保护环境的标语(Slogans to protect the environment)
1. saving water means cherishing life.
2. water resources are limited, the river of life is infinite.
3. electricity saving and environmental protection slogan: saving energy, promising, work in the contemporary, benefit in the future
4. protect green slogan: don't step on me. I can hurt mylf,
5., cherish resources, sustainable u, green environment, purify the mind.
6., create environmental protection model city, build environmental protection green home
7.8. saving is the priority, pollution control priority
9. cherish the water, protect the water, let the water benefit mankind.
10. build a model city of environmental protection to create
a happy life
11. water breeds and sustains the life of the earth. Who cares about the life of water?!
12. ensure the safety of drinking water and maintain the health of life
13. adhere to the unity of water management, build a harmonious watershed
14., adhere to the harmony between human and water, and build ecological civilization
15. improving people's livelihood and sharing the achievements of water conrvancy development
16., cherish water resources, protect water environment, prevent water pollution
17. comprehensive planning, overall planning, promoting water conrvancy coordinated development of environmental protection is a basic national policy of our country
18, we have only one earth, in the blue sky, let us take new action to protect and to purify our earth.
19, it is imperative to control global warming
20, the west development, environmental protection first
21, the homeland only one earth can not be cloned
22, the protection of the environment is to protect life
23, the earth is the common homeland of all creatures, symbiotic, CO prosperity, harmony from all things.
24, the protection of land and a environment depends on our human control and efforts!
25, clean air, elegant environment is shared by us, everyone should do their duty to protect the environment.
26, dertification, dust and red tide are the punishment of environment to human beings.
27, save the earth, start from the details of life.
28, protect the ecological environment for the benefit of future generations.
29, the beautiful environment comes from the treasure and maintenance of each of us.
30, to treat nature well is human lf-respect.
1, to improve the environment and create a better future is our common desire.
2, water is the source of life, cherish the source of water, that is, cherish the future of mankind.
3, protect the environment, work in the contemporary, benefit in the future.
4. If humans can't coexist with other species, they can't coexist with this planet.
5, let us act together, but also home, clear water, blue sky.
五年级上册数学期末试卷6, protect the balance of nature, save the green environment.
7. Protect the oceans and prevent red tides.
8, do a good job of soil and water conrvation, improve the ecological environment.
9. Forests are the lungs of the earth, and we need to protect the forests.
10, the development of the economy can not be at the expen of the environment.
11, for the life of the earth, clear white pollution.
12, people and nature need harmonious coexistence.
13, early one day to protect the environment, more life guarantee
14, it is a long and arduous task to protect the environment and improve the environment.
15, plea be generous with your heart to give birth to the freedom of the animals in their own space, to treat animals, is to treat ourlves.
大规模战争16, pollution of the environment, harm has been
17, protect the environment, sustainable development
18, the destruction of the environment is lf defeating 19, protect the green sky and blue sky, build a green home 20, protect wildlife, coexistence of human beings and nature
这支烟灭了以后21. Lock the black dragon to protect the blue sky, manage the wage and protect the homeland
22, for your children's happiness, plea cherish environment 23, who pollutes, who governs, who develops, who protects
24, the project must first environmental protection approval procedures
25, smoke and dust pollution should be reduced, central heating is the way
26, develop ecological agriculture and improve ecological environment
27, to do the protection of the environment of the promising people, not to pollute the environment of the crime of generation
28, pollution environment, thousands of people call environmental protection song