-1997 | 工程图和相关文献的修正 | (Revision of engineering drawings and associated documents) |
ASME Y14.36M-1996 | 白头山天池 纺织品表面符号 | (Surface texture symbols) |
ASME Y14.38-1999 | 缩写及首字母拼写词 | (Abbreviations and acronyms) |
ASME Y14.38a Addenda-2002 | 缩写及首字母拼写词.补充件 | (Abbreviations and acronyms; Addenda) |
ASME Y14.3M-1994 | 投影图和剖视图 | (Multiview and ctional view drawings) |
ASME Y14.40.15-2003 | 图示用图形符号.第15部分:安装图示和网络图 | |
ASME Y14.40.3-2002 | 图表用图形符号.第3部分:连接件和相关装置 | (Graphical symbols for diagrams - Part 3: Connections and related devices) |
ASME Y14.40.5-2002 | 图示用图形符号.第5部分:测量和控制设备 | (Graphical symbols for diagrams - Part 5: Measurement and control devices) |
ASME Y14.40.6-2003 | 图示用图形符号.第6部分:测量和控制功能 | |
ASME Y14.40.7-2002 | 图示用图形符号.第7部分:基本的机械零部件 | (Graphical symbols for diagrams - Part 7: Basic mechanical components) |
ASME Y14.40.9-2002 | 图示用图形符号.第9部分:泵、压缩机和风扇 | (Graphical symbols for diagrams - Part 9: Pumps, compressors and fans) |
ASME Y14.41-2003 | 数字产品定义数据实施规程和X尺寸选定和公差测定Pkg(Y14.41和Y14.5M) | |
ASME Y14.43-2003 | 量规和夹具的尺寸选定和公差测定原则 | |
ASME Y14.4M-1989 | 直观绘图 | (Pictorial drawing) |
ASME Y14.5.1M-1994 | 尺寸计算和公差原理的数学定义 | (Mathematical definition of dimensioning and tolerancing principles) |
ASME Y14.5M-1994 | 尺寸和公差选定 | (Dimensioning and tolerancing) |
零磁道 ASME Y14.6-2001 | 螺纹表示法 | (Screw thread reprentation) |
ASME Y14.6aM-1981 | 螺纹图示法(米制补充件) | (Screw thread reprentation (Metric supplement)) |
ASME Y14.7.1-1971 | 齿轮制图标准.第1部分:正齿.螺旋齿.双螺旋齿和齿条 | (Gear drawing standards - Part 1: For Spur, helical, double helical and rack) |
ASME Y14.7.2-1978 | 齿轮和花键制图标准.第2部分:伞齿轮和准双曲面齿轮 | (Gear and spline drawing standards - Part 2: Bevel and hypoid gears) |
ASME Y14.8M-1996 | 铸件和锻件 | (Castings and forgings) |
ASME Y14/TR 4-1989 | 基本形状描述用结构化语言格式 | (A structural language format for basic shape description) |
ASME Y32.10-1967 | 液压示意图的图形符号 | (Graphic symbols for fluid power diagrams) |
ASME Y32.11-1961 | 石油化工中的工艺流程图用图形符号 | (Graphical symbols for process flow diagrams in the petroleum and chemical industries) |
ASME Y32.18-1972 | 用于原理图的机械件和声学件符号 | (Symbols for mechanical and acoustical elements as ud in schematic diagrams) |
ASME Y32.2-1975 | 电气图和电子图用图形符号(包括基准标识类别标识字母) | (Graphic symbols for electrical and electronic diagrams (Including reference designation class designation letter)(Includes IEEE 315A-1986 Supplement)) |
ASME Y32.2.3-1949 | 管道配件,阀门,管道配置用图形符号 | (Graphical symbols for pipe fittings, valves and piping) |
ASME Y32.2.4-1949 | 供热,通风,空调用图形符号 | (Graphical symbols for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) |
ASME Y32.2.6-1950 | 热电厂装置用图形符号 | (Graphical symbols for heat-power apparatus) |
ASME Y32.4-1977 | 建筑学和房屋建筑简图上管道装置示意用图形符号 | (Graphic symbols for plumbing fixtures for diagrams ud in architecture and building construction) |
ASME Y32.7-1972 | 铁路地图和分布图用图形符号 | (Graphic symbols for railroad maps and profiles) |
ANSI/ASME B 107.54-2001 | 重型铸造工具.安全要求 | Heavy Striking Tools - Safety Requirements |
ANSI/ASME B 107.5M-1994 | 手持式套筒扳手(米制) | Socket Wrenches, Hand (Metric Series) |
ANSI/ASME B 107.6-1994 | 组合开端套筒扳手和联接螺母(英制) | Wrenches, Box, Open End, Combination, and Flare Nut (Inch Series) |
ANSI/ASME B 107.8M-1996 | 调节扳手 | Adjustable Wrenches |
ANSI/ASME B 107.9M-1994 | 组合开端套筒扳手和联接螺母(米制系列) | Wrenches, Box, Open End, Combination, and Flare Nut (Metric Series) |
ANSI/ASME B 133.12-1981 | 燃气轮机.采购标准.维修和安全 | Gas Turbines - Procurement Standard - Maintenance and Safety |
ANSI/ASME B 133.16-1978 | 燃气轮机在航海上的应用 | Marine Applications, Gas Turbine |
ANSI/ASME B 133.4-1978 | 燃气轮机的控制和保护系统 | Control and Protection Systems, Gas Turbine |
ANSI/ASME B 133.5-1978 | 燃气轮机的电气设备 | Electrical Equipment, Gas Turbine |
ANSI/ASME B 133.7M-1985 | 燃气轮机的燃料 | Fuels, Gas Turbine |
ANSI/ASME B 133.8M-1977 | 燃气轮机装置噪音释放 | Installation Sound Emission, Gas Turbine |
ANSI/ASME B 133.9-1994 | 固定式燃气轮机发动机的废气排放测量 | Measurement of Exhaust Emissions from Stationary Gas Turbine Engines |
ANSI/ASME B 15.1-1996 | 机械动力传输设备的安全性标准 | Safety Standard for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus, |
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