1. breast parenchyma 乳腺实质
2. breast menchyma 乳腺间质
3. menarche 初潮
4. menstrual cycles 月经周期 / menstrual irregularity月经不调
5. menopau 绝经 / hysterectomy 子宫切除术
6. BRCA gene mutation : BRCA基因突变
7. primary relatives 直系亲属
(parents, siblings 同胞兄妹 and offspring 子女)
8. physical examination 体格检查
9. nipple discharge 乳头溢液/ breast mass 乳腺肿块
丽水古堰画乡10. nipple retraction 乳头内陷
11. nipple erosion 糜烂 / ulceration 溃疡
12. lactiferous sinus (输乳窦)
13. dermatitis 皮炎 / eczematoid 湿疹
14. subtle dimpling 不明显的酒窝征
15. cooper’s ligaments cooper’s韧带
16. peau d’orange 桔皮征
17. inflammatory carcinoma 炎性乳腺癌
18. Paget’s dia (Paget病)
19. acute mastitis 急性乳腺炎 / plasma cell mastitis 浆细胞性乳腺炎
20. nipple-areola complex 乳头乳晕复合体
21. bilateral 双侧的 / unilateral 单侧的
22. enlarged axilla lymph nodes 腋窝淋巴结肿大
23. supraclavicular and infraclavicular spaces 锁骨上和锁骨下区域
预兆的近义词24. fine-needle aspiration 细针穿刺抽吸术/ core-needle biopsy with vaccum assistance 真空辅助的空芯针穿刺活检
25. mammography 乳腺钼靶摄片
26. mediolateral oblique 中间外侧斜位& craniocaudal 头尾向位
27. breast density 乳腺致密度/ den breast 致密型乳腺
28. MM abnormalities 钼靶异常: clustered microcalcifications 成簇细小钙化/ mass 肿块/ architectural distortions 结构紊乱/ asymmetries 不对称结构
29. Breast Imaging Reproting and Data System (BI-RADS)
那些国家过春节30. image-guided wire localization 影像学引导下金属丝定位技术
32. hamartoma 输入法拼音错构瘤
33. abcess 脓肿
34. papillomas & papillomatosis 乳头状瘤和乳头状瘤病
35. sclerosing adenosis 硬化性腺病
36. radial scar 放射性疤痕
37. fat necrosis 脂肪坏死
38. noninvasive breast cancer 非浸润性乳腺癌
39. ductal carcinoma in situ 导管原位癌 DCIS
40. lobular carcinoma in situ 小叶原位癌 LCIS
41. invasive ductal carcinoma 浸润性导管癌
42. invasive lobular carcinoma 浸润性小叶癌
43. medullary carcinoma of breast 乳腺髓样癌
44. phyllodes tumors 叶状肿瘤(现用)
= cystosarcoma phyllodes 叶状囊肉瘤(既往名称)
45. angiosarcoma 血管肉瘤
46. radical mastectomy 乳腺癌根治术(1890-1970)
47. modified radical mastectomy乳腺癌改良根治术
48. breast conrving surgery 乳腺癌保乳手术
49. simple mastectomy 单纯乳腺切除术
50. ntinel node biopsy 前哨淋巴结活检术
51. pectoralis major & minor muscles 怎么转呼啦圈胸大、小肌
52. skin flaps 皮瓣
53. rectus abdominis muscle 腹直肌
54. sternum 胸骨
55. latissimus dorsi muscle 背阔肌
56. rratus anterior muscle 前锯肌
57. long thoracic nerve 胸长神经
58. intercostobranchial nerve 肋间神经
59. thoracodorsal nerve 胸背神经
60. clavipectoral fiscia 胸锁筋膜而不是的英语
61. cephalic vein 头静脉
62. neoadjuvant chemotherapy 新辅助化疗
63. radiotherapy 放疗
64. 关于奋斗的诗歌 estrogen & progesterone receptor 雌激素和孕激素受体
65. endocrine therapy 内分泌治疗
66. tamoxifen 他莫昔芬
67. aromata inhibitors 芳香化酶抑制剂 (AIs)
68. premenopausal patients 绝经前患者
69. gorelin 戈舍瑞宁 / medical castration 药物去势
70. targeted therapy 靶向治疗
71. trastuzumab 曲妥珠单抗 / herceptin 赫赛汀