COLREGS-Constramed Real-time Path Planning for Autonomous Ships Using Modified Artificial
Potential Fields
期刊名称: The Journal of Navigation
作者: Lyu, Hongguang,Yin, Yong
转作风提效能作者机构: Dalian Maritime Univ
年份: 2019年
老年助听器>普通话模拟测试期号: 第3期
心血的意思关键词: Autonomous;COLREGs;Route Planning;Ship Collision赞颂的反义词
摘要:This paper prents a real-time and deterministic path planning method
太阳和月亮教案for autonomous ships or Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) in complex and dynamic navigation enviro
nments. A modified Artificial Potential Field (APF), which contains a new modified repulsion potential field function and the corresponding virtual forces, is developed to address the issue of Collision Avoidance (CA) with dynamic targets and static obstacles, including emergency situations. Appropriate functional and safety requirements are added in the corresponding virtual forces to ensure International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS)-constrained behaviour for the own ship's CA actions. Simulations show that the method is fast, effective and deterministic for path planning in complex situations with multiple moving target ships