1、 Ryan's ______ bothered his friends, who tired of instability and constant changes of allegiance.
A. blundering
心理描写 B. simplicity
C. vagary
D. naiveteacute
E. cocksureness
F. caprice
2、 Information about Abigail and John Adams is so ______ becau of the wealth of letter
s the couple exchanged during John's frequent abnces.
A. vague
B. agreeable
C. abundant
D. problematic
E. ambiguous
F. ample
3、 Difficult working conditions that ranged from merely ______ to extremely intimidating were the norm for jazz performer Billie Holiday.
A. amicable
B. daunting
C. uniform
D. deterring
E. abominable
F. congenial
4、 Although condemned by the review panel, to film critic Pauline Kael the movie emed entirely ______ and unlikely to offend.
A. impressionable
B. innocuous
C. boorish
D. churlish
E. unapproachable
F. anodyne
5、 Although the women in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries who undertook botanical illustration were primarily ______, their contributions as naturalists and catalogers actually helped ______ the field as an academic discipline.
A. rearchers
B. amateurs
C. historians
D. depreciate
E. chronicle
F. legitimize
6、 Ken took his ______ obligations riously, patiently caring for his mother throughout her long recuperation.
A. filial
B. symbiotic
C. obedient
D. convivial
E. funerary新年祝福古诗词
F. euphoric
7、 As one would expect, the reclusive poet ______ public appearance and invasions of privacy.
A. advocated
B. abhorred3月8日妇女节
C. neglected
D. invited
E. detested
F. endord
8、 Such was Norton's generosity that he was at times criticized for being ______ to a fault.
A. nonchalant
B. magnanimous
C. scrupulous
D. perfunctory
E. substantial
F. liberal
9、 While the movie employs stock characterizations, admirers argue that it is ______ even if its depiction is ______.
A. maladroit
感恩领导的句子 B. compelling
C. soporific
D. proficient
油烟机怎么清理油污 E. controversial
F. formulaic
10、 Becau the pandas had already been weakened by dia and drought, a harsh winter would have had ______ conquences for them.
A. preventive
B. regressive
C. catastrophic
六年级应用题100道及答案 D. calamitous
E. unanticipated
F. unforeen
11、 Dangerously high winds ______ attempts to begin the space shuttle mission on schedule, delaying the launch by nearly a week.
A. thwarted
B. forfeited
C. foiled
D. discharged
E. redoubled
F. relinquished
12、 Greek comic playwrights often ______ rulers; in one play, a brutal despot is replaced in office by a sausage ller.
A. placated
B. venerated
C. exonerated
D. lampooned
E. revered
F. pilloried
13、 The professor argued that every grassroots movement needs ______: without this p
ublic declaration of motives, there can be no cohesive organization.
A. an invocation
B. a prospectus
C. a manifesto
D. arbitration
E. a mandate
F. a declaration
14、 The renewed interest in Elizabethan times is evident in the ______ of new Hollywood films t during that period.
A. spate
1632年 B. hypocrisy
C. rejuvenation
D. transience
E. scads
F. revival
15、 The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill is only ______ about birds; despite its title, the documentary actually examines human relationships.
A. ostensibly
B. distinctively
C. emingly
D. saliently
E. noticeably
F. intelligibly
16、 His conduct at the state dinner was a cavalcade of blunders, one ______ following another until the evening ended.
A. query
B. gibe
C. gaffe
D. indiscretion
E. tribute
F. taunt
17、 In 1918 Yellowstone National Park had only 25 bison, but the population has since ______ to more than 2,000.
A. ballooned
B. mediated
C. disperd
D. burgeoned
E. reconciled
F. attenuated
18、 The editor did not wish to print an article bad on mere ______; she therefroe ordered the reporter to find convincing ______.
A. conjecture
B. amicability
C. substantiation
D. guesswork
E. proof
F. interpretation
19、 Despite the director's lifelong reputation for humility, the retirement celebration found him unable to modify the urge to ______ his success.