Imagin e waking up and findin g the valueof your asts has been halved.
No, you’renotaninvest or in one of thohedgefundsthat failed comple tely.
With the dollar slumpi ng to a 26-year low agains t the pound,alread y-expens ive London has become quiteunaffo rdabl e.
A coffee at Starbu cks, just as unavoi dable in Englan d as it is in the United States, runs about$8. 一杯星巴克的咖啡在英国不得不买到8美元,同在美国如出一辙。
The once all-powerf ul dollarisn’tdoinga Titani c agains t just the pound.
It is sittin g at a record low agains t the euro and at a 30-year low agains t the Canadi an dollar.
Even the Argent ine peso and Brazil ian real are thrivi ng agains t the dollar.
The weak dollar is a source of humili ation, for a nation’slf-esteem restsin part on the streng th of its curren cy.
It’salsoapotent ial econom ic proble m, sincea declin ing dollar makesimport ed food more expens ive and exerts upward pressu re on intere st rates.
这也是一个潜在的经济问题,因为编制的美元使得进口食品价格上扬,并施加加息的压力。And yet thereare substa ntial ctor s of the vast U.S. econom y-from giantcompan ies like Coca-Cola to mom-and-pop restau rantoperat ors in Miami-for whichthe weak dollar is most excell ent news.
Many Europe ans may view the U.S. as an arroga nt superp owerthat has become hostil e to foreig ners.
But nothin g makespeople thinkmore warmly of the U.S. than a weak dollar.
楠溪江作文>手工蝴蝶做法Throug h April, the totalnumber of visito rs from abroad was up 6.8 percen t from last year. Should the trendcontin ue, the number of touris ts this year will finall y top the 2000 peak.
Many Europe ans now appare ntlyview the U.S. the way many Americ ans view Mexico-as a cheapplaceto vacati on, shop and party, all whileignori ng the fact that the poorer localscan’tafford to join the merrym aking.
一些欧洲人现在看待美国的方式恰似美国人看待墨西哥一样-----一个廉价的度假、购物和举行派对的场所,他们都忽略了那些更贫穷的本土居民不能承担这种寻欢作乐的费用。The moneytouris ts spendhelpsdecrea our chroni c tradedefici t. So do export s, whichthanks in
part to the weak dollar, soared 11 percen t betwee n May 2006 and May 2007. For firstfive months of 2007, the tradedefici t actual ly fell 7 percen t from 2006.
If you own shares in largeAmeric an corpor ation s, you’reawinner in the weak-dollar gamble.
Last week Coca-Cola’sstickbubble d to a five-year high afterit report ed a fantas tic quarte r.
Foreig n salesaccoun ted for 65 percen tofCoke’sbevera ge busine ss.
OtherAmeric an compan ies profit ing from this trendinclud e McDona ld’sandIBM.
Americ an touris ts, howeve r, should n’texpect any relief soon.
The dollar lost streng th the way many marria qe:breakup- slowly, and then all at once.
And curren ciesdon’tturnonadime.
So if you want to avoidthe pain inflic ted by the increa singl y pathet ic dollar, cancel that summer vacati on to Englan d and look to New Englan d.
There, the dollar is stilltreate d with a little respec t.
In the colleg e-admiss ionswars, we parent s are the true fights.
We are pushin g our kids to get good grades, take SAT prepar atory course s and buildresume s so they can get into the colleg e of our firstchoice.
我们督促自己的孩子取得更好的成绩,参加权门学科评鉴考试(SA T)预备课程和填写简历,以便他们能进入第一志愿的大学。
南泉I’vetwicebeen to the wars, and as I survey the battle field, someth ing differ ent is happen ing.
We e our kids’colleg e backgr oundas e prizedemons trati nghowwellwe’veraid them.
Butwecan’tacknow ledge that our obss ion(痴迷) is more aboutus than them.
Sowe’vecontri ved variou s justif icati ons that turn out to be half-truths, prejud icesor myths.
It actual ly doesn’tmatter much whethe r Aaronand Nicole go to Stanfo rd.
We have a full-blownpresti ge panic; we worrythat therewon’tbeenough prizes to go around.
Fearfu l parent s urge theirchildr en to applyto more school s than ever.
Underl yingthe hyster ia(歇斯底里) is the belief that scarce elitedegree s must be highly valuab le.
Theirgradua tes must enjoymore succes s becaus e they get a better educat ion and develo p better contac ts.
他们毕业后肯定能获得更多的成功,因为他们受到更优质的教育,发展了更优良的交际圈。 All that is plausi ble——and mostly wrong.We haven’tfoundany convin cingeviden ce that lect ivity or presti ge matter s.
Select ive school sdon’tsystem atica lly employ better instru ction al approa chesthan less lect ive school s.
On two measur es——profes sors’feedba ck and the number of essayexams——lect ive school s do slight ly wor.
By some studie s, lect ive school s do enhanc e theirgradua tes’lifeti me earnin gs.
The gain is reckon ed at 2-4% for every100-poinnt increa in a school’saverag e SAT scores.
一所学校的平均SA T分数增加100分,这一财产就会增加2%--4%.
But even this advant age is probab ly a statis tical fluke(偶然).
A well-knownstudyexamin ed studen ts who got into highly lect ive school s and then went elwh ere.
They earned just as much as gradua tes from higher-status school s.
Kids countmore than theircolleg es.
Gettin g into yale may signif y intell gence,talent and ambiti on.
Butit’sn ot the only indica tor and,parado xical ly,its signif icanc e is declin ing.
The reason:so many simila r people go elwh ere.Gettin g into colleg e is not life only compet iton.
Old-boy networ ks are breaki ng down.prince ton econom ist Alan Kruege r studie d admiss ionsto
屈原故里one top Ph.D.progra m.High scores on the GRE helpdexplai n who got in;degree s of presti gious univer sitie sdidn’t.
So,parent s,lighte n up.the stakes have been vastly exagge rated.up to a point,we can ration alize our pushin ess.
Americ a is a compet itive societ y;our kids need to adjust to that.but too much pushin ess can be destru ctive.
The very ambiti on we impose on our childr en may get some into Harvar d but may also t them up for disapp ointm ent.
我们在孩子身上寄托的野心可能引领着部分孩子进入哈佛大学,但也可能使他们失望。One studyfoundthat,otherthings beingequal,gradua tes of highly lect ive school s experi enced more job
dissat isfac tion.
一项研究发现,从重点学校毕业不易获得工作上的满足感。他们对自己的要求过高。They may have been so condit ioned to deingon top that anythi ng less disapp oints.