corne/o cornea [5kC:niE] 角膜
corneocyte [`kR:nIEJ sait]: (-cyte cell) cells of cornea
corneitis [7kC:ni5aitis]: (-itis inflammation, infection炎症)inflammation of the cornea
retin/o retina [5retinE] 视网膜
retinopathy [reti5nCpEWi]: (-pathy dia) dia of the retina 视网膜病变
retinitis [7reti5naitis] inflammation of the retina
hetero- unequal, different
heteropsia [7hetE5rCpsiE]: unequal vision in the two eyes 两眼不等视
heteroxual:[7hetErEu5ksjuEl] relating to different xes 异性的
blephar/o eyelid 眼睑
blepharotomy [7blefE5rCtEmi] (-tomy surgical incision 切开术) surgical incision of an eyelid blepharitis [7blefE5raitis]
ocul/o , ophthalm/o, opt/o, -opia, -opsia eye, vision
intraocular [7intrE5CkjulE] adj. Situated or occurring within the eyeball 眼内的
oculist:[5Ckju:list] n. A physician who treats dias of the eyes 眼科医生
ophthalmologist:[7CfWAl5mClEdVist] A physician who treats dias of the eyes眼科医生exophthalmos [7eksCf5WAlmCs] (ex- outside) protrusion of the eyeball 眼球突出症
optometer [Cp5tCmitE]:instrument for measuring the power of the eye 视力计
heteropsia [7hetE5rCpsiE]: unequal vision in the two eyes 两眼不等视
acous/o: sound, hearing
acoustics [E5ku:stIks] study of sound 声学
audiology [7C:di5ClEdVi]:the study and treatment of hearing disorders 听力学
饱尝audiometry [7C:di5Cmitri]:measurement of hearing activity 听力测定(-metry measurement of 测量)audiometer [7C:di5CmitE]: An instrument for measuring hearing activity 听力计
(-meter instrument to measure time, distance, speed--- 计,仪,表)
ot/o ear
otoscope [5EutEskEup] An instrument for examining the interior of the ear 耳镜
otorhinology [7EutErai5nClEdVi]: the study of the ear and no 耳鼻科学
rhin/o no
rhinoplasty [7rainE5plAsti] plastic surgery of the no 鼻整形术(-plasty surgical repair 修复术)arthro- joint 关节
arthritis [B:5Wraitis]
arthropathy [B:5WrCpEWi] n. dia of a joint. 关节病变
epididym/o epididymis [7epi5didimis] (Greek) 附睾
epididymovasostomy : Surgical anastomosis of the vas deferens to the epididymis 输精管附睾吻合术(-stomy surgical connection, surgical anastomosis 吻合术)
epididymotomy [7epididi5mCtEmi]
epididymitis [7epi7didi5maitis]
orchi/o; orchid/o; orch/o testicle, testis 睾丸
orchidopexy [5C:kidEu7peksi]: surgical fixation of a testis 睾丸固定术(-opexy surgical fixation 固定术) orchitis [C:5kaitis]
orchiectomy [7C:ki5ektEmi]:surgical removal of one or both testes 睾丸切除术
(-ectomy surgical removal 切除术)
prostat/o prostate [5prCsteit] gland 前列腺
prostatomegaly [9prCstEtC`me^Eli]: enlargement of the prostate gland
prostatitis [7prCstE5taitis] n.
