`English Final Exam for 2018 Doctoral Students
(Dec. 27, 2018)
Student NO.___________________ Name____________________
Paper One
English Writing for Biomedical Purpos
Part I
Directions: Choo the right one from the four choices marked A, B, C or D.
1.Inconsistent with previous studies, our results from a large cohort of patients _____ this long-standing assumption.
A. contrast
B. compare
C. reinforce
D. challenge
2.Patients who were receiving mechanical ventilation were considered _____ if they met the following modified criteria for acute lung injury or the acute respiratory distress syndrome.
A. acceptable
B. eligible
C. considerable
D. credible
3.However, results from veral small studies in humans have yielded inconclusive evidence of a beneficial _____ of ascorbic acid on lead toxicity.
A. effect
B. effectiveness
C. affection
D. efficacy
4.A _____ dia such as diabetes can affect the whole body.
A. systematic
B. systemic
C. general
D. whole
5.All tumours from AOM treated mice were _____ to histological examination after routine processing and haematoxylin and eosin staining.
A. subject
B. subjected
C. injected
D. directed
6.Serious arrhythmias are prevented whenever possible by _____ treatment of premonitory signs or otherwi controlled immediately after recognition by appropriate therapy.
A. aggressive
B. recessive
C. abusive
D. successive
7.CT scans and digital subtraction angiograms of the patients were retrospectively reviewed by two investigators in _____ to evaluate tumor feeding vesls.
A. agreement
B. connt 武平文博园
C. approval
D. connsus
8.The beneficial effects of pharmacotherapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary dia (COPD) are well _____.
A. elusive
B. confirmed
C. established
D. achieved
9.Chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rodents is also suppresd by _____ of NS
A. treatment
B. administration
C. management
D. registration
10.Thus, it _____ further investigation of whether mfat-1 expression in dia models such as non-obe mice can mitigate the development of type 1 diabetes.
A. elucidates
B. interprets
C. warrants
D. guarantees
11.We ud a _____ questionnaire to determine whether participants met the American College of Rheumatology survey criteria for gout.
A. supplementary
B. complimentary
C. complementary
无管虹吸D. ntimental
12.Ubiquitinated p53 was detected _____ immunoblotting _____ the DO-1 p53 antibody.
13.Cells were placed _____ a 60Co Picker unit irradiator (1.56 Gy/min) and expod _____ 8 Gy -irradiation.
A.on...with 横看
14.Our aim was to _____ whether or not vitamin D supplementation or deficiency in infancy could affect occurrence of type 1 diabetes.
A. study
B. ascertain
C. clarify
D. rearch
15._____ intake of purine-rich vegetables or protein is not associated with an incread risk of gout.
A. Intermediate
B. Moderate
C. Medium 在学校怎么赚钱
D. Immediate
16.We would like to express our _____ to all the interview partners at the World Health Organization for their time, experti, and confidence.
A. magnitude
B. altitude
C. aptitude
D. gratitude
17.Apoptosis was analyzed _____ a FACScan(Becton Dickinson) and quantified _____ percentage of annexin-V and PI-positive.
辣椒酱做法A. in...as
B. on...for
C. on...as
D. by...for
18._____ primary culture, the cells were resuspended _____ Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine rum and gentamicin.
19.Ebola virus can spread among humans primarily through unprotected direct contact of skin or mucous membranes with blood or body fluids of a person who is ill with EVD, or the _____ of a decead patient who had EVD.
A. corpus
B. corp
C. corps
D. lupus
20.Treatment _____ a low do of cadmium chloride (1 mg/kg) showed no effect on the testis, and DAZL staining was comparable _____ control (Fig.1B).
21.P-gp expression was strongly induced by SJW (400% increa at 300 µg ml-1) and by HYP (700% at 3 µM) _____ a do-dependent manner.
22.Baline ADMA levels were higher in patients who had died than in patients who were
alive at 1 year follow-up (1.23[0.98 to 1.56]_____ 0.95[0.77 to 1.20]mmol/L, p<0.001).