— 511 —CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANATOMY V ol.43 No.6 2020 解剖学杂志 2020年第43卷第6期* 传染病预防控制国家重点实验室自主研究开放课题(2019SKLID308)
第1作者E-mail :*****************△ 通信作者,E-mail :*****************收稿日期:2020-01-08;修回日期:2020-04-20doi : 10.3969/j.issn.1001-1633.2020.06.010·论 著·
顾云帆 杨 骥 王春蓉 吴艳波 李雪梅△
(云南省第二人民医院体检中心,昆明 650021)
钱元瓘摘要 目的:
关键词 云南宁蒗地区;摩梭人;体成分;生物电阻抗分析法
Analysis of body composition of Mosuo adults in Ninglang area of Yunnan province *
Gu Yunfan , Yang Ji , Wang Chunrong , Wu Yanbo , Li Xuemei △
(Physical Examination Center , Second People ’s Hospital of Yunnan Province , Kunming 650021, China )
Abstract Objective : To understand the current status of the human body composition of the Mosuo people in
Ninglang area of Yunnan province , and analyze its characteristics and the law that changes with age. Methods : A total
of 262 healthy adults (112 males and 150 females ) were randomly lected from the Mosuo population in Ninglang
area of Yunnan province , and their body compositions were measured using the bioelectrical impedance method. The
data obtained were then procesd using the SPSS20.0 statistical software package. Results : Except for fat volume and
body fat rate , all other indicators of adult female body composition of Mosuo people in the Ninglang area of Yunnan
province were lower than tho of males , and the differences between the genders were statistically significant. The
body mass index , body mass , fat mass , muscle mass and presumed bone mass of males and females all tended to
increa with age , reached a peak at the age of 40 and then gradually declined. Among them , the decrea of female
muscle mass during menopau was greater than that of males. The body fat rate of females reached its peak at the
age of 40, followed by a temporary decline , and then began to increa after the age of 60. In comparison , the
body fat rate of males reached its peak at the age of 40, and then decread with the increa of age. The height and
protein content of adult males and females in the Mosuo people gradually decread with age , while the free-fat body全民解析网
mass remained relatively stable and the variation range of body water was relatively small. There was no significant
difference in body composition indicators measured between the male and female adults of Mosuo and Pumi people in
Ninglang area of Yunnan province. Conclusions : The body composition of Mosuo people in Ninglang area of Yunnan
province changes with age , particularly in the age group of 40. The lack of difference in body composition between
the local Mosuo and Pumi people may be related to their living environment , economic and cultural level.
读图时代Key words Ninglang area of Yunnan province; Mosuo people; body composition; bioelectrical impedance analysis