层出不穷的意思⑦ Translate the ntences into Chine.
1 But in most circles, particularly in places that shape our lives – families, schools and most workplaces – thinking for yourlf is regarded with suspicion.
2 Hardly anyone has been encouraged, much less trained, to think for themlves, and their teachers and parents and boss weren’t either.
3 I saw the girl across the aisle from me lean forward and peer over the shoulder of the boy in front of her who was scribbling something
4 I was too scared around that teacher for the rest of my young life to think very well in her prence
5 Had she affirmed our intelligence first and spoken about the joy of thinking for ourlves, had she not fanned our fear of her, we would all have learned even more powerfully what it meant to do our thinking.
⑧ Translate the ntences into English
1 独立思考能力是大学生必备的素质之一。(think for yourlf; quality)
The ability to think for yourlf is one of the qualities that college students must have
2 虽然大家对这部电影好评如潮,我却不怎么喜欢这部电影。(despite; not think much of)
Despite all the good comments the film received, I didn’t think much of it.
3 有陌生人或外国人在场时,她总是不愿意说话。(in the prence of sb; relucta In the prence of strangers or foreigners she is always reluctant to talknt)
南昌行营4 正要离开书店时,他发现了自己一直在寻找的一本书。(be about to do sth)
He was about to leave the bookshop when he found a book that he had been looking for
5 会上,大家对如何提高学生的阅读技能进行了更详细的探讨。(at length)
How to improve students’ reading skills was discusd at greater length at the meeting
1It is true that in the ancient period, the Silk Road rved as a channel of trade and cultural exchange between the East and West, which may have allowed an awareness of the ancient Olympic movement to pass from Greece to China. 分手歌
2牡丹亭游园Yet sport appears to play a more fundamental and deeply-rooted role in national culture and socio-political life in all social communities at all times
3In due cour, the same skills were called into play not just in the Olympic Games but also in the sporting events which were held in China and elwhere.
4Sport was ud as a form of military training, to improve an army’s ability to beat the enemy with or without weapons
5 The Greek philosopher Plato advid that physical training and health education should be included in the school curriculum, alongside philosophy, music, literature and gymnastics
Translate the ntences into English
1 虽然体育运动的形式多种多样,但它们有一个共同之处:所有的运动都是为了增强人们的体质。(despite; have … in common)
Despite the different forms of sports, they have one thing in common: All of them are to strengthen people’s health
2 四年一次的奥运会对促进各国间的友谊起着重要作用。(play a … role; promote) The Olympic Games, which take place every four years, play an important role in
3 仲尼适楚两国间的文化交流在中断了两年后,于去年重新开始。(exchange; resume
After having stopped for two years, cultural exchanges between the two countries resumed last year
4 体育锻炼是很重要,但它代替不了健康的饮食。(substitute for)
Physical exerci is important, but it is no substitute for healthy diet.
5 在中国,只要说到国球,人们自然会想到乒乓球。(whenever; speak of)
Whenever people speak of the national ball in China, people will think of table tennis.
1 But he cho to honour his responsibilities towards his editor and the newspaper readers, which was to report what was happening
2 So should the journalist always stand back and watch while people kill each other, or should they ever get involved as human beings?
3 The news media relies on their journalists’ behaviour in order to support its three most important asts: being professional, reliable and responsible to the public.
聊斋自志4 It needs to be shared by the editors, who sometimes show shots of dead enemy soldiers, in order to convey the tragedy of the war, but not to show shots of our own dead soldiers, for fear of offending both their relatives and the readers
5 It needs to be shared by the readers, who must accept that an exaggerated or shocking story about a young Hollywood film star may lead to a significant invasion of privacy and even human rights