Portable Logistical Fuel Cell Powered Generator
InnovaTek, Inc.
350 Hills Street, Suite 104
Richland, WA 99354
Contact: Patricia Irving
糗友Phone: (509) 375-1093 [x222]
Fax: (509) 375-5183
Command: MARCOR
Topic: # N05-T016
Electric power, provided primarily by mobile generator ts in the combat zone, is the lifeblood of the Armed Forces. For without it, all the technical wizardry of modern warfare -- the
Weapons' Systems, the Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (C3I) Systems, and Logistics Support Systems -- are uless.1
Many military missions in remote locations are currently limited by the amount of power that can be carried on foot and/or left in place for unattended equipment operation. Advanced
rechargeable batteries are anticipated to significantly reduce the weight of batteries for Marine Corps Expeditionary units. However, the lack of a sufficiently energetic power source that isn’t tied to a wall outlet or vehicle prevents on-foot expeditionary units from taking advantage of rechargeable battery technologies in the field. The need to nd personnel units (on foot or by vehicle) out to rvice batteries in remotely fielded nsors and equipment prents significant logistics and safety burdens and high cost. The experience in Iraq and Afghanistan continues to justify this need as critical. Marines need more power and energy.
Fuel cell systems are attractive replacements for the current combustion engine generators becau they do not display the same load inefficiencies. A generator running at 50% of its load capacity is about 15% efficient whereas a fuel cell system is about 25% efficient.
InnovaTek’s person portable fuel cell powered generator that operates on JP-8 will greatly improve the Marines Corps Expeditionary Units power generation capabilities allowing for long term unmanned power generation and for field recharging of advanced light weight batteries. Potential tactical advantages will be gained through the u of fuel cell power 1 DOD Project Manager, Mobile Electric Power; www.pm-mep.army.mil/
The InnovaGen® Portable Fuel Cell Generator
sources becau they convert liquid hydrocarbon fuels to usable energy in compact packages. A 500-1000 Watt person-portable, compact, lightweight, low signature (acoustic, thermal, and magnetic), JP-8 fuel cell generator enables a significant reduction in the weight and cost of fielded batteries for expeditionary units and longer-term operation of remote nsors, limited only by the size of the fuel tank.
InnovaTek’s fuel cell generator technology is extremely flexible, meeting a range of military needs becau it is not specific to a single platform. As a stand-alone device it is capable of supplying power for a range of applications requiring 0.5 to 1 kW electrical power. Expeditionary Power Systems includes five main categories of power requirements with specific needs identified within each. The are described in Table 1. InnovaTek’s technology will generally be applicable to the needs within Advanced Power Sources and Mobile Electric Power.
Expeditionary Power Systems (PMEPS), Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) will benefit from this technology in supporting the expeditionary power needs of the Fleet Marine Force. In addition to Marine Corps mobile electric power the technology can be beneficial to many other military applications including:
▪Navy electric ships and unmanned vehicles
▪Army Stationary Fuel Cell Programs
永恒的反义词▪Army TACOM and CERDEC for vehicle and auxiliary power
▪Air Force UAVs
Fuel cell technology potentially offers the Army, Navy and Air Force incread levels of efficiency, incread power to weight ratio, decread environmental impact and even cost gains. The technology is generally applicable to the needs of Advanced Power Sources and Mobile Electric Power as well as Future Systems, highlighted in Table 1.
In addition to portable power, the military is evaluating the u of fuel cells in stationary and a range of vehicular applications. Tanks with a fuel cell APU, bas powered by stationary fuel cell units, and long distance autonomous aerial vehicles are just a small number of examples of projects underway. Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) to recharge solider power packs and nsors, or provide hotel power (heating, electricity, etc) for vehicles in stealth mode are receiving increasing attention and funding.
With working prototypes of the reformer subsystem components available for purcha and/or evaluation, InnovaTek is currently eking to develop relationships with prime system integrators, fuel cell suppliers and/or DoD platforms interested in investigating other specific applications within DoD that could benefit from this proven man-portable, field-deployable logistical fuel reformer for hydrogen production.
Table 1. Marine Corps Expeditionary Power Systems Expeditionary Power System Types
鲁迅先生的故事Advanced Power Sources Portable electric power to energize communication equipment, computers and other electronic peripheral equipment in mobile, tactical or remote environments
Battery Management and Sustainment Devices that will charge, discharge, condition, and analyze batteries ud in communications equipment, computers, electronic devices, vehicles, and weapons systems that u rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries
Mobile Electric Power 0.5 kW to 100 kW Tactical Quiet Generators
Lighting & Electric Power
Range of needs
Environmental Control Units Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and dehumidification
Future Systems On-board vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle, mobile power and vehicle trailer electric power
The smallest generator within the Marine Corps family of generators is the 2kW generator t, MEP-531A, which is a lf-contained, skid mounted, portable unit. The generator t consists of a diel engine, direct drive AC alternator, speed governing system, fuel system, 24 VDC auxiliary cold weather starting system, and generator control system. The generator t is designed to be ud with any equipment requiring a small source of AC power. It is portable and requires a four person lift (246 lbs carried 10 meters)2. When run inefficiently with too small of a load, military generators waste fuel, break down more often, and require more expenditure on repair parts and labor than when operated at the rated load. In addition to requiring more maintenance, over-sized generators negatively impact transportation weight limits and u excess fuel.
The fuel cell generator consists of InnovaTek’s proprietary fuel reforming technology that converts complex liquid hydrocarbons such as JP-8 and diel fuel to a hydrogen-rich gas that is directly ud by the integrated solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) to produce electricity. Key components of the system include a sulfur-tolerant catalyst, a micro-channel fuel reformer including thermal and water management components, a sulfur removal system, and an integrated solid oxide fuel cell. The system is compact, light-weight, fuel efficient and capable of processing feeds that have significant s
ulfur content (e.g. 1,400 to 3,000 ppm) for at least 600 hours before maintenance is required.
2 Department of Defen, (1997). MIL-HDBK 633F Standard Family of Mobile Electric Power Generating Sources, General Description Information and Characteristics Data Sheets, Washington, DC.
The device has a clod water management system that recovers water from the fuel cell and recycles it according to system demands. All system components, including a 500 Watt solid oxide fuel cell and small fuel tank, are shown in Figure 1.
Packaging for the
components is illustrated in
Figure 2. This system has a
disposable fuel cartridge
for fuel desulfurization that
can be regenerated. The
fuel tank will hold enough
fuel for about 1 hour of
operation. The
风唐李峤古诗components are currently
being fabricated and
individually tested before
full system integration,
which will be
accomplished in collaboration with DRS Systems, Inc.
Our person portable fuel cell
powered generator that operates
on JP-8 will greatly improve the
Marines Corps Expeditionary
Units power generation
capabilities allowing for long
term unmanned power generation
and for field recharging of
advanced light weight batteries.
Potential tactical advantages may
be gained through the u of fuel
cell power sources becau they
convert liquid hydrocarbon fuels
to usable energy in compact
packages that are non-polluting
and efficient (Table 2). A 500-
1000 Watt person-portable, compact, lightweight, low signature (acoustic, thermal, and magnetic), JP-8 fuel cell
generator enables a significant reduction in the weight and cost of fielded batteries for expeditionary units and longer-term operation of remote nsors, limited only by the size of the fuel tank. Figure 1.
Integration of subcomponents for desulfurization, reforming, and fuel cell systems.
Figure 2. Rendering for fuel cell generator that operates on logistical fuel. Dimensions (inches) reflect current component integration for 0.5 kW power.
Table 2. Features, Advantages, and Benefits of InnovaTek’s InnovaGen Fuel Cell Power System Compared to Baline ICE Generator Technology
Features Advantages Benefits
Catalytic process Non-combustion system Ultra low emissions
High turn-down ratio Non-fouling at low load Low maintenance requirements Tight thermal integration Very high efficiency Low fuel consumption
Few moving parts (pumps and blower only) Reduced risk of part
Long lifetime, low maintenance,
low noi
Compact microchannel components Small size and weight Person portable
Converts multiple fuel types Fuel flexible World-wide u of available fuel
Key components that are being developed and demonstrated in Pha II to meet the Navy’s performance objectives include a sulfur-tolerant catalyst, a micro-channel fuel reformer including thermal and water management components, a sulfur removal system, and an integrated solid oxide fuel cell. The system is compact, lightweight, fuel efficient and capable of processing feeds that have significant sulfur content (e.g. 1,400 to 3,000 ppm) for at least 600 hours before maintenance is required.
A TRL3 prototype reformer technology was integrated with a tubular 1 kW solid oxide fuel cell and demonstrated in a long term test of 1600 hours. The micro-channel reformer and fuel cell performance were stable over the entire test which consumed 50 gallons of zero sulfur JP-8 fuel. Development of the sulfur adsorbent module has been transitioned from Chevron to InnovaTek and the optimization of this component is on-going. InnovaTek has completed sulfur adsorbent testing for three unique sulfur adsorbents which were fabricated at InnovaTek facilities.
In March 2008 a prototype JP-8 fuel processor designed for integration with a SOFC was demonstrated for the Navy at the laboratory bench scale (TRL4).
At the end of the STTR project, in early 2010, a packaged prototype device suitable for advanced laboratory and supervid field testing will be built and demonstrated according to a test plan that address the Navy requirements. Results of the test will be documented and a Safety Asssment Report of the systems will be produced.
In cooperation with our strategic partner, DRS Technologies, Inc , the system will be packaged with ur-friendly controls for a specific power requirement, e.g. for a battery recharger or portable radar unit. A Safety Data Sheet and Maintenance Instructions will be prepared along