sperm/o, spermat/o sperm 精子
oligospermia [7Cli^Eu5spE:miE]: deficiency of sperm in the men 精子缺乏/减少症
(olig- lack, deficiency 缺乏)
spermiogenesis [7spE:miEu5dVenisis] formation of sperm 精子形成
(-genesis formation or production)
栉风沐雨的拼音amni/o amnion [5AmniEn] 羊膜
amniocentesis[7AmniEun5ti:sis]:the surgical inrtion of a hollow needle through the abdominal wall and into the uterus of a pregnant female to obtain amniotic fluid especially to examine the fetal chromosomes for an abnormality and for the determination of x羊膜穿刺术
(centesis [n5ti:sis] n. surgical puncture (as of a tumor or membrane) 穿刺术amniorrhexis [7AmniEu 5reksis] rupture of the amnion 羊膜破裂
(rhexis [5reksis] n. outburst or rupture 破裂)
cervic/o cervix, neck 颈部, 子宫颈
cervicitis [7sE:vi5saitis] inflammation of the uterine cervix
cervimeter [7sE:5vimitE]
colp/o , vagin/o vagina [vE5dVainE] 阴道四川省都江堰市
colpitis = vaginitis
colposcope [5kClpEskEup] A device ud as an aid in the diagnostic examination of the vaginal and cervical epithelia. 阴道镜
men/o mensis (pl. mens), menstruation, menorrhea 月经
amenorrhea [ei7menE5ri:E]: abnormal suppression or abnce of menstruation. 不正常经闭,无月经(a- an- abnce of 无,缺乏)
dysmenorrhea : painful menstruation 痛经 (dys- difficult and painful)
menopau : the period marked by the natural and permanent cessation of menstruation 绝经期, 更
年期perine/o perineum [7peri5ni:Em] 会阴
perineorrhaphy [7perini:E5CrEfi]: suture of a ruptured perineum会阴缝合术
(-rrhaphy suture, wing up 缝合)
salping/o uterine tubes, fallopian tubes, oviduct 输卵管
salpingocyesis[sAlpiN^Csai5i:sis]:tubal pregnancy输卵管妊娠
salpingorrhaphy [sAlpiN5^CrEfi]:Suture of a fallopian tube
urethr/o urethra [jJE5ri:WrE] 尿道
urethroscope [juE5ri:WrEskEup];
urethrostenosis [juE7ri:WrEsti5nEusis] (stenosis: A constriction or narrowing of a duct 狭窄)
uter/o,hyster/o uterus, womb 子宫
hysterorrhexis [7histErEu5reksis]
hysteropexy [7histE5rCpeksi] = uteropexy
ur/o, ur-,-uria urine [5juErin] 尿梦见辞职
dysuria [dis5juEriE] n. Painful or difficult urination. 排尿困难
anuria [E5njuEriE] n. the abnce of urine 无尿症
calciuria [7kAlsi5juEriE] prence of calcium in the urine 钙尿
oliguria [7Cli5^juEriE] reduced excretion of urine 少尿症
ureter/o ureter [juE5ri:tE, 5juEri:tE] 尿管, 输尿管
ureteorrhaphy (Suturing of the ureter)
ureterography [7juEri:tE5rC^rEfi] X-ray photography of the ureter 输尿管造影术
pyel/o renal pelvis 肾盂
pyelogram [5paiElE^rAm] X-ray photo of the renal pelvis 肾盂X照片/ 肾盂造影照片pyelography [7paiE5lC^rEfi] n. X-ray photography of the pelvis of the kidney 肾盂造影术
pyelonephritis [7paiElEuni5fraitis] Inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis
thyroid/o thyroid [5WairCid] 甲状腺
hypothyroidism [haIpEJ5WaIrCIdIz(E)m]:Insufficient production of thyroid hormones 甲状腺机能减退hyperparathyroidism [haIpE5WaIrCIdIz(E)m] excessive production of thyroid hormones 甲状腺机能亢进thyromegaly
gluc/o ,glyc/o suger , gluco 葡萄糖,糖
glucogenesis [7^lu:kEu5dVenisis]: production of gluco 葡萄糖生成(作用)
hypoglycemia [7haipEu^lai5si:miE] An abnormally low level of gluco in the blood 低血糖
glycosuria [5^laikEs5juEriE] excess sugar in the urine 糖尿
lip/o fat 脂肪
lipoma [li5pEumE, lai-] A benign tumor compod of fat cells 脂肪瘤
杨再春书法lipolysis [li5pClisis] breakdown or destruction of fat 脂解作用
lipogenesis [9lIpEJ`dVenIsIs,9laI-] production of fat 脂肪生成
lipocyte [5lipEsait] a fat cell 脂肪细胞
hepat/o liver [5livE] 肝脏
hepatomegaly [7hepEtEu5me^Eli] enlargement of liver 肝肿大
hepatitis: inflammation of liver 肝炎
hepatectomy [7hepE5tektEmi] surgical removal of the liver
