English in common u during Construction & Acceptance
1.How much is the invert level for the sleeves? 套管内低标高是多少?
2.How much is the level for the pipes? 管道标高是多少?
3.Where is the benchmark ? 水准在哪里?
4.Mark the level on the steel.在钢筋上标出标高。
5.How much is the benchmark? 水准值多少?
6.Cut/Remove the steel. 切掉/移除钢筋。
7.Cut/Remove the pipe. 切掉/移除管。
8.Make holes on the shutter. 在模板上开孔。
9.Remove the shutter. 移除模板。
10.We have sleeves on the shutter.在模板上有我方负责的套管。
11.阴平阳平How many sleeves? 有多少个套管?
12.Install the sleeves when the wall is built up.墙建起来后安装套管。
13.The height is not enough. 高度不够。
14.It is a high level.这个标高高。
15.It is a low level.这个标高低。
16.Where is the axis? 轴线在哪?
17.Ask the surveyor to t the axis from L1 to L3. 叫测量员放轴L1至L3之间的轴线。
18.Ask the surveyor to t a level point of 21.00 m. 叫测量员放一个21.00米的标高点。
19.Support the sleeves with steels. 使用钢筋加固套管。
20.U the tape to al the sleeves. 使用胶带密封套管。
21.Grind the pipes. 磨管。
22.Weld the plate. 焊钢板。
23.U the glue. 使用胶水。
24.The oxygen is finished. 氧气没了。
25.祖国祖国The acetylene is finished. 乙炔没了。
26.Using plastic (to al the sleeves) is not accepted .不接受使用塑料(密封套管)。
27.(For the pipe slope)One meter, one centimeter. (对于管道坡度)每隔一米,就存在一厘米坡度。
28.After they finish the first layer of the steel, we put our pipes, and then they can put the cond layer. 在他们上完底筋之后,我们装管,之后他们上二层筋。
从军行李白29.Is it approved? 是否通过验收?
30.It is approved. 通过验收了。
游泳抽筋31.It is rejected. 未通过验收。
32.Ask someone to make the checklist. 叫人弄验收单。
33.Ask someone to submit the checklist. 叫人提交验收单。
34.Bring the drawing for Building A/B/C/D. 拿A/B/C/D栋的图纸来。
35.Where is building H? H栋在哪?
36.Do the work as per the approved drawing. 按通过的图纸施工。
37.Bring the detailed drawing. 拿大样图来。
38.Bring the consultant to check Building A/B/C/D. 带监理来验A/B/C/D栋。
39.Do the water test / leak test. 进行闭水试验。
40.Fill the water. 灌满水。
41.Relea the water. 放水。
42.Refill the water. 重新灌满水。
43.The water shall be in the pipes at least for 24 hours. 管内的水至少要保留24小时。
44.Seal the pipe opening with a cap. 使用管盖密封管开口。
45.They are casting the concrete. 他们在打灰(浇筑混凝土)。
46.The water shall remain in pipes during casting, in ca there is any damage. 打灰过程中水应保留在管中,以防出现损坏。
47.Repair the damage. 修复损坏。
48.The pipe should be up 20 cm. 管应抬高20厘米。
49.六级改革The pipe should be down 20 cm. 管应降低20厘米。
50.Pile up the pipes. 把管堆起来。
51.Clean the pipes. 清理管。
52.Go to the store. 去库房。
53.Make shelters for the generators. 给发动机建遮阳棚。
54.Who is the site engineer? 现场工程师是谁?地板袜
55.He is the plumbing engineer. 他是给排水工程师。
56.He is the electrical engineer. 他是电气工程师。
57.It is finished. 这已经完成。
58.It is not finished. 这还未完成。
59.What’s wrong with this? 这有啥问题吗?
60.Any advice? 有啥建议?
61.This is wrong. 这是错的。
62.This is right. 这是对的。
63.It is not straight. 没有直(弯的)。
64.There is a trench. 那有一条沟。
65.It should be outside the wall 20 cm. 应出墙20厘米。
66.Go to the site office. 去现场办公室。
67.He is a plumber / welder / electrician / helper. 他是水工/焊工/电工/小工。
68.Give me the meter. 把米尺给我。
69.Give me the level. 把水平仪给我。
70.---When will this be finished? 这什么时候完成?
拖延症测试 ---Tomorrow. 明天。
---Two days later. 两天后。
71.Where is the foreman? 工头在哪?
72.Who is in charge of this area? = Who is responsible for this area? 谁负责这个区域?
73.There are some changes on the drawing. 图纸上有部分改动。
74.Day shift (Day duty) starts at 5 a.m . 白班5点开始。
75.Night shift (Night duty) starts at 8 p.m . 晚班8点开始。
76.It should be grooved. 应带有沟槽。
77.It should be threaded. 应带有螺纹。
78.We will make marks on the steel. 我们会在钢筋上作标记。
79.It should be above the finished floor. 应在完成面以上。
80.It should be below the finished floor. 应在完成面以下。