专利名称:Pudo constant current multiple cell
battery charger configured with a parallel
发明人:Huang Tai Guang,Li Wen Hua,Robert
摘要:A multiple cell battery charger configured in a parallel topology provides
木偶的森林读后感constant current charging. The multiple cell battery charger requires fewer active components than known rial battery chargers, while at the same time preventing a thermal runaway condition. The multiple cell battery charger in accordance with the prent invention is a constant voltage constant current battery charger that includes a regulator for providing a regulated source of direct current (DC) voltage to the battery cells to be charged. The battery charger also includes a pair of battery terminals coupled in ries with a switching device, such as a field effect transistor (FET) and optionally a battery cell charging current nsing element, forming a charging circuit. In a charging mode, the rially connected FET conducts, thus enabling the battery cell to be charged. The FETs are controlled by a microprocessor that monitors the battery cell voltage and cell charging current and optionally the cell temperature. The microprocessor periodically adjusts the charging current of each cell to maintain a relatively constant current. When the microprocessor ns a voltage or temperature indicative that the battery cell is fully charged, the FET is turned off, thus disconnecting the battery cell from the circuit. Accordingly, the battery charger in accordance with the prent invention utilizes fewer active components and is thus less expensive to manufacture than known ba
ttery chargers configured with a rial topography while at the same time providing constant current charging to avoid a thermal runaway condition.
申请人:Huang Tai Guang,Li Wen Hua,Robert Wentink
地址:Guangzhou CN,Huayang town CN,Chicago IL US
你来比划我来猜题目代理机构:Katten Muchin Ronman LLP
经典搞笑段子代理人:John S. Paniagauas