derm/o, dermat/o –derma skin
dermatology: [7dE:mE5tClEdVi] the study of the physiology and pathology of the skin. 皮肤病学dermatitis: inflammation of the skin
epidermis: outer layer of the skin(epi- above, out 之上)表皮
dermatosclerosis [7dE:mEtEskliE5rEusis]thickening or hardening of of the skin 硬皮病
cerebell/o cerebellum [7ri5belEm] 小脑
cerebr/o cerebrum [5ribrEm] 大脑
cerebrosclerosis [7ribrEuskliE5rEusi s] hardening of the substance of the cerebrum脑硬化
onc/o tumor, mass
oncogene [5CnkE7dVi:n] A gene that caus the transformation of normal cells into cancerous tumor cells
oncology [CN5kClEdVi]:The branch of medicine that deals with tumors 肿瘤学
oncogenesis [7CNkE5dVenisis] The formation and development of tumors. 瘤形成
cyst/o sac, cyst, bladder 囊,膀胱
cystitis [sis5taitis] Inflammation of the urinary bladder 膀胱炎
cystectomy:surgical removal of the urinary bladder or the gallbladder 膀胱/胆囊切除术
cystogram [5sistE^rAm] (-gram X-ray picure)
an x-ray examination of the urinary bladder 膀胱造影照片
-plasia = growth
Hyperplasia [7haipE(:)5pleiViE] An abnormal increa in the number of cells 增生
anaplasia [9AnE`pleIsIE] (a- an- lack, without)
reversion of cells to an immature or a less differentiated form 退行发育
neoplasia [5ni(:)Eu5pleiViE]: Formation of new tissue 瘤形成
dysplasia: (dys- bad, abnormal) (Abnormal development or growth of tissues, organs, or cells 发育异常-cide killer, killing
Bactericide [bAk`tIErIsaId] An agent (物质)that destroys bacteria. 杀菌剂
parasiticide [7pArE5sitisaid] An agent (物质)that destroys parasites 驱虫剂
esthesi/o feeling, nsation
anesthesia [7Anis5Wi:zjE]:total or partial loss of nsation 感觉缺失,麻木
paraesthesia [7pAres5Wi:zjE]: an abnormal nsation 感觉异常
-asthenia weakness 虚弱
myasthenia [5maiAs5Wi:niE] : (myo- muscle) Abnormal muscular weakness or fatigue 肌无力
星期歌neurasthenia [njuErEs5Wi:niE, -njE] (A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains) 神经衰弱
-plegia paralysis [pE5rAlisis] 瘫痪
quadriplegia [7kwCdrE5pli:dViE] Complete paralysis of the body from the neck down 四肢瘫痪
paraplegia: [7pArE5pli:dViE] paralysis of the lower half of the body 下身麻痹/截瘫
myo / my/ muscle
myoma [mai5EumE] A tumor compod of muscle tissue 肌瘤
myocarditis [7maiEukB:5daitis] Inflammation of the myocardium 心肌炎
encephal/o ,cephal- brain,head
encephalitis [en7fE5laitis] inflammation of the brain 脑炎
encephaloma [en9fE`lEJmE] a tumor of the brain 脑瘤
-itis inflammation, infection 炎症
-otomy surgical incision 切开术
ectomy surgical removal of 切除术
-rrhea overabundance 溢出
-oma new things produced 瘤
-stenosis a constriction or narrowing of 狭窄
intra- inside
-meter instrument designed to measure time, distance, speed--- 计,仪,表
-metry measurement of 测量法,测量
-ic, -ar, -al a. pertaining to or relating to 与---有关的
path/o , -pathy dia, condition
-scope a viewing instrument 用于观察的仪器
-scopy visual examination of 镜检
cyte cell
关于成长的成语-ostomy: making a connection between 吻合术
-pexy: surgical fixing 固定术
-lith, lith/o : stone, calculus 石,结石
megalo-, -megaly abnormally large; enlargement 巨大,肥大oligo-,oligo- olig- Few 少的
-rrhexis: rupture 破裂
记叙文作文-plasty: plastic surgery, surgical repair 成形术,整形术
-rrhaphy suture 缝合术
-gram radiographic record X线照相,造影
-graphy recording X线照相术,造影术
hypo- below; beneath; under; deficient
hyper- over; above; beyond; excessive
-genesis formatin, production 生成
-lysis dissolution, break down 水解,分解
sclerosis: A thickening or hardening of 硬化症
dys- Abnormal, Difficult, bad
a- an- abnce of, without 没有,缺失