§ Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
■run v. (戏剧、电影等)连演;连映(ran, run) =go on
The film is so successful that it runs for veral weeks.
The novel has run into ten editions. 这本小说已经出到第十版了。
延续;有效 The movie ran for two hours.这部影片延续两个小时。
n.时期; 一段时间 The play had a good run of six months.那出戏演了六个月。
run wild
■lines n. (剧本中的)台词 memorize one’s lines 记台词
短信:Drop me a line(或a few lines) when you get there. 到达那里之后,请写封短信给我。
行业;行当;擅长:His line is chemistry. 他是搞化学的。
He is in the plumbing line. 他是干装修水管这一行的。
(复)结婚证书(=marriage lines)
(复) 命运;运气: Hard lines!倒霉!
(皮肤上的)条纹;皱纹;掌纹: a face amed with lines 满是皱纹的脸
■part n. 剧中的角色,(角色的)台词
Which part do you play? 你演那个角色?
know one’s part 背熟台词
Do the actors all know their parts yet?演员们都熟悉他们的角色吗?
part and parcel 怎么恢复重要(或必要、基本)的部分
Metaphysics is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook.
■falter vi.(嗓音)颤抖, 支吾,结巴地说
His voice began to falter.他的声音开始发颤。
I can feel my legs faltering.我感到我的腿在颤抖。
He has practiced the poem veral times, so he has no cau to falter.
犹豫, 畏缩He never falters in his determination.他的决心从不动摇。
蹒跚, 踉跄;蹒跚而行(=stagger ↓)He faltered home.
n.摇晃 支吾 踌躇, 不稳There was a falter in his voice.他的言语支吾。
faltering adj. 犹豫的,支吾的,蹒跚的speak in a faltering voice用颤抖[吞吞吐吐]的声音说
faltering steps 跄踉的步子
stammer vt. & vi.结巴地说出草莓番石榴She stammers when she feels nervous.她紧张时就口吃。
stammer (out) a few words结结巴巴地说出几个字
He stammered out his request. 他结结巴巴地说出他的要求。
He stammered most when he was nervous.他一紧张往往口吃。
He stammers badly. 他口吃很严重。
n.口吃, 结巴He's got a bad stammer.他口吃非常严重。
He is troubled with stammer. 他患口吃。
stammerer n. 口吃者;结结巴巴说话的人
stammering a. (患)口吃的 n. 口吃
补充:stagger vi.蹒跚He staggered to his feet.他摇摇摆摆地站起来。
stagger along 摇摇晃晃地走
The difficulty of examination staggered him.考试的难度使他很担心。
The question staggered him. 这个问题使他不知所措。
This unexpected blow did not stagger his resolution.这个意外的打击并没有动摇他的决心。
He was staggered by the news. 这消息使他惊愕。
错开 stagger work shifts错开工作班
Our management has decided to stagger our working hour.
staggerer n. 蹒跚的人 犹豫的人
staggering adj.摇晃的; 犹豫的 惊人的; 使吃惊的; 压倒的(多数) 巨大的; 庞大的
a staggering problem难题The cost is staggering.费用大得惊人。
The cost has soared to a staggering one million. 费用激增到令人惊愕的数字—一百万元。
Profits have shot up by a staggering 25%.利润惊人地攀升了25%。
The public respon was absolutely staggering.公众的反应非常令人惊愕。
The sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering.完成的小说数量之巨令人吃惊。
■cast (cast, cast ) v. 选派……扮演角色;分配(演戏剧等的)角色
He was cast as[for the part of] Hamlet.选派他扮演哈姆雷特的角色。
投, 掷, 扔This is a good place to cast.这是垂钓的好地方。
cast a vote(或ballot) 投票 cast anchor 抛锚 cast a net 撒网 cast ed 播种
投射, 加…于(on,at):
His words cast (a) new light on the problem. 他的话是人们对这个问题有了新的认识。
cast a glance (或a look, an eye) at (或over, on) 向….瞧了瞧
cast the blame on (或upon) 归咎于某人
cast doubt on 引起对。。。的怀疑;使人们不相信。。。。
cast a spell on sb. (用魔力)摄住某人
She cast him a significant smile.她向他投去意味深长的一笑。
n. 演员表, 全体演员
The cast is[are] waiting on the stage.全体演员正在舞台上等候。
●role n. 角色=part
She prefers to play comic roles.她更喜欢扮演滑稽角色
The actor was cast in the role of hero.
作用, 职责
The success of her business made it difficult for her to fulfill her role as wife and mother.
■aristocrat n. 贵族
Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution.许多贵族在法国大革命中被处死。
平民百姓巴达克山 the populace;the common people;commoner; ordinary people; civilian
rank and file n.普通成员,士兵; 普通老百姓
■imprison v. 关押; 下狱, 监禁
They imprisoned many of tho they caught.他们把抓来的许多人关入了监狱。
put sb imprison: 关押
He was imprisoned for 10 years.
imprisonment:n. 关押, 监禁
fal imprisonment; unlawful detention; unlawful restraint 非法拘禁
be ntenced to {律}death penalty/execution;be put to death被处死刑=death ntence;capital punishment
corporal punishment 肉刑 体罚
corporal adj.人体的
Nowadays, corporal punishment is banned in many schools.现在许多学校禁止体罚。
death ntence with a two-year reprieve 死刑缓期两年执行
execution n.盛世依法处决Executions ud to be held in public.过去处决犯人都公开执行。
缓期执行 reprieve / respite / stay of execution / suspension of execution
reprieve n.(死刑)缓期执行令vt.缓期执行(死刑)
respite n.休息(时间), 暂时的缓解或轻松a brief respite from one's work工作后的稍事休息
The director gave the cast a short respite before the next scene.