中文名称 | 英文名称 |
改革的意义“挑战杯”全国大学生创业计划大赛 | "Challenge Cup" National College Student Business Plan Competition |
“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 | "Challenge Cup" National College Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition |
ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛 | ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest |
大学生创业大赛 | College Student Entrepreneur Competition |
欧莱雅全球商业策略竞赛 | L’Oreal e-Strat Challenge |
全国大学生电子设计竞赛 | National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest |
全国大学生数学建模竞赛 | China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling |
Imagine Cup微软“创新杯”全球学生大赛 | Microsoft Imagine Cup Competition |
“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛 | FLTRP Cup English Public Speaking Contest |
“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛 | "21st Century" National English Speaking Competition |
亚太大学生机器人大赛 | ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest |
全国电子商务运营技能竞赛 | E-Commerce Operational Skills Competition |
全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意、创业”挑战赛 | National E-Commerce “Innovation, Creation, Entrepreneurship” Challenge Competition for College Students |
中国大学生公共关系策划大赛 | China University Students PR Plan Contest |
全国大学生广告艺术比赛 | National Advertising Art Design Competition For College Students |
中文名称 | 英文名称 |
话剧比赛 | Drama competition |
英语演讲比赛 | English Speech Contest |
黑板报设计大赛 | Blackboard Poster Design Contest |
PPT 设计大赛 | Courware Design Competition |
文明宿舍 | Outstanding Dormitory |
##杯篮球比赛 | ##Cup for Basketball Game |
诗歌创作比赛 | Poetry Creation Contest |
摄影大赛 | Photography Competition |
金话筒比赛 | “Golden Microphone” Competition |
课件比赛 | Courware Design Contest |
报刊比赛 | Press Writing Contest |
登山比赛 | Mountain-climbing Competition 韩若兰 |
全国建模比赛 | National Mathematical Modeling Contest |
创业大赛 | Venture Contest |
商业计划竞赛 | Business Plan Competition |
党团知识竞赛 | Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League |
征文比赛 | Essay Competition |
网页设计大赛 | Web Page Design Competition |
辩论赛 | Debate Competition |
软件设计大赛 | Software Design Competition |
多媒体课件设计大赛 | Multimedia Courware Design Competition |
电子设计大赛 | Electronic Design Contest |
服装创意设计大赛 | Garment Design Competition |
毕业设计大赛 | Graduation Design Competition |
省大学生科技竞赛 | Science and Technology Contest for Province College Students |
十佳学生活动组织 | Top Ten Student Activities Organization |
学生科研创新奖 | Student Award for Rearch and Innovation |
导游技能大赛 | Tourist Skills Contest |
导游路线设计大赛 | Tourist Route Design Competition |
党团知识竞赛 | Knowledge Contests about the CPC and the CYLC |
礼仪风采大赛 | Manner and Etiquette Contest |
中文名称 | 英文名称 有机菜花的做法 |
国家奖学金 | National Scholarship |
国家励志奖学金 | National Encouragement Scholarship |
三好学生标兵 | Pacemaker to Merit Student |
三好学生 | Merit Student |
学习优秀生 | Model Student of Academic Records |
突出才能奖 | Model Student of Outstanding Capacity |
先进个人 | Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student |
优秀工作者 | Excellent staff |
优秀学生干部 | Excellent Student Cadre |
优秀共青团员 | Excellent League Member |
优秀毕业生 | Outstanding Graduates |
优秀志愿者 | 做家务的收获Outstanding Volunteer |
先进班集体 | Advanced Class |
优秀团干 | Outstanding League Cadres |
学生协会优秀干部 | Outstanding cadres of Student Association |
学生协会工作优秀个人 | Outstanding Individual of Student Association |
精神文明先进个人 | Spiritual Advanced Individual |
社会工作先进个人 | Advanced Individual of Social Work |
文体活动先进个人 | Advanced Individual of Cultural and 录音技术 |
道德风尚奖 | Ethic Award |
精神文明奖 | High Morality Prize |
最佳组织奖 | Prize for The Best Organization |
突出贡献奖 | Prize for The Outstanding Contribution |
工作创新奖 | Prize for The Creative Working |
团队建设奖 | Prize for The Team Contribution |
十佳社团 掌握学习 | Top Ten Outstanding Associations |
最佳台风奖 | Best Stage Style Award |
最佳人气奖 | Best Popularity Award |
优秀组织奖 | Outstanding Organization Award |
最佳创意奖 | 石斛瘦肉汤 Best Creativity Award |
优秀团体奖 | Excellent Group Award |
优秀节目奖 | Best Program Award |
十佳新秀奖 | Top Ten Outstanding Rising Stars Award |
最具潜质奖 | Most Potentiality Award |
最佳才艺奖 | Outstanding Talent Award |
最佳气质奖 | Outstanding Quality Award |
最佳口才奖 | Best Eloquence Award |
最佳演员奖 | Best Actor Award |
最佳剧本奖 | Best Script Award |
优秀会员 | Excellent Member |
最佳辩手 | Best Debater |
中文名称 | 英文名称 |
学生会 | Student Union |
团委会 | Youth League Committee |
学生社团 | Students’ Association |
体育部 | Sports Department |
文艺部 | Arts Department |
学习部 | Learning Department |
女生部 | Girls Department |
心理发展部 | Psychological Development Department |
外联部 | Public Relations Department |
宣传部 | Propaganda Department |
生活部 | Life Department |
纪检部 | Discipline Inspection Department |
秘书部 | Secretary Department |
组织部 | Organization Department |
编辑部 | Editorial Department |
课外活动 | extracurricular activities |
社会实践 | social practice |
学术活动 | academic activities |
优良学风班 | Class of Good Style Study |
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