1.Clean: - Hospital clean, or ‘1. stringent’cleanliness: Hospital clean is the most stringent,re
quiring theholds to have 100% intact paint coatings on all surfaces, including the tank top, all ladderrungs and undersides ofhatches, such cargo as: China Clay,mineral sandsincluding zircon, barytes, rutile sand,ilmenite, fluorspar, chrome ore,soda ash,rice in bulk, and high grades of wood pulp - Grain clean, or high cleanliness:Grain clean is the most common requirement.A ship will be required to begrain clean for the majority of bulk and break bulk cargoes. such as all grains, soyameal and soya products, alumina, sulphur, bulk cement, bauxite, concentrates, and bulk fertilirs. Some ports and shippers may allow a different standard of cleanliness. - Normal clean - Shovel clean - Load on top
3.No salt
4.No previous cargo residues
5.No Loo Scale
6.No Paint Scale, No Sticky Paint
7.No Foreign Smell/odor and gas free: This could be smell of wet paint, etc. Therefore thorough wash down or drying of paint can avoid failure due to foreign odor.
8. No Inct
9.No paint work 3 days prior to arrival
10.No paint applied on tank top
11.Gear inside Cargo Hold(s): Any drums, equipment, dunnage, etc inside holdsat time hold inspections will also result in hold failure.
^ Flaking paintwork under the hatchcoaming can result in a hold failing the grain survey
在美国通常对谷物的装船验舱是由美国货物局(NCB)和美国农业部(USDA)联合进行的,两者各有侧重,通常一起登船。NCB主要检验货物装船的稳性计算,但也检查货舱(主要是货舱污水井管系是否正常工作,污水井内是否有残货堵塞排水,污水井盖是否处理);USDA则主要检查货舱的洁净程度(货舱内是否有残货及其它污染物、舱壁是否有浮锈、货舱的干燥情况)、有无虫害等。验舱通过,NCB签发散装谷物适装证书(CERTIFICATE OF READINESS),USDA签发验舱证书(STOWAGE EXAMINATION WORKSHEET)。验舱后超过24小时靠泊,NCB还要上船复查货舱情况,核实适装证书等。货物装毕,NCB的验船师需要再次上船,核对吃水(有无超载)、货物装载数量、核查货舱内货物状态、核对航次内吃水变化和途中或卸港的吃水限制等情况,无异议后,签发货物装载证书(CERTIFICATE OF LOADING)。
在澳洲通常对谷物的装船验舱是由澳洲农林渔业部(DAFF)和澳洲检疫检查局(AQIS)联合进行。除DAFF检查稳性计算外,两处验舱人员共同实施对货舱的检查,AQIS还要检查伙食库、核查船方的压载水报告表等。检查合格,DAFF签发装货许可(LOADING PERMIT),AQIS签发货舱检查和整改报告(SHIP INSPECTION REPORT AND TREATMENT ORDER)。装货时通常由工头根据LOADING PERMIT的要求进行装载,DAFF和AQIS的人
美、澳装粮表格:需要根据其要求认真准备。该表格在岸方人员审核时不通过, 则意味着验舱的失败。
1.All cargo spaces above cargo should becleaned for grain fit at each voyage after sailing from loading port whatever next cargo is grain or not; provided the cargo loaded / situationpermit 不管下航次是否装粮,每航次在装货港开航后所有货舱货物以上的部分都必须清洁到装粮的标准,只要货 舱里的货物/情况许可(一把指海况允许,货物不怕水/脏)
2.Underneath of all hatch covers must bemaintained grain standard always 所有货舱舱盖必须一直保持装粮标准
audience3. All cargo hold cleaning materials /paint must be sufficient for grain fit on board 所有在船洗舱用品/ 油漆,必须足够用于装粮洗舱
工程项目建设流程4. Chief Officer to train all ship’s crewmembers on how to u special tools for cargo hold cleaning, such as scaffold platform. 大副平时要培训所有可能参加洗舱的人员,如何使用特殊工具,比如搭建脚手架平台梯